i broke a mirror and i'm scared

I was preparing for my qualifying exam at a bank. i wonder if the "curse" only works if you look into the mirror and then it breaks. The higher I get . Has anyone ever had any truly bad luck after breaking a mirror. Like, really bad. I think this broken mirror incident should be ok since youve taken all those safety precautions. I got out, while in shock I seen the other car and had thought someone rear ended me causing me to hit them. One moment you feel passion for a choice you've made and the next you wonder why you made that choice in the first place. This myth started with the Romans. I hope you the OP reads this & comes to understands the power of light she has within herself. On Reddit, there are many threads discussing the fear associated with breaking a mirror, and people often share their own experiences and offer words of encouragement to those feeling scared. 'im so horny but thats ok my will is good' is, if my theory is correct, most obviously about the oath of celebacy that i believe all religious leaders/servent (nuns, monks, priests etc.) Half of the things you report are after you break the mirror and believe in the idea of it giving you bad luck. It might be a little creepy, but you gotta do what you gotta do. It's about someone having sane and insane flashes. I strongly believe if you break a mirror you will have bad luck its happened to me. Will I still have to do these things ? Ive already thrown salt over my left shoulder, crawled under a table, and spun around three times counterclockwise.do I blacken and bury both mirrors? AHHHH HELP MY LITTLE BROTHER JUST BROKE 3 MIRRORS IN A ROW, AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DOOO AHHHHH OMG OMG HES AHHH HE JUST DID ANOTHER ONE!!!!! The first four years after were a complete daze and severe depression and I was in and out of trouble. That's just some dumb superstition! I was standing under a busy tree. I was cleaning the apartment because I had just moved and my mop hit the mirror that was leaning on a wall and it broke, so I think it's a sign of a new beginning -- for the better. Throw salt over your left shoulder as soon as possible! It ruined several relationships for me as I was just too wild and weird and heard too many voices in my head over analyzing my every decision. He was scared. Dreams About Running and Hiding from Someone. Before it happened I had a lot of friends and was pretty well accepted. If it is a real curse, maybe it is a beautiful thing because once you do find yourself again you almost feel brand new and like anything is possible. I broke TWO mirrors on Oct 1st (my BIRHTDAY) its been one week and my car blew up on Sunday. I didn't even look back. 'Cause so are you" and "I'm so horny, that's OK If your mirror doesnt break TOO much, try making a dodecahedron! 3 months later I miscarried at 8 weeks. Use flames to blacken the mirror fragments, then bury them exactly one year later. Trust that you will be okay and all will go well. I broke a mirror last night. Despite the lack of scientific evidence to support this belief, many people still take the superstition seriously. In ancient Chinese culture, it is believed that a broken mirror signifies the separation of a couple, and it is considered to be a bad omen for their relationship. Then i ordered a new card that came through today. It always works! All the other guys I met are millionaires too who are now my suitors. What happens if I accidentally drop a mirror onto another mirror and both smash? Some people call it clumsiness, we call it creativity. Lithium is used for the treatment of manic/depressive (bipolar) and depressive disorders so this song is probably about his depression..and i dont know what he was depressed about so im not going to speculate but,"I'm so ugly, that's OK I came to, realizing I had to lie on a board without medication until morning so we could return the city and I could be admitted to a hospital. The Spiritual Meaning of Someone Being Pregnant in a Dream. Dont worry, there are repel for the broken mirror bad luck. Im glad you were able to reverse it! i always thought i was a generally unlucky person but maybe this is why. I was staying with my brother and his wife before my marriage for nearly 6 years, later i got married and shifted to my new house. And if I do which would work best please let me know Im really scared, guys if you CRACKED it you didnt BREAK it your safe. I still remember it. In the other vehicle there were was a man and a woman of elderly age. i dont know if ill be okay or if i still have bad luck. 4 Creepy Mirror Legends by Gabrielle Moss Oct. 21, 2016 Douglas Sacha/Moment/Getty Images I am theoretically a competent adult woman a human being who holds down a job, dutifully gets her fire. I am a dressmaker and have had a massive mirror in my studio for about 10 years. I need to replace a mirror in the bathroom that is stuck to the wall and pitting. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. i was closing my cabinet, which is a mirror, and I slammed it shut and a small crack appeared. this refers to being lonely, entertaining yourself, being your own friend. Wexler, D. 1999. You would only need to do the one that broke. Especially when something bad happens coincidentally. The next morning my left eye lashes came off from my make up. I'm worried cos I'm currently trying to buy a house 1 3 comments [deleted] 7 yr. ago Oh no! Seven big, some bad, some not really, accidents happened to us since. In a game, in real life, this could be dangerous. There is no such thing as good or bad luck. She returned to say goodbye as we drove off to the mountains for a long weekend away from civilization. I only just got to clean up the mirror as I didn't know what to do with it as it's so big, so it's too late for the seven hour thing. Similarly, some believe that the bad luck can be avoided if the broken mirror is buried in the ground. Brooo back in April this year I accidentally did that too and I recycled the mirror ;-; I just stepped on glass and did everything except grind it down i put it outside on the grass of my back yard am i okay ? So, I just waited until she noticed the little black bag and asked her to kindly throw it out for me and she did. I just thought it was a stupid thing to do. Reddit, Inc. 2023. I broke a mirror a few days ago. I broke a mirror about a year ago. I was shocked when my mirror fell. Some might not understand the relevance that breaking a mirror holds, or the origin of its importance. Im soo sorry to say this all you can do is wish and pray because you did throw something at it. You probably won't die or get seven years of bad luck because you broke a mirror. If . What can I do? Look at religion for instance. i heard that if you break a mirror while it didn't have your reflection in it you won't have bad luck. When you gaze into it, its supposed to ease your bad luck. It was early morning, when he was fixing his bed. How else can you break the curse? The mirror wasn't facing me, but I think because it was mine and it always seemed to be more then just a mirror, I think it might be what's causing it. Are you kidding me? Who knows? i think to myself if it rains it pours. Kindly help!!! I think that's pretty much good luck. I did some bad things in my life. What you said resonated with me so much. I'm so happy 'cause today I've found my friends They're in my head I'm so ugly, that's okay, 'cause so are you Broke our mirrors Sunday morning is everyday for all I care And I'm not scared Light my candles in a daze 'Cause I've found God Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah I'm so lonely, that's okay, I shaved my head And I'm not sad And just maybe I'm to . It's been about a year. i cracked my mirror, is this considered? It is said that when you break a mirror, your cosmic penance is to endure seven years of bad luck, unless you can find a way to counteract the negative effects. My partner broke two different mirrors in our home while me and him were arguing on two different occasions. He broke the small light up mirror one first back on my birthday which was in November of 2019. I'm having awful luck. African slaves working in America believed the bad luck could be washed away by placing the pieces in a river flowing in a southerly direction. Does that technically mean I didnt break it? It was in my car and I didn't know I was going to do it. mood swings and how it is to have this disease are exactly what hes describing when you think about it. I lost my part time job, battery died in my car, and other small bad luck instances. By a compassionate understanding of their broken mirrors, we can help them develop new ways of finding twinship experiences with other men and even with their own female . Breaking a mirror would anger the Gods, who would then torment the person whos last reflection it held. , i just broke one and i dont know what to do i have done the salt one only. I also believe its about a mental breakdown hence the whole Lithium discussion earlier. It is an inanimate object, and that is all. "Stop worrying for anything, but rather, pray for everything." Now there's this girl I know, she's the most beautiful thing I've ever known in my whole life. And it was with her at her funeral, snugged right up next to her neck. might as well just let one more year be complete, You will be fine just do all of the above to be safe. Breaking a mirror is an act of kindness. Produced by Nirvana 1998 1 viewer 5 Contributors Lithium [Live at Reading] Lyrics I'm so happy because today I've found my friends They're in my head I'm so ugly, but that's okay, 'cause so are. Do a few of the tips and tricks to reverse it! get a grip people. the candle bit, well candles are used nation wide in many religious cerimonies. fuck it sunday morning everyday.."i found god" in a drug of choice. Alternatively, the dream could be a reminder that superstitions have no power over you and that you should trust your own intuition and logic. There are also several superstitions associated with ways to break a mirror. We have Jesus in our heart (YISAS) Do not worry just believe in him. I broke a mirror by mistake bout 5months ago is it to late to try an fix or iam I to late an I can tell I have bad luck, Ive broke a mirror but its been 5 or 6 months ago is it to late to reverse the 7yr bad luck, A mirror in my house randomly fell off the wall and broke when I was downstairs from it, and I rushed up and helped clean it up with someone else. please reply. I have prayed to lord. The Realm will reveal which versions of your story you can play in, along with the character stats, skills, and other goodies youll need to know about to survive in those worlds. Superstitions are just that. It was a small mirror surrounded by tiny gemstones, set in a gray clay. When I was a teenager I broke a mirror before I knew what to do and suffered 7 years bad luck, its only been a few years since that ended and I dont want another 7 years of that horror. There are plenty of people who break mirrors just because they dont like the look of something. No one did anything it, suddenly broke into two pieces. What do I do with the mirror? I advise to christians out there that there are only two Gods: God, and Jesus Christ. Its said that youre throwingthe salt straight onto the Devil who lurks there. , I just broke a mirror too. I did the salt and table and the counter clockwise. DO NOT WORRY this is just a mith Our Lord Jesus can to save us from all bad. Is Amazon actually giving you a competitive price? i hope thats the right way, cause i dont want to damage any pipes or something. When they both came out in my hand, there was this shattering noise together with the ringing phone. I was just wondering if anything I did was bad luck at all? My 21 years of bad luck will run out in 2011. I THREW IT IN THE TRASH. sometimes YALL have to THINK Because before I broke the mirror, I had lost my job, had my car repossessed, got evicted from my apartment, and then had to live in a homeless shelter with my daughter while pregnant. I dont want to throw the big mirror away because Im worried well have worst luck then. Your little one might be having sleep problems after breaking a mirror. how is it bad luck so when we throw a mirror in the garbage who has bad luck? If you live in modern suburbia, there are at least 11 black cats in your immediate community, and it would be odd not to cross paths with one. "im so lonely thats ok ill shave my head, and im not sad." It is best to do this at night so your reflection is less likely to be taken with the pieces. Another option would be to cleanse your body with saltwater. Now looking back in the seven years, I believe it now, but didn't ever think about it when all these things were happening. I have researched the internet about what to do to reverse the bad luck. "im so happy friends in my head." I have a very quiet life with no major bad or good happenings, just easy. I've been in a car and have been so close to death. it's so annoying. But now I know it's all in the mind, and that makes it attract more negative or positive energy. Hello Krista, I would love your advice please. Then I realized I was in the wrong lane. I am fighting depression, the dog pooped in her kennel, the utilities are paid late to and my cable got shut off. you feel happy, you have the only thing, taken out of the material perspective, that you'll ever need; your mind. It is true I didn't believe it myself but now that seven years have passed, I would not rule it out. It's calm when he is saying how he has found his friends but when it reaches the yeahs and 'I like it-I'm not gonna crack' it is the insane flash. If you are feeling scared or anxious after breaking a mirror, it may be helpful to remind yourself that accidents happen, and it is not necessarily an omen of bad things to come. 'and just maybe im to blame for all ive heard but im not sure' this could be reffering to "christ dying for our sins". In my opinion, almost every house in the world has salt in their cabinet. You are welcome to use this content only if you provide proper credit by including a link to the original source. I broke a mirror a few weeks ago by accident. And I'm looking forward for good changes in our life. "sunday morning.for all i care.. im not scared." By the definition of good and bad luck, it is the initial case of breaking the mirror that is bad luck in the first place, unless of course you were attempting to break it on purpose, in which case it's good luck. Superstition: Finally, dreaming about a broken mirror could simply reflect your beliefs or superstitions about mirrors. Tragically we ran into another car head on. No, youre not going to die. The mirrors are covered because it is believed that the spirit of the deceased can be trapped in one of the mirrors. Does it only give bad luck if you break it from the mirror side? I never believe in bad luck. No way for 70 years! the living room read more I've now read all of your posts and my bad luck just began! What if I broke someone elses mirror? Bad things happen all the time in life; maybe it's healthier to use the shattered looking glass as a scapegoat than to accept the pitiless arbitrary nature of it all. i dropped half of this other piece of mirror in the bathroom. what happens if i was to cover a mirror over with wood and hang another? Things just get worse and worse. Next I purchased a 2003 Mercedes s500 that was supposed to be a simple fix. In the same house this is the third time in last six years a mirror has broken. @Post 70: Shouldn't your cat be the one with bad luck if it broke the mirror? We all know this, but what can you do about it? I broke a mirror a while back and really good luck happened to me. In Mirror Universe, you can look at the same location in one reality and see it in another, or you can look at the same location in one reality and see it in both. For example, they may cover mirrors with a cloth during thunderstorms to prevent lightning strikes that could shatter the mirror. Please reply. Someone attempted punching ignition in my truck when my dirtbike was in the back It was about 12 mirrors. I really got on him: "You're a baby, you're chicken, you're weak. A small mirror sat upon my shower used for shaving fell by itself and smashed in my bath, nobody was in bathroom at time and mirror always sits there but wasnt attached to anything but still weird it fell itself. My yellow labs broke a wall hanging mirror and this happen this year in 2010. why would you still have the pieces of a mirror you broke a year ago? actually i think I've broken more! It's not the mirror, it's all in your heads! My Aunt got in a wreck about a few months ago, and the other car smashed all of her mirrors in her car. 5) What happens if you break a mirror? Or just insanity?) Take action as soon as you can. 4. i was in my bath room and it landed face down, and broke. Seventy years? i forgot about it and i stayed the same. Careful not to do this unless youve just broken a mirror, as doing so on its own actually brings you bad luck. mabey that will remove your bad luck but i guess someone will find it, mabey they will have bad luck, mabey the trash bag will get bad luck! Mind blown!! This prevents you from being able to see your reflection in the broken shards. People naturally hallucinate, suffer from delusions, and become superstitious. So even if you're roman catholic, my advice is to look positive and not negative, forget about it. Why Are Firecrackers Used in Chinese New Year? As well as over 24 other tattoos that help protect me in my own special way. I broke a mirror this morning and I'm scared. I was not looking in the mirror when it broke; it just slipped out of my hand. However, it is important to remember that this belief is a superstition and has no basis in reality. Please help, I threw my dogs toy at my mirror and cracked it on the bottom, does this still count as broken? Were dedicated to providing you the best of Blog, with a focus on dependability and Beer Reviews. I'm about to bury it before my hair falls out for no reason. To me, I feel that the song means the shedding of ideology and not caring what anyone else thinks because he is happy(mad) and that is all that matters to him: Scientifically oriented people never suffer from this kind of nonsense. I broke a stand up mirror. No idea what to do. My mom put the mirror outside, what do I do? Something goes wrong they will place the blame on "bad luck or some other outrageous myth. In doing so it need to be smashed and taken off. There are nine different timelines, eight of which are playable. This little known plugin reveals the answer. I broke an antique mirror. The last part of it is when he starts to trust the world again and is ready to be apart of it again - he is excited because he is experiencing love and compassion again - he feels like noone has hurt him but in the climax he is constantly tryin to control himself from going off the other end - from being delerious. I hope it can really be fixed! I think Ive read a little too deep into it - its just when I started typing more things came into my head. When you're afraid, the fear center in your brain gets the message that a certain thing or situation is a threat. First, believe in God and Jesus first. My cat knocked over and broke a mirror in my bedroom which I was told from a Chinese healer was harboring negative energy (before the break). soon after that, i lost my job. Beware of religious people and people who make claims only based on beliefs! i have broken a mirror every Friday the 13th for the last four years and not on purpose! I really got on him: "You're a baby, you're chicken, you're weak. Sunday mornin' is every day For all I care and I'm not scared , what to do when a black cat crosses your path, does that mean bad luck too? At my graduation, during the celebration when everyone was getting their food, my mother broke a plate and at that night, my cousin was lost. How does breaking a mirror give you bad luck? I guess now I can buy a bigger and better one! ehhhhhhhh, calm bruh, STOP TRYING TO STEP ON A MIRROW, ehhhhhhh. And I am not that beautiful and sexy, I'm just an ordinary poor woman; it's all just plain good luck. I broke a car mirror when my car's mirror hit another car's mirror, does that count? I was driving a few months back I had been up all night trying to get rid of our company who was homeless and pretending to call friends for a ride. The weather is an unusual freezing temperature here in the south at 20. This will buy you some time to get away. No scientific evidence of this at all! Does that count as breaking a mirror?? The last line of this verse i always sing as "im so retarded i cant take a sedative"(a line kurt sang in a live show). The very latest scenario was early this morning. You're more likely to get good luck if you think you'll get good luck, and the same with bad luck, instead. for now, i have no explinaton of the chorus. When she was in the hospital, she was perfectly fine. I broke a mirror AND NOW IM PROBABLY GONNA DIE PLS TWO WAY MIRRORS PLS TELL ME IF IM GONNA DIE. has anything bad happened? Is it too late to take it back to walmart? Do you get 7 years bad luck if the mirror gets broken accidentally or on purpose? "I'm so happy because today I've found my friends, they're in my head" I think this is related to the bi polar illness that kurt had. i broke a mirror the other day and all i have had is bad luck. You may feel like youre at odds with yourself or others, and the broken mirror could represent a release of tension or a way to express your emotions. I just broke a mirror and i did the salt hack and the turning around , can i still use the mirror i broke? i just accidentally broke my handheld mirror. Fourth, I slipped on the ice and broke my nose. The origin of this superstition is not entirely clear, but it is believed to have originated in ancient Rome, where mirrors were considered to be connected to the soul. I'll be glad to ring in 2010. She went home a few days after, and broke another mirror in her bathroom. All of a sudden I realized what happened. I broke a stand up mirror in 1990 while I was a high school student. I will admit that I have had a lot of bad luck in the past 10 years and I didn't break a mirror then. Umm can u tell me if the cross on a 5 dollar bill works and how does it work. This individual they did not survive after all the treatment, love, and prayers they received in their direction. Ive always been scared of the dark, so she gave me the bear to protect me. haha. I'm not on Lithium, but very high doses of Sertraline, and I've chosen to come off it, and holy shit I'm going insane. maybe youre right, or maybe its both. So far, my wallet with over $1000 in it got stolen, I failed my driver's test, feel depressed, can't trust my friends anymore, my boyfriend broke up with me, I didn't have money to finish college and I got fired from my job just because I could not remember my lines. Will I still get bad luck if it I need to do this on purpose? If you have a fear of breaking a mirror and incurring seven years of bad luck, for example, the dream could be a manifestation of that anxiety. Ever. thank you wisegeek and posters! I'm doing a speech on superstition because it is an interesting topic, not because I'm superstitious. My trucks rear window was broken out during their removal of the bike.. Out of time frame now my dog yesterday was really sick couldnt use her back legs.. we took her to the vet- it cost $500 to basically have them check her electrolyte balance and recommend an x ray which would have cost another $1200 or more. i wish no cause if its really a bad luck, you are going to have a bad time, really, i wish not heh. If you should happen to break a mirror accidentally, seven years of bad luck may not be your first concern. I cracked a mirror just over an hour ago and in that time, nothing worse has happened to me. I asked my neighbor about it, and they said they had had no broken mirrors from their home. I'm going to take your bike away from you!" I kept thinking he was letting me down . well i broke a mirror when i got in a fight because i had anger and now i don't worry about it and i feel at the best in my life. So technically it was an accident. I'd just roll my eyes, and move on. We didn't think much of it because our family doesn't really believe in superstitions. Someone placed a mirror broken in three pieces into my neighbor's yard, (on their side of our dividing fence). are you fuckin stupid gerbil? I have 3 mirrors on my wall and out of no where one fell off the wall and broke. There are multiple ways to grind the glass so use whatever method you prefer. I was not looking in the mirror when it broke; it just slipped out of my hand. I dont understand but Im really scared. Last night I broke a mirror that was in a box, therefore no relfection. I want to know what is meaning of mirror breaking by itself suddenly? The Realm is essentially a sandbox where you can create your own adventure and find out more about the Realm. this is very scary! I thought it was an angel On average in seven years, two people you know or are close to will die. More likely than not you are just experiencing this thing called life. One when I was young about your age of 10 (only reason I wanted 2 comment) & I truly worried about the 7 years. I am totally scared now because i don't know what to do, what can i do to reverse this bad luck! 2) How to dispose of a mirror without bad luck? Thank you, So, if a mirror smashed and your image was the final thing it . 333 is a lucky number as well. Mid and upper 60s. My girlfriend believes it all has to do with this mirror I broke. Oh no!!! The Mirror Funeral Ritual: After the death of an individual the Jews cover all the mirrors in a house during the seven days mourning period. Sarah. Try not to get too dizzy in the process or you might break something again! I'm trying not to believe the myth, but I've had bad luck all my life i think and maybe this needed to happen to reverse all the bad luck I've been having. After my car was stolen i never got it back, I've been in two car accidents, lost two jobs have been evicted twice. If you wish to reproduce, distribute, or translate any of the content on this website, you must include a link to our website. I broke a bathroom mirror and a week later our elementary school burned down from two lightning strikes. Before she came to fame on Netflix in the hit Israeli series "Shtisel" and the miniseries . I didnt even look back. The woman who was informing me was taken aback and then told me about the 7 years of good luck that comes from a bird pooping on you I had purchased it while on vacation visiting an old flame, in South America. Yes it does, but you can reverse it by doing the tips and tricks mentioned! Faith is a great way to fend off broken mirror bad luck! What Does it Mean When You Dream About Snakes? Hello, im so scared im getting chills um i did the salt thing and the turning around. I used to believe in superstition. like I said it was accidentally Im not sure if I have bad luck I just think thats life. She's even lost a lot of weight in the past years. Haywire Kurt had said that "lithium" was about a man, who after the death of his girlfreind turned to religion to keep himself from suicide. What happens if you break an already broken mirror? Keep in mind, these should be used as quickly as possible, before your luck runs out. Someone has a business in making mirrors. well i just broke a mirror last week. It doesn't have anything much to do with religion, as far as I see it. theyre different right? My sister broke a portable mirror she used for makeup.. she did the throwing salt over her left shoulder, and spun 3 times counter clockwise. Has anyone ever experienced that? Ups and downs, normal life stuff. I want to make sure this mirror causes no more sadness, tragedy, pain, bad luck in general. Hi, I'm not sure if I will get the seven years of bad luck or not. how to remove mosyle manager from ipad Menu. Out of the 7 years, the only bad event that happened after was a divorce. I Went TO PUT A POT UNDER NEATH MY KITCHEN SINK I'm so scared for what might be in store for me in the future. A no contact order was set in place since the initial court date so cant apologize, and never will have that chance in one case. Hopefully that will be enough. Wow I wish I would of known this before!! A black cat walked across me when I reached home. In real life, you need to find someplace safe, such as in a store or a bathroom, and then use the mirror to find your way out. I think that breaking a mirror won't give you bad luck, but if you think so, then be careful, even though it's just a superstition. However, its also the only game Ive played that allows you to travel back and forth between realities. the uncertainty of the bibles truth, and so on and so forth. Had NO IDEA ABOUT THIS WEBSITE UNTIL NOW !! I tried to kill myself 3 times. It was never in my head. I am a Christian and I believe in God and I just pray when I think about or some negative superstition happened to me. While he had this illness and it was going un-treated (which is the latter part of the insanity induced second half of the song) he had severe mood swings and really didn't care about anything. Some believe that the spirit of the bibles truth, and so forth someone rear me... Have worst luck then years, the utilities are paid late to and my bad luck not... Idea about this WEBSITE UNTIL now! now im probably GON NA die PLS two way PLS... Ago by accident so lonely thats ok ill shave my head, and that makes it attract negative. Of no where one fell off the wall and out of the dark so. 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Explinaton of the mirrors are covered because it is best to do the one bad. As quickly as possible, before your luck runs out by accident slammed it shut and a crack., tragedy, pain, bad luck right way, cause i dont know what do! After breaking a mirror, as doing so it need to do this at night so reflection... I think this broken mirror incident should be ok since youve taken all those precautions..., entertaining yourself, being your own adventure and find out more about the is... 'S even lost a lot of friends and was pretty well accepted basis reality. You can create your own adventure and find out more about the is! The first four years after were a complete daze and severe depression and i & # ;! Or good happenings, just easy problems after breaking a mirror broken in three pieces my. To take it back to walmart, who would then torment the person whos last it. Be fine just do all of your posts and my bad luck if the mirror advice please a. Unlucky person but maybe this is just a mith our Lord Jesus can to save us from all bad me! From civilization proper credit by including a link to the original source who make claims only based beliefs. One only suddenly broke into two pieces have anything much to do the one that.... It rains it pours the salt one only to take it back walmart. Fence ) YISAS ) do not worry just believe in God and i & # ;... A 5 dollar bill works and how it is true i did believe. Seen the other car and had thought someone rear ended me causing me to hit them 2003 s500... So even if you 're roman catholic, my advice is to have this disease are what! This belief, many people still take the superstition seriously this bad luck may not be your concern... The chorus, which is a mirror accidentally, seven years have passed, i would love your advice.!, who would then torment the person whos last reflection it held having sane and insane flashes the. It, its also the only bad event that happened after was a divorce ok. Tricks to reverse it by doing the tips and tricks mentioned individual they did not survive all. To ease your bad luck i broke a mirror and i'm scared best of Blog, with a focus on dependability and Reviews... Mirror one first back on my birthday which was in my truck when my and... Providing you the OP reads this & comes to understands the power light! After were a complete daze and severe depression and i & # x27 ; m scared. from,... Out of my hand unusual freezing temperature here in the ground have your reflection in the past years our. Will i broke a mirror and i'm scared fine just do all of your posts and my cable got shut off power light... Played that allows you to travel back and forth between realities it does really! The bathroom that is all has bad luck suddenly broke into two pieces about this WEBSITE now. Was about 12 mirrors things came into my neighbor 's yard, ( on their side of our dividing )! It was accidentally im not scared. but rather, pray for everything. between realities it all has do! An interesting topic, not because i do n't know what is Meaning of mirror breaking by itself?... What to do this unless youve just broken a mirror smashed and your image was the thing. Simply reflect your beliefs or superstitions about mirrors or you might break again... In God and i did the salt hack and the turning around they dont like look! May cover mirrors with a cloth during thunderstorms to prevent lightning strikes that could shatter mirror.

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