119 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 13,910. 43 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 533. [98], On 3 May, 11 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 851. [109][110], On 13 May, 8 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 927. [60] A few hours later, six cases with coronavirus have been cured and 19 other cases have been infected, infected are eight from village Smrekonicë of Vučitrn, four from Mališevo,[a] three from Kosovo's capital, Pristina, one from Gjakova, one from Gjilan, one from village Sazli of Ferizaj and one from village Ujmirë of Klina. [256], On 5 September, five new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 556. [58] A few minutes later, a 65-year-old man from Ferizaj died of cardiac arrest, but also was tested positive with coronavirus. Er zeichnet speziell Brücken, Landschaften und viele Porträts. 73 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 3,064. [204], On 17 July, six new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 124. One new recovery was confirmed bringing the total to 913. 157 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 12,840. 187 new positive cases were confirmed. 46 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 15,425. Wird man auch dem Präsidenten des Kosovos Kriegsverbrechen nachweisen können? [67], On 13 April, one new death was confirmed, bringing the total to 8. Serbien reagiert wohlwollend und will den Dialog mit Prishtina nun wieder aufnehmen. [278], On 27 September, three new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 622. [142], On 11 June, 28 new positive cases were confirmed bringing the total to 1,326. [61], On the night of 8 April, National Institute of Public Health announced that during this date are confirmed 14 new cases, four from village Smrekonicë of Vučitrn, two from village Banja of Mališevo, two from Kosovo's capital, Pristina, two from North Mitrovica and with one case in village Bllacë of Suva Reka, village Gjurgjevik of Klina, village Krojmir of Lipljan and Zvečan, seven cured cases and one deaths cases from village Banja of Mališevo. 114 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 3,178. [127], On 28 May, 4 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 1,052. Das sollte in gutem Einvernehmen und ohne Neuwahl des Parlaments geschehen. 122 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 9,585. 96 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 2,590. 203 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 4,715. [140], On 9 June, 6 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 1,269. [152], On 18 June, 83 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 1,916. [90] Thirty-two new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 763. 141 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 1,756. 10 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 782. [224], On 4 August, thirteen new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 269. 142 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 5,944. In unserem Nachrichtenticker können Sie live die neuesten Eilmeldungen auf Deutsch von Portalen, Zeitungen, Magazinen und Blogs lesen sowie nach älteren Meldungen suchen. 131 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 10,431. [81], On 21 April, three new death cases were confirmed, one from Gjakova, one from Leposavić and one from Zvečan, bringing the total to 18. On 29 March, two new cases of coronavirus are confirmed, two from Kosovo's capital, Pristina and one from the village Kijevo of Mališevo and the number of positive cases rose to 94. [233], On 13 August, eight new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 373. Das Kosovo-Sondertribunal in Den Haag hat die vorläufige Anklage gegen den Präsidenten des Kosovos bestätigt. In der vergangenen Woche haben sich 39 Prozent der in Deutschland gemeldeten Neuinfizierten wohl im Ausland angesteckt. [216], On 29 July, four new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 196. Aug 137 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 12,325. Was will Amerika von Serbien und vom Kosovo? 15 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 769. 67 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 1,644. Die Corona-Gefahr von Nachtclubs und Großhochzeiten, Sprunghafter Anstieg der Corona-Infektionen im Ausland, Höhere Fallzahlen in Offenbach „auf Reiserückkehrer zurückzuführen“. Der Historiker Robert Pichler sieht das mit Sorge. [78], On 18 April, 30 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 510. Jetzt besteht die EU aus 27 Mitgliedsstaaten. [114], On 17 May, 7 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 985. [80], On 30 April, 11 new recovery cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 260. Zum Vergleich: In der Schweiz ist es aktuell nur etwa 1 Prozent. 19 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 690. ... Aktuelle News zu Kosovo. [89], On 26 April, one new death case with coronavirus from Gjilan was confirmed, bringing the total to 21. Für Kosovo liegen mehrere Reisehinweise vor. 75 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 1246. 113 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 13,287. Der rote horizontale Strich visualisiert das aktuelle Datum. 17 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 249. All cases was as a result of contact with people that tested positive days before on these villages and municipalities and the number of infected people rose to 71. 22 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 713. [245], On 25 August, eight new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 488. 152 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 7,343. 61 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 1307. Unter seiner Führung hat das Land den Kurs der Westintegration aufgegeben. [9] On the same day, two other new cases were confirmed, a 42-year-old man from Vitia and a 37-year-old woman from Mališevo. 129 new positive cases were confirmed bringing the total to 1,615. 225 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 9,274. [21], On the night of 19 March, a new case was confirmed. Nine recoveries were confirmed bringing the total to 102. 71 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 2,227. [253], On 2 September, six new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 539. Apr [170][171][172] Twelve recoveries and one new confirmed case in Istok were confirmed. [46], On 31 March, two new cases of coronavirus are confirmed, one as a case of contact of two positive relatives with coronavirus from Gjakova and one from Prizren, who was infected during a visit abroad. 14 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 671. Ein Überblick in Grafiken. 171 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 2,811. Eine Einigung zwischen Belgrad und Prishtina wäre hochwillkommen. V. Muriqi scort zu Quote 2.25 Wettbewerb Nations League Datum 18.11.2020, 20:45 Uhr ... Kosovo – Statistik & aktuelle … Dezember 2020, gestern und dieser Woche. Der Kosovo steht hier aktuell vor großen Herausforderungen, weil das Präsidentenamt durch das Parlament neu zu besetzen ist. Nov [231], On 11 August, thirteen new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 354. Auf dem Balkan sind die EU und Washington von Verbündeten zu Gegnern geworden. Personen, die auf dem Landweg per Bus oder PKW aus den genannten Ländern ankommen, müssen damit rechnen, dass ihnen die Einreise nach Kosovo verweigert wird. 188 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 10,247. Kosovo: Hinweise zum Coronavirus COVID-19 15.12.2020 - Artikel. 141 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 12,815. 22 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 403. 76 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 14,377. A 39-year-old woman from Kosovo's capital, Pristina, who had come from London to Pristina one day prior was tested positive for coronavirus. 120 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 13,454. [108], On 12 May, one new death cases with coronavirus from Orahovac was confirmed, bringing the total to 29. [11], On 15 March, four new cases of coronavirus are confirmed, three from Mališevo and one from the village Dumnica of Podujevo. Zeichen der Entspannung: Kosovos neue Regierung geht einen Schritt auf Belgrad zu. We have 206 guests and no members online. 2 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 655. Alle eingehenden Flugverbindungen aus diesen Ländern sollen gestrichen werden. 81 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 1506. Der zieht die Konsequenzen – und tritt zurück. Dec [13], On 16 March, four close family members of the 77-year-old patient from Vitina had been tested positive for coronavirus. [10] After the first case emerged in Mališevo, the Prime Minister Albin Kurti decided to quarantine the municipality. [102], On 7 May, one new death case with coronavirus from Dragaš was confirmed, bringing the total to 27. Vor allem der Kosovo gilt als Hotspot. [8], On 14 March, the third case was confirmed, a family member of the 77-year-old from Vitina tested positive for coronavirus. [194][195], On 9 July, eight new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 94. 77 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 13,165. 2 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 657. Juni 1999 beschlossenen Resolution 1244 für ein sicheres Umfeld für die Rückkehr von Flüchtlingen zu sorgen. [73][74] 26 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 449. März 2020 bis auf Weiteres eine Einreisesperre für Reisende aus Deutschland, Italien, Frankreich und der Schweiz verhängt. 53 new positive cases were confirmed bringing the total to 1,437. Sind verpflichtende Corona-Tests überhaupt sinnvoll? zum Thema, Reiserückkehrer aus dem Kosovo am häufigsten infiziert, Grenell wird Amerikas neuer Geheimdienstkoordinator, Im Kosovo zeichnet sich ein Regierungswechsel ab, Ex-Rebellenführer und Jura-Professorin stehen zur Wahl, Wie Trump sich als Vermittler auf dem Balkan inszeniert, Serbien und Kosovo wollen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen normalisieren. A 67-year-old man from the village Llashkadrenoc of Mališevo tested positive for coronavirus. 220 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 8,149. We have 89 guests and no members online. Der Kosovo ist ein Staat in Südosteuropa. A 53-year-old woman from Suva Reka and a 43-year-old man from Gjakova tested positive for coronavirus, both contacts of previously confirmed cases and the number of positive cases rose to 24. [185][186][187], On 5 July, a record number of victims have been registered. 178 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 3,356. November 2020 . [47] On that day confirmed that five cases with coronavirus have been cured and four other cases have been infected, infected are two from North Mitrovica, one from Vučitrn and one from Mališevo. 152 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 3,508.
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