On a deeper level, the Page of Wands indicates that youre just beginning a spiritual transformation. Privacy Policy. - Ace of wands is about enthusiasm for that person, you would inspire that person, they would have confidence in you and you would have confidence in them. Money-wise, the Page of Wands reversed is telling you to slow down. Being the fool is the first card in your traditional tarot deck, he can also see you as the beginnings to something fresh and new in his lifeespecially if he's the polar opposite. (with one exception which we'll get to!). With the appearance of the reversed Queen of Wands, the seekers Higher Self advises them to restructure their life and work, so that the seeker can replenish their energy reserves. In every Tarot card, there is a whole myriad of symbols. Reversed, the King of Wands can indicate Since all the arrows are pointed in one direction, this suggests a certain focus on their target. If the Queen of Wands comes up in a reversed position to answer your question about how someone thinks of you, be careful in how you interpret this card. He bases his judgements on logic and fact and honesty NOT emotions. Its time to get grounded and figure out how to make your dreams come true in reality. - someone willing to sacrifice something or part of themselves for something better/greater. This person who the Page of Wands represents is passionate and excitable. Unlikely to give up. They may first need to cross some bridges when it comes to building up their confidence, but they are getting there without a doubt. On top of that, they also find you extremely attractive. Their interest in you may be on someone elses behalf. Be direct and convey your feelings and concerns to this person, for theres potential for their obsession to unhinge both their life and yours should it go unchecked.. The number 3 in terms of relationships to me points to the union of 2 people to make 1 relationship. - If this is a relationship, maybe a larger (not too big, just a few cards) spread would help clarify how things are going as they affect you both; - you might remind someone from his past; - as walking away from something unfulfilling or disappointing to look for something bigger and better; - In a love context as someone pretty desirable as you can "satisfy" his needs baby; - people see you as a person whom they feel comfortable with; - the person in question, recognizes the potential re: the situation being inquired into; - Kind of sweet, a tender-hearted person; - When he thinks of me he feels loving, nurturing, protective, patriarchal; - Ace is always good in relationship. It is important to note that a reversed Queen of Wands also indicates a lack of energy or even depleted reserves of energy. They seem to be celebrating with him. The sunflowers on the card signify a satisfactory outcome, which makes the future a happy and stable one. Dont be a passive recipient, but instead be an active participant in your spiritual journey. Extrovert - pushy. - Page of wands is a bit immature, as all wands; - a hot temper, fiery, passionate, go-getter wham-bham here-today gone tomorrow 'Right Now' attitude; - as someone who's incapable of keeping her fire in check, i.e., hot-tempered; - Feelings suggested are probably very intense and warm toward you; - you have the potential to be loving and kind. As an obstacle or challenge in the upright position, the Queen of Wands may refer to a person, usually female, who is very assertive in what she wants. You are spending more than you have, acting impulsively and it is possible that you have not made some decisions in the right This might even refer to trying new things in the bedroom; the Page of Wands is all about passion and fire. Possibly even a soulmate; - Fours are about stability and Cups are about emotion, so it's about emotional stability. As with most reversed cards, the Queen of Wands reversed points out the darker side of the usually warm and energetic queen. For the negative points, you could also be too narrow minded and defensive. Not only do they want to have spontaneous experiences with you, theyre also thinking about your possible future together as they feel youre a really great match. The situation might be a difficult one for the seeker, but no matter what, strength and persistence always prevail. The Page of Wands for health means that its time to get moving. This may be a signal that it will be difficult to develop a long-term relationship with this person, so you shouldnt get too emotionally invested in case they decide to move on. - Passionate, energetic and inspirational; - this card has often represented the energy of someone who's been burned in the past; they like you, but they are leery of letting down their emotional guard. Therefore, if you have someone embodying the qualities of the Queen of Wands, it would be wise to double, and even triple check the advice they give you, because it might reveal information about the situation that you did not earlier have. About laying down rules. Upright Meaning: movement, progress, travel, excitement, decisiveness, impulse, being in love, a quick turn of events, Reversed Meaning: Slowing down, aggression, frustration, delays. The Queen of Wands as a person is someone who combines the best of the Wands suit, the qualities of a Queen, and the liveliness of the element of fire. They may face unexpected obstacles in their work life due to this person. Take back control of your life and make it happen. Dont miss out on this incredible offer! This person sees you as the warm ray of sunshine they didnt know they needed in their life. Possibly even a soulmate; - Fours are about stability and Cups are about emotion, so it's about emotional stability. Hence, in the upright position, the Queen of Wands as a Feelings card is generally positive, and the seeker can be optimistic of either giving or receiving feelings that are stable and genuine. They feel youve got a special quality they havent come across before. 2023 Ingenio, LLC. The Queen of Wands as a person is also someone who is very creative and is constantly on the journey of self-improvement. Now is your chance! Tarot card readings must always be interpreted according to what resonates with the seeker and the situation at hand. Ultimately, the Page of Wands is telling you to go after your dreams, but follow an actionable plan to make it happen. Advertise with us. WebThe Page of Pentacles in reversed position indicates feelings of insecurity, a lack of motivation and focus. That person whose life is always the worst and who complains about how horrible it all is. Sometimes, it is all a matter of perspective. Check it out, then let me know your experience. The Queen of Wands in reverse is indicative of the fact that you might be thought of as someone who is constantly being pushy and stubborn. A place created for free-spirited minds where you can take a deep dive into the inspiring world of crystals, tarot, meditation and self-improvement. The Page of Wands is generally a very good sign when it comes to money. Your partner (or you) may be too childish or immature. In reverse, the Queen of Wands may be overbearingly aggressive or might even be a bully, who uses vinegar instead of honey to get the job done. This person loves to learn new things and is almost like a sponge when it comes to observing new information. Perhaps, a new approach is needed to achieve these goals. Whether youre curious about your love life, success in your career or just your general path in life, their tarot readings can certainly provide you clarity and guidance. It also has a timer so that it doesnt run dry. Dont jump into decisions without taking into account everything pertaining to the situation. Its important that when you get the extra cash, you budget for the future. As with the upright Queen of Wands, this card in reverse as an advice card is pretty easy to read. Tarot eBooks. They're not going to see you that way if you weren't part of their past, etc. If you are planning a baby, you might experience trouble and pitfalls during the process. The appearance of the Queen of Wands in an upright position is always a positive sign. In this case, the action to be taken would suggest caution in your dealings with this person. This tarot card combination encourages you to take a step back next time an important decision is to be made and wait a few moments before deciding whether to go ahead with it or not. They currently offer5 minutes free for your first session, so you can get a feel for the reader and the platform. WebIt might indicate that they see you as someone who will "do all the work", both things like all the housework, and thinks like all the relationship-work - all the compromising will be on This can be seen from the golden robes she wears as well as the sunflower she holds. He wants to travel, learn, and find new opportunities to take advantage of. Even though you can certainly gain insights from doing your own tarot readings, having the guidance of someone more experienced can be extremely helpful when it comes to understanding the deeper meaning of the answers to your questions. You may want to tell your crush how you feel or ask them out on a date. You will find a partner if youre willing to put the work in! The Queen of Wands is assertive in her own right and does not allow people to step over her or take advantage of her giving nature. You always came back, though, without him changing enough, so for one thing, that caused him to believe you'll never leave for good. Take some time to cool off, give them the benefit of the doubt and wait until youre both in a calm headspace to communicate. Fair-minded and merciful, but not emotional. The future is a perfect balance of everything that the seeker desires. WebThe inverted Page of Wands indicates that it is very likely that you are in a low moment of your economy.
However, in this situation hides an important lesson to be learned for the person who represents the Page of Wands. Sometimes, the Page of Wands can indicate subconscious excitement but also a lack of confidence. The answers are all inside you, but it may take time to access them. If youre already established in your career, then the Page of Wands suggests that youre optimistic and excitable. In this circumstance, I feel like the card is orange because the Page of Wands is so excitable and actionable without being too angry. They may become overbearing or pushy. If this is a sexual relationship reading it could be more sinister than that. It isn't a reciprocal relationship; - Page of Swords is also a clever & inquisitive card, very fond of information & a desire to know e-v-e-r-y-thing. The Page of Wands indicates new beginnings in a fiery, actionable way. More or less agree with your assessment.
If the question is about how the person feels for the seeker, the answer is equally positive. You will certainly know what this card means in the near future if you dont already! You can fight for your opinions and your believes, and you have no fear of being different.With the 8 of pentacles it could mean you put a lot of efforts and energy to reach your goals when it's important to you. If youre single, the Page of Wands indicates that you need to put yourself out there. Their flight implies change, excitement, movement, and travel. Theyre self-conscious, drained, or depressed. However, you probably have a natural intuitive feeling about that, too. The Queen of Wands in reverse is also a sign of becoming exceedingly materialistic and greedy for worldly pleasures. With the thunder in the background and the smell of peppermint, its like being whisked away to a far away place! As you can see from the imagery on this card, the life of this vine is just barely beginning! There areso many different ways to read the Page of Wands. When this card shows up during your tarot reading it is a sign of encouragement to turn inwards and listen to what your heart and intuition are telling you. She is mentally strong and will always know what she wants out of life. It may be time to learn how to communicate in a different way and change the things that arent working for you. Although you will want to read your specific section when youre looking for advice on a situation, the Page of Wands generally means that its time to take action. However, dont forget your personal power. No matter what, the Queen of Wands advises that the seeker shed these limiting beliefs and start work on their inner self-concept so that they are able to fulfill their own dreams instead of waiting on someone else to do it for them. You will need to learn wisdom when it comes to handling money, but you can generally expect your finances to grow. Disputes and frustrations abound when the reversed Eight of Wands comes out in a love reading. They find it difficult to come up with new ideas. You are the heartbeat of any crowd you find yourself in. If you are planning a baby in the situation, this would be a perfect sign that things will work out well for you.
It means a new beginning with a lot of communication. In this person's eyes, you can do anything your heart desires and seem to attract and command an audience. Even with all the adversity, diversity, challenges, obstacles, and hurdles, you know where you stand, and you know your goals and purpose. Be wary if this card comes up during a love reading as a potential interpretation suggests obsession; if someone is romantically interested in you it signifies overly intense sentiments bordering on infatuation. WebNine of wands as feelings speaks of the Seeker feeling wounded and overwhelmed. - as a hothead, a person with an explosive temper, someone who blows their top; - it could be that person 1 sees person 2 as a fated friend or mate; - he/she has achieved all he/she could from you. In reverse, the Queen of Wands is indicative of deceptive feelings on either the part of the seeker or the person being thought of. Try to be realistic instead of overly-optimistic. Pentacles being about rewards and manifestation. You'll always come back. They love taking risks and they are creative and endearing. The Queen in reverse, is a warning that the seeker may lose their drive and purpose if they do not rectify the path they are on. However, they may also see you as hot-headed and forceful too. WebThe Page of Wands indicates your person feels you are a fun person to be around and someone who fits in their world perfectly and effortlessly. It refers to the querent beginning a new path or feeling a new spark of interest in something/someone. Also it can be indicating the person sees the other as very creative, inspiring, passionate and full of energy. Either way, the Queen of wands indicates that the seeker will get what they desire and that the outcome will be positive. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Web- How someone sees you may be different then you see yourself, it may not even be true; - They see that individual as someone they can build something successful with. She is vivacious and outgoing. When it comes to a love reading, pulling this card is a very good sign. The background landscape is barren with three mountains, yet green leaves are growing from his staff. Someone who does not delegate, has to do the work themselves, tend to be streesed, a hard worker. Unlikely to give up. Salamanders are actually the elementals of fire. This is a good card to get, especially since it may signify that the someone that the seeker is thinking about may be a person who may have earlier walked away but is now showing intentions of coming back into the seekers life for good. Instead of instigating, allow the other person some space to come to you, to show you who they truly are.
Active. This may mean he's developed an interest in someone else this time. When it comes to wanting to find out how someone feels towards you, this card has an interesting interpretation to it. The person might be trying to lie or twist facts to serve their own needs, that may not be conducive to what the seeker desires. The one exception, by the way, is that they could see the person as someone they knew or recognize from a past life; - Justice to mean that they see you as rational minded, fair, and detached, someone seeking for constant balance and generally achieving it. This may mean he's developed an interest in someone else this time. Some readers believe that the Page of Wands represents spring because of new life, but keep in mind that Sagittarius season is the beginning of winter, so this is up for debate. They talk about themself and their issues incessantly but no one else is given that space. The Page of Wands indicates your person feels you are a fun person to be around and someone who fits in their world perfectly and effortlessly. Their platform is super accessible and easy to use, not to mention it is also just very fun and exciting to explore the power of tarot readings! Your intuition is leading you down the correct path! You are someone who decides their own path and will never follow, but always lead. If you ask how someone feels about you, the Eight of Wands is an indication that they feel excited by you. If youre asking how someone else feels about you, the Page of Wands indicates that theyre excited and energized by your presence. Youre the first one to dive in and try new ideas; you dont have much fear. You might be feeling self-conscious or drained. And the 3 of pents being the master craftsmanmeaning what will be created will be of high caliber; - someone who is giving and generous unless ill dinified; - they respect you and hold you in high regard - They sense they can control you; - materialistic and only looks out for themselves without thought for other people; - The Emperor, for me is about taking control, or taking charge. Please connect with me, after youve had a reading. Use the appearance of this card as a nudge from your inner self. Think of it like the sun rising on a new horizon, bringing with it hope and renewed life. Perhaps the seeker is not managing their leadership role well and is being a bit too dominating or is trying to micromanage everything at work. They will be the life of every party. They would do well to inspect all aspects of the situation before becoming attached to the person. However, they also represent new energy that hasnt fully solidified. The Queen of Wands in a career reading could also mean that the seeker might find someone who embodies the qualities of the Queen and could become a mentor to the seeker. Typically, transformation through fire is rather quick. The Page is - as a hothead, a person with an explosive temper, someone who blows their top; - it could be that person 1 sees person 2 as a fated friend or mate; - he/she has achieved all he/she could from you. The Page of Wands card is all about new beginnings. This card in reverse, is symbolic of the lesser and more base nature of Fire signs. The Queen of Wands is very magnetic, charming and influential and the seeker may find themselves drawn to this person almost immediately. The Page of Wands means that you should stay curious and open. Usually, Minor Arcana cards do not refer to a specific zodiac sign, but in the case of the Queen of Wands, she is strongly associated with the zodiac sign of Leo. Claim your first 5 minutes freeatMystic Senseand level up your tarot journey today. He searches within himself for the answers, making him feel cold and detached and also coming across that way. This Queen, who is so closely tied with the zodiac sign of Leo, and hence with the Sun, brings qualities that are much like the light of the Sun. The Queen of Wands in reverse is also someone lacking the vitality and energy of the upright Queen of Wands. Or you could be a little hot-tempered. You arent contributing to the relationship in a mature way. Get clarity on your love life today. - as a hothead, a person with an explosive temper, someone who blows their top; - it could be that person 1 sees person 2 as a fated friend or mate; - he/she has achieved all he/she could from you. The Page of Wands is a card of passion. The Eight of Wands suggest movement and changes. I frequently get the 10 of Wands for myself, so I suppose I can tell you from experience. Hence, the Queen of Wands brings together elements that represent the suit of wands, with the nurturing qualities of a Queen, as well as elements of fire. Unlikely to give up. However theyre ultimately self-centered, not necessarily out of ego but because they have a childlike mind. There is likely, a positive outcome at hand with whatever the situation the seeker is questioning. WebSeven of Wands I'd said the person see you as someone who has a strong personality. It symbolizes non-romantic passion and determination. As the Future, the Queen of Wands in reverse indicates that the future may not be smooth sailing, because the seeker should expect obstacles that will hinder progress. They can often come across as overbearing and pushy. The Page of Wands card in the upright position implies that whatever is going on between the two of you feels like a whole new world to them. This person sees you as the warm ray of This does not mean that things may not work out in the future. The action necessary for coping with such a person is to have strict boundaries and to keep them. Typically, the Eight of Wands is a positive sign for relationships, but in some reversed contexts, it can represent disputes, jealousy, and miscommunication. WebAn upright Ten of Wands concerning your health signifies that stress and anxiety take a toll on your health. In this person's eyes, you can do anything your heart desires and seem to attract and command an audience. Green leaves are sprouting from the top of staff as he watches. WebThe Page of Swords is the most mature of all the Pages, so this reporting will be objective, but keep in mind that the Page of Swords can be a spy for someone else. link to Three Of Swords Reversed Meaning (Love, Career, Advice & More), link to Two Of Swords Reversed Meaning (Love, Career, Advice & More), Page Of Wands And 10 Of Swords As Feelings, Page Of Wands And Knight Of Cups As Feelings, Take Your Tarot Readings To The Next Level. Perhaps all that is needed is an examination of the current situation to see if you have all the facts that are needed to steer your ship safely. The Queen of Wands as a card that represents feelings is a positive card to have pop up in a reading. However, this doesnt always mean that youre changing your beliefs. In reverse, the Queen of Wands is manipulative, deceitful, jealous and often very possessive. But more importantly, this time he may just be tired of the "go away/come here" game and doesn't want to play anymore. In case the seeker is not currently in a relationship, it could mean that they may be attracted to someone who embodies the above-mentioned qualities. It is not always physical brute strength that is needed, however. Their readers undergo a strict process of selection to ensure quality, which I personally find really important! They admire your passion for life. - someone willing to sacrifice something or part of themselves for something better/greater. This is not someone who is a harmonious balance.
Calming Cosmos is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. As the warm ray of this does not delegate, has to do work! Make 1 relationship are in a mature way and Cups are about stability and are. Pop up in a mature way strong personality Wands comes out in the situation before becoming attached to querent! Of your life and make it happen pretty easy to read the Page of Wands, this card reverse! And is almost like a sponge when it comes to wanting to out. Then let me know your experience get what they desire and that the will... All inside you, the life of this vine is just barely beginning, passionate full! Ego but because page of wands how someone sees you have a natural intuitive feeling about that, too satisfactory,... Make it happen reverse, is symbolic of the upright Queen of Wands means that its time learn... 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