who is behind 119 ministries

It is sad that people credit Constantine with giving Christians a bad name (Which he did! Were talking about our Bridegroom who will return for us one day. When we look at the OT we see this IS the case. Are you interested in the truth or are you content with the lies we inherited from our fathers? Id encourage you to read that simultaneously with Gal. Really, what are those against HR afraid of? Sean, what do you think of this teaching? In fact, all of Yeshuas Jewish disciples continued to observe what the Vatican calls the Old Testament 30 years after Yeshuas resurrection and ascension into heaven, to sit at the right hand of the Father. Once again, the author pf Hebrews contrasts the holy and appointed tasks of the Aaronic priest with that of Jesus, a priest after the manner of Melchizedek. (Aside: you and John McKee were two young men mocking an elder of the people.) Isaiah 40:8 = YES! That means there needed to be a way to redeem that portion. But if He doesnt, I wont pretend He did and write what I think anyway. (LogOut/ So you have a portion of the original bride being divorced by God according to Jeremiah 3. Jeremiah teaches that under this new covenant God puts a fear of Him in our heart These are the ONLY things he showed me that day. Simply put, they are daring us believers to return to the original Way and examine for themselves Yahwehs true instructions for us to simply love and obey Him while also loving others. For the record, I am saved by the precious blood of the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. (what does Satan, I mean Santa have to do with anything, except NOTHING, or Easter, one of the many names of Mithraism and the eggs dipped in the blood of your sacrificed infant to YOUR god, Molech) Its Sun-god worship. Entry for Strongs #4137 , 1. to make full, to fill up, i.e. So my question is this if he the LORD walked away from the Jews for not obeying his words what makes you THINK he has a different standard for everyone else. I do personally feel it is a cult. 24 For if you were cut out of what is by nature a wild olive tree and grafted, contrary to nature, into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these natural branches be grafted back into their own olive tree! I think what most people dont understand is there is a difference between salvation (saved by grace through faith) and HOW we are to live our lives AFTER we become believers. Our video on Lev. I showed them many scriptures. Without these fundamentals you will never, ever know the Word. 5:20 unless your righteousness surpasses the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter the Kingdom of heaven. The common Jews who heard this must have thought this is impossible to do. Thus the need for a Savior, Lord, King and High Priest for sin shall not be master over us for we are not under Torah but born again into the new covenant of grace in Christ. Where do and how should I start in responding to them. If I am wrong, then show me. Its utterly impossible, a complete waste of time and energy. Linwood is an active member in the Presbytery of Elizabeth where he completed service on the Outreach and Social Concerns Unit and the Christian Education Unit. so I did a lot of study to be able to defend my faith at the time only to find the RCC was responsible for a lot of changes to Scriptural doctrine and understanding.) 2. to consummate: a number 119 Ministries is extremely active on social media and the internet, with smartphone apps and an extensive library of online teachings. Leviticus 19:32, Wisdom is with theaged,And withlong lifecomesunderstanding. Blogs such as this just support my conclusion. The point Paul made here was to the person binding themselves to God and doing so by the heart follows the laws of God even when not having the laws of God. WebConsider sending out the map regularly to friends and social networks so others are afforded the same opportunity. And before you say that the Torah or the Prophets have no value in your life read this: Rav Shaul (Apostle Paul to the non-Jewish converts of his day and modern-day Christians) even told Timothy in his second letter (2 Tim 3:16-17) All Scripture is God-breathed and is valuable for teaching the truth, convicting of sin, correcting faults and training in right living; thus anyone who belongs to God may be fully equipped for every good work. Please note that at the time Rav Shaul wrote this statement, the Tanakh (Old Testament) were the only written Scriptures available, either in Hebrew or Koine Greek. Only the in dwelling of the Holy Spirit can do that. Now available. And Im not here to argue this point? 8 These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far away from me. It is NEVER used in the sense of no longer making the law of God applicable. And it is a real stretch in translation to use pleroo in the sense of fully preaching or teaching. Jesus was not issuing a new commandment he was fully teaching the already existing teaching that was always the intention, its just the people were/are missing the full Spirit/Heart of the Law. Like most Roman Catholic puppets, you twist Yeshuas words and you twist Rav Shauls words to suit your own agenda. Linwood is an active member in the Presbytery of Elizabeth where he completed service on the Outreach and Social Concerns Unit and the Christian Education Unit. We can get a following like many of the popular televangelist but when is the last time you heard disciples warned to count the cost of love . Ill be sure to let you know when I do. But the point needs to be made that parts of Christianty are indeed keeping much of Gods law I mean, why tithe if youre not supposed to keep THAT law? I also detest comments like their teaching rips families apart I am quick to point out that the teaching they publish is of the word of God and at the heart of the matter is to be in alignment with the teachings of God. You have given nothing to show they are not testing everything, and yet you stand with accusations they are intentionally not testing the scriptures. The truth is they are His ways I just walk in them. Thank you for your clarification. (John 3:16 paraphrase). to settle, waste away, be offered, be inferior to Check Jeremiah for that answer. still apply? I appreciate your comment. Web119 Ministries. BUILDING LOCATION. For example, before my family and I started to observe the sabbath there were some who said if we did not observe sabbath we were going to hell (with no scriptural support). In 2014 he was ordained as Pastor and as Bishop in 2016. Like my Lord and Savior, Im not interested in pleasing people, Im interested in pleasing the one true and living God. Notice that Peter did NOT say I now realize how true it is that God has now abolished his own laws for his people and we may now eat the flesh of any animal, including the pig that the pagans regularly offer to their false gods.. They have concordances, so many different bibles some go far back as 1300s. (3) But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ. The spirit of antiChrist walks DIRECTLY AGAINST the New Covenant blood of Christ Read 2 Cor. Along with that note that it is very clear with whom the NEW COVENANT will be made: The house of Israel and the house of Judah (aka northern kingdom and southern kingdom respectively.) Well, I learned a thing or two. Then other times they change their mind and say, oh we think its not like we thought it was at first; now, after searching more, we believe its like this. a vehicle to disseminate Yahweh's truth and the whole Word of God to help others alsoseek, teach and live out the truth of the Word. His disciples, including Paul never taught this either! One my children obeys my rules far more than the other. Are you saying works are pointless? They teach Bible prophecy including the four blood moons theory in their Daniel Unsealed video. But youd need to understand how ancient Jewish / ancient near eastern covenants work to know the significance of cups of wine re covenants, I guess. The problem today many rightly claim that Yeshuas sacrifice on the cross, dying for our sins, makes us righteous but they ignore the scriptures that tell us to not continue in sin (transgress Gods commandments), to obey His commandments and that we are to walk as He walked as we see here, He that says he abides in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked. Go study all of Jesuss teachings then ask yourself, WHY do the majority of his teachings come directly from the Torah? It is my belief that they are presenting a different gospel. I have a friend who has gotten wrapped up in this and very concerned of the teachings.She fully believes what these people and the ones in her home group are teaching her.How do I get through to her? Heavy Burdens. Jesus is, then, truly present in the tabernacle in the sanctuary of each Catholic Church. I take the works that Paul discussed were much like what happened in Catholicism ..the outward ordinances performed by a carnal man in order to find favor with God . Or do you believe this is an acceptable interpretation of the Word of God? Certainly, there were no Levitical priesthood laws for Abraham to follow. No. I have never heard anyone say they keep To Gods teachings as a way to earn salvation, but that is all I hear others accuse them of doing or saying. And further couple those chapters with Eph. 18 Yes indeed! If we think we can do it better than Yahweh originally articulated rules for life, then we are foolish at best. What?!?!?!?! Who in the Bible to you imitate? And I DO NOT observe the Tanakh in order to be saved, but because I am saved and I want to show the God of Israel how much I love him through my obedience. Or other teachings besides the one I mentioned above? Thank you! The Holy Spirit opened my eyes to Paul as well, where I no longer feel he contradicts our Savior. Romans 10:5-9 makes it CLEAR Jesus IS THE TORAH in the flesh. Here it says he brings both groups together into one NEW man. Look outside you window, Leah, and youll plainly see that heaven and earth havent passed away yet. Just a thought. In case someone did notice, yes I am judging you.. That is not the intent of the Gospel. They use emotional videos which engage the senses to sensationalize their message, granted that is the point of most audio/visual media; however when dealing with teaching people, emotionalism is underhanded in my book, on par with TV commercials. Apparently, the God you serve is very similar to the Muslim god Allah. I havent looked at any of their doctrines? Second, I advise that their houses also be razed and destroyed. And since Jesus = YWHW Jesus commands are Gods commands and vice versa) Well saying we are doing it to earn salvation- thats putting the cart before the horse (North American idiom there I wonder how that would be translated back into Greek or Hebrew by someone who didnt know it was an idiomatic expression?) We are not to walk in wickedness, which is breaking Gods commandments but in obedience which is our righteousness, otherwise we can throw out the majority of the New Testament, do whatever you want and still get your get out of hell free card but we know that is not the case. 119 Ministries has many teachings about the law of Moses. That we are to follow Jesus. 6 But the righteousness based on faith speaks as follows: Do not say in your heart, Who will ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down), 7 or Who will descend into the abyss? (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead). 8 But what does it say? Feel free to argue with Strong as you wish. 119 Ministries is a non-profit ministry devoted to seeking, teaching and living out the truth of the 119 Ministries ~ Test Everything If you truly believed what you think Paul says is the true interpretation then you would leave them alone and not place your uneducated judgment upon them, if they do this unto God then it is unto God according to popular Christian dogma. The thread being weaved throughout their teaching is that we are to teach all nations to obey the law of Moses. 11:13 For ALL the Prophets AND TORAH prophesied UNTIL JOHN. Angry-hostile. But I must say, I read Scripture and it doesnt say what you say it says. Like sin, once youve bought in you are miles down the road before you realize the mistakes made. Not really. 10 (9) Rather, you must kill him! As for me and my house, we will follow the Lord as Christians! WebThe flavor of 119 is elitist and attempts to, at the very least, demean those who oppose them and quite possible damning the same. NO, devil-worshipping, unrepentant, worldly JEW will EVER be the least one of My followers UNTIL they repent and are born from above. What people dont realize is the fact that his Torah/law was given so we would know what sin is! On this point, I appreciate the teaching of http://www.hebrew4christians.com in their article entitled Under the Law, particularly in their Conclusion. I am so thankful for 119 Ministries. Be careful of this spirit . He was fine with it. We are found . The transcripts have somewhat of a disclaimer above the title which state the the video teachings are to complement the written teaching. The point is that the Word of God, which includes the Torah, is unchanging from the Countless references and even rebuked a synagogue from the book of Isaiah and rebuked the pharisees and Sadducees while referencing Exodus and Leviticus. There is a way that seems right unto man and that way leads to death . , Here it is: Thanks to the Vatican and its doctrine of Replacement Theology, many modern-day Christians have become anti-Semitic/anti-Jewish without even realizing it. Simply, why? You may find that the Holy Spirit was showing you a way to go and you were letting your own way be a stumbling block or the teachings of men. The old is obsolete, weak and useless in regards to sin snd life in Christ.. Jesus FULFILLED the Torah and HE alone is our New Covenant Torah. Its wrong, SIN, for me to willingly participate in watching it. Would the devil try to deceive you into following Scripture? The Catholic Church martyred those who disagreed with their doctrine. So, its a good time to really study the bible. Well then we searched the scriptures, OT, NT and the prophets that spoke what God told them, we see the sabbath & His feasts throughout all times imagine that. I think if I understand your position of trust you mean to say the Jewish Calendar that predetermines the Moedim and new moons etc? And who was the new covenant given to? Regrettably, many Christians have failed to heed the wisdom that Rav Shaul received from the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh in Hebrew) when he wrote the following: 3 However, to those of you who are Gentiles I say this: since I myself am an emissary sent to the Gentiles, I make known the importance of my work 14 in the hope that somehow I may provoke some of my own people to jealousy and save some of them! and if a few things changed no real substantial guideline as to the foundation of these changes. Webnational farmers union email address; crystal hayslett biography; Close Ill just note repost from Antonio: Is that alright? All it takes is testing what the Word says to the Word without mans convoluted opinions to dilute your study. I do not question that God intended His entire Word (biblical scripture) to be understood and obeyed. Using minimal staff aids our efforts to effectively deliver free quality teachings to all. Theyre traditional. Nobody is forcing them to do these things. Mar 12. His love is for ever ref. This has nothing to do with salvation and nothing to do what Jesus accomplished in death burial and resurrection. I, like the Bible prophets of old, am serving the God of Israel, the God of my Hebrew ancestors, while many of you run the risk of being deceived into serving the god of the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church; a political organization which claims to have the power to add to and subtract from the Holy Scriptures, much like the scribes and the Pharisees of Yeshuas day with their Traditions of the Elders. He alone is Gods Word and Truth. to fill to the full 19:10) He told me that any time he challenged his professors with these truths he was given failing grades on term papers because he wasnt towing the line of his denominational doctrine. THAT fits more with the definition of a cult than where people are free to question doctrine and prove their point with the very Scriptures the doctrine-pushers are ignoring. The Jews today, are the only ones who obey and keep them! And so are we! Every question I have ever had about the bible or meaning of a verse, 119 has been able to answer in a way that makes sense. with the house of ISRAEL and with the house of JUDAH. I believe 119 ministries to teach using accurate breakdown/interpretation of scripture. That is what fulfilling it means. All I needed to do was to receive the Lord Yeshua into my heart and recognize his atoning death and resurrection in order to be saved, making him the Lord of my life. Could it be fear? Disagreement of biblical opinion does not constitute false teaching. I think too many have forgotten what it means TO love. And, in the Epistles the apostles are shown as KEEPING the Sabbath of YHWH (not the one the Catholic church ADMITS to changing and they proclaim that Bible-believing Christians should be keeping the 7th day Sabbath, otherwise they are following and thereby accepting the authority of Rome. Instead of spending your time trying to discredit others you may want to take the same advise that was given to the Jews in power at the time of Yahshua. It realized that the Christian life you live does not imitate the faith of anyone in scripture ? Seeker, your remarks are inflammatory. 12 (11) Then all Israel will hear about it and be afraid, so that they will stop doing such wickedness as this among themselves. The fact that you would proclaim all these to be true and box them all up nice and neat and call them the moral laws of God and leave it at that is what people like 119 ministries is trying to point out. 3. If that is your desire, so be it! My family is in this move I need to set them free. I recommend you read an article written by John Parsons entitled Olam HaTorah on the website http://www.hebrew4christians.com. For many centuries, Christians have been wrongly taught, thanks primarily to Replacement Theology, that in order for my people to accept our Messiah, we had to become Gentiles by adopting their ways, which usually went completely contrary to what the Torah teaches. We are all called to study and test these things. one man esteems a day higher than another day and another man does not. And for the record, many of the leaders or teachers in that movement are former Baptist and Pentecostal pastors (some leading Christian churches anywhere from 20-45 years) who found that church doctrine just didnt line up with Scripture in its original context. I blow the shofar and we have our portable mini-menorah so that we can hold meetings in peoples homes if they are unable to come visit us during Shabbat. Studying the law of Moses is edifying in understanding Gods law and His will for His people / church. I became a Christian about 35 years ago. I do not follow the dangerous teachings of Judaism either or the blasphemous teachings of the Talmud. John 14:15 says this: If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. I did, and I found their teaching woefully errant. They are branches of the same tree! Like Priscilla and Aquila, my Messianic Jewish wife and I minister from a home church in Italy, on the front lines in the battle against the sin of idolatry, right in the Vaticans backyard. There are a few things I have questions too that they have published. So if I believe the same things they believe by your position i too must be a deceiver and twisting the scriptures like Satan. I did contact them through their website testeverything.net and received a reply. Life is either Fear or Love Then, You need to Test and Study all Things 2 Timothy 2:15. The truth as presented by the whole word of God, Genesis-Revelation, the fallacy of needing to follow the law under the new covenant, and illogical hugeness of Gods grace. Wow! It is all about Jesus living His life through us, as we trust and obey Him. that we walk according to his commandments. Amen. Are you so foolish? Does any of you truly have room to judge when you are all adhering to beliefs that began not with Jesus and His Apostles, but 1500 years later by people who removed books from the Bible, dispensed with the sacraments Jesus established, and taught things that had never been allowed in the Church from New Testament times forward. Words mean things and failure of proper terminology and understanding original cultruew leads to all kinds of nonsense. Because the practice for millenia (before the modern day and still in some parts of the middle east) was that the contractual commitment was made at the betrothal stage and only formalized by wedding banquet; a writ of divorce was needed to break a betrothal, not just after a marriage was consummated.). It is not a different Gospel that what Jesus brought. Be careful of spiritual pride . So please stop perpetuating that falsehood. What is the problem with throwing around Greek and Hebrew when THOSE are the original languages of the Holy Scriptures? They also have been a bit taken with HR / 119 ministries all of the feast ..making booths , etc. 1. to cause to abound, to furnish or supply liberally For ADONAI your God is testing you, in order to find out whether you really do love ADONAI your God with all your heart and being. Because the point is? Or was she in submission to the owner of the restaurant who rewards her with a paycheck for following his order to care for his customers?? what exactly was that Covenant? The domination of the Romans and Greeks took over and their antisemitic views hijacked Christianity.. WebThere he served as Bishop Jamisons adjutant and later accepted the call of God on his life. Kainos means New in quality as in a better Covenant with Better promises, Better Law and Better Priesthood. But so did Adam and Eve. They were taught to me and my family by a Pentecostal pastor who studied in Israel from the very places that Jesus taught. You choose to punish anyone that does not swallow the rhetoric and not be just like you or your congregational system. I too have discerned this anger it is written all over Jim Staleys face, Well said Leah. Again, perhaps we just view them differently. mercy endures for ever ref. 11. Truth is not easy, especially when it goes against everything you ever thought to be truth. Yes Im sure it is. We are instructed not to bite and devour one another so if I have done that I ask forgiveness . Dominion theology is a heresy also contradicted by Bible prophecy. While we dont celebrate Christmas and Easter, neither do we condemn Christians who do In fact, at Christmas, we sang a few Christmas songs. Jesus LOVES you VERY VERY much for God so loved the world .. David, while your comment is quite snarky, Ill attempt to overlook your condescension. Repent and confess your sins, then go and sin no more! As I interpret their mission, it is to dispel myths that have crept into the body under the guise of Christianity and are now taught as gospel when in fact they are traditions of men. Ephesians 2:13-15. There just is no room for love in the 119 teachings. I appreciate your response and I accept your encouragement in diligently studying the word. They criticize the Hebrew Roots Movement, never fully understanding or appreciating the fact that the Messianic Community (the Church) was founded and built on this foundation. In fact, in Revelation 12, the dragon comes for the Saints who have kept the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ! Ill pray that the Lord will open his eyes and that he will not be deceived. All using the same world owlam. Ive posted several rebuttals to your own rebuttals. -2 Timothy 4:1-5, 24 And the Lords servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, 25 correcting his opponents with gentleness. The arguments presented by 119 Ministries are subtle deviations cloaked in clouds of side issues. Learn what work and callouses are all about. That no matter what a person teaches or says? I am not talking about religion, which I made explicitly clear in my response to you; yet you refer to the ministry of death and condemnation ( 2 Cor.3) like it has any input into my personal relationship with God. to be Holy because He is Holy, To be righteous because He is righteous. I also agree with Bill Carmichael who stated that 119 (and not 911) Ministries is Real breath of fresh air. Todh rabh (Thank you very much), David, it is truly a blessing to see others like you who understand what 119 Ministries is all about. Not to sound like Judas but couldnt truly that money have gone to the poor ? YHWH is the one true GOD, and He has not, will not change. Most people dont like to do that they prefer their spoon fed, drive through gospel message tucked in a nice hour long wrapper on Sunday morning. (Qal) I dont have time for the pleasantries of political correctness or Cultural Marxism. Frankly, I find Christianity totally confusing. 31 The days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah. We are yoked to forgiveness ( even of our enemies maybe especially to our enemies) for where sin abounds , grace abounds that much more . Despite the fact he only said it once, doesnt make it any less valid. It was like we all could not believe how offensive we had been to our Father and we just wanted to flee from man-made religion and seek the Father, purely, according to His WORD. And as for sacrifices, we are told in the NT that WE are the Temple of God and in Romans 12:1 to offer OURSELVES as a living sacrifice. I thank God the Most High, our Father for becoming flesh sending his only begotten Son, so I can take part of his grace and mercy, whom without there is no salvation! I pray everyday the LORD will wake all his children to come back to his ancient ways. Any Catholic in my age group will probably tell you how controlling the man of the house was. Obviously the oral system was not a sustainable solution, and it being written down would serve all of us better. This the part that blows my mind.I am parent. In this respect, 119 Ministries still has a leg to stand on while youre kicking them in the shin. Are you saying that the Levitical priests and system of sacrifice is no longer applicable? The difference is between using my own logic to disagree vs. using Scripture to show your faults in your biblical understanding. Many Christians, who are utterly ignorant about my people or my culture, seem to enjoy jumping to unfounded or unsupported conclusions regarding the contents of the New Testament. As you say, to those who walk in freedom from sin, sin is undesirable. Then Jesus goes into a diatribe of exposing the surface understanding of the Torah (instructions in righteousness). And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments. Some say its lawful to do ABC and some say its not a law, but a tradition. David pressed him on this: did Brandon feel he would/should/could stone him for blasphemy, under these conditions? Once we are made new creatures in the Messiah are we to continue in sin? How else could the Vatican convince its followers to commit blatant idolatry by bowing down to and lighting candles at the altars of lifeless statues that can neither hear, nor see, nor speak, nor walk? You assume I havent read the Bible when you call on me to read it myself and seeI have read it. We both challenged the church (Baptist, UPC, AoG) and we learned the false teaching that has engulfed these doctrines. May the Father by his Holy Spirit reveal the complete Truth to you. (A case in point is 119 Ministries teaching on dietary laws.) Wont pretend he did and write what I think anyway window, Leah and! That they are presenting a different Gospel by God according to His ancient ways you! Like Satan Spirit can do it better than Yahweh originally articulated rules for life, then go sin! Eyes and that way leads to all kinds of nonsense a bit with! Obeys my rules far more than the other those are the only who. Not be just like you or your congregational system throughout their teaching is alright... Nothing to do what Jesus brought to me and my house, we will follow the Lord as!! In quality as in a better Covenant with better promises, better and! A bad name ( Which he did for us one day think too many have what... 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