can you bait deer on private property in california?

251.5. Zone C-1. (k) For the purposes of this section a physical disability means, a person having a permanent loss, significant limitation, or diagnosed disease or disorder, which substantially impairs one or both upper extremities preventing a hunter to draw and hold a bow in a firing position. The season in Zone B-3 shall open on the third Saturday in September and extend for 37 consecutive days. (A) Area: Excluding Alpine, Amador, Calaveras and Tuolumne counties, in those portions of El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, San Joaquin, and Stanislaus counties within the area described as zone D-5 (see subsection 360(a)(4)(A)3.). Source: ( (8) G-11 (Vandenberg Either-Sex Deer Hunt). For the purpose of these regulations, antlerless deer are defined as female deer, fawns of either sex other than spotted fawns, and male deer with an unbranched antler on one or both sides which is not more than three inches in length. (8) Incomplete, late and ineligible applications and applications submitted without the appropriate processing fee will not be included in the drawing and the applicant will not earn a preference point. (3) Proof of meeting eligibility requirements may be met by providing a previously issued Disabled Muzzleloader Scope Permit. (5) Prohibition on Starting Pursuit Within 400 Yards of Baited Area. Baiting private land is legal. 3. (7) Zone 7--White Mountains: That portion of Mono County within a line beginning at U.S. Highway 6 and the Mono-Inyo county line; northward on Highway 6 to the California-Nevada State Line; southeasterly along the California-Nevada State Line to the Mono-Inyo County Line; westward along the Mono-Inyo County Line to the point of beginning. (, As per the 2018 deer hunting regulations, deer baiting is illegal. Shall open on the second Saturday in October and extend for 23 consecutive days. The tag holder must record the provided confirmation number in the space provided on the harvest report card and retain the harvest report card until March 1 annually. The season in Zone C-2 shall open on the third Saturday in September and extend for 37 consecutive days. (g) Use of Conibear Traps, Snares, Cage and Box Traps, Nets, Suitcase-type Live Beaver Traps and Common Rat and Mouse Traps for Purposes Unrelated to Recreation or Commerce in Fur. (a) Only 9 volt lights or smaller, hand-held or worn on the head are permitted. (c) Trapping: It shall be unlawful to trap any bobcat, or attempt to do so, or to sell or export any bobcat or part of any bobcat taken in the State of California. (C) The vehicle must be stopped and the engine must be shut off prior to the licensee discharging firearm or releasing a bolt from a crossbow or an arrow from archery equipment. This regulation does not prohibit employees of federal, state, or local government from using chemical euthanasia to dispatch trapped animals. Nevertheless, the law does make some exceptions. See 34 Pa.C.S. Nonlead Ammunition Coupon Program Process. (7) No applicant shall submit more than one application per license year. In the event the Commanding Officer cancels the hunt, G-7 tagholders may exchange the unused tag for any remaining deer tag and have accumulated and earned preference points restored pursuant to Section 708.14. (16) Lake Pillsbury General Methods Tule Elk Hunt: (A) Area: in those portions of Lake County within a line beginning at the junction of the Glenn-Lake County line and the Mendocino County line; south and west along the Mendocino-Lake County line to Highway 20; southeast on Highway 20 to the intersection of Bartlett Springs Road; north and east along Bartlett Springs Road to the intersection of Forest Route M5; northwest on Forest Route M5 to the Colusa-Lake County Line; northwest and east on the Colusa-Lake County Line to the junction of the Glenn-Colusa County Line and the Lake-Glenn County Line; north and west on the Lake-Glenn County Line to the point of beginning. (1) Applications: Applications for a Motor Vehicle Hunting License for mobility disabled persons shall be on a form supplied by the Department (Mobility Impaired Disabled Persons Motor Vehicle Hunting License Application, FG1460-10/95). 2. (2) Spike bull: A bull elk having no more than one point on each antler. (b) Application Fee: The department shall require that the specified fee for a deer tag, as specified in Section 4332 of the Fish and Game Code, be paid as a prerequisite to obtaining a deer tag or tag drawing application. The Honey Lake Wildlife Area shall not be open to antelope apprentice hunt tag holders. (A) Area: That portion of Lassen County within the area described as X-6b (see subsection 360(b)(9)(A)). 257.5. (i) Surprise Valley Pronghorn Antelope Apprentice Hunt: (1) Area: The tag shall be valid in the area described in subsection 363(f)(1).. (4) Special Conditions: Tagholders must possess valid junior hunting licenses and apprentice hunt license tags. (B) Season: The season in Zone D-7 shall open on the third Saturday in September and extend for 44 consecutive days. (3) Cady Mountains Fund-raising Tag: The holder of the fund-raising license tag issued pursuant to subsection 4902(d) of the Fish and Game Code may hunt: (A) Zone 9: Beginning the first Saturday in November and extending through the first Sunday in February. Baits can include corn, wheat, salts, other grains, apples, and other feeds. (2) The possession of a projectile containing lead in excess of the amount allowed in subsection (b)(4) without possessing a firearm capable of firing the projectile is not a violation of this section. Only persons possessing valid junior hunting licenses may apply for Apprentice Hunt license tags. (J) Unsuccessful applicants shall not be notified by mail. (1) License Application (DFW 537 (Rev. (a) portions of meat with no part of the spinal column, brain or head attached (other bones, such as legs and shoulders, may be attached). Preference points are not zone or hunt specific. The tag fee shall be received by the department by 5:00 p.m. on July 15 each year. (4) The department may offer the tag to the next highest bidder(s) at the auction event in the amount of their final bid. (o) The use of dogs to take or attempt to take elk is prohibited. Tagholders shall be accompanied by a nonhunting, licensed adult chaperon 18 years of age or older while hunting. 475. The decision of the department in such respects shall be final and binding upon the tagholder. Source: It can be effective, especially in areas lacking in quality browse or agricultural food sources. The drawing will be administered through a nonlead ammunition coupon program website that is operated by the department's agent as established under a grant agreement. However, you can hunt over pure salt or mineral products. (12) Should the quota for each zone remain unfilled after that date, the alternate lists shall be used. In the event only one pronghorn antelope license tag is available to an alternate, party applications will be split and the alternate tag shall be awarded to the party leader. Does Alabama have public hunting land? (3) Owens Valley Fund Raising Tule Elk Hunt. 4. Cubs and female accompanied by cubs may not be taken. (B) Season: The season for hunt A-33 (Fort Hunter Liggett Late Season Archery Either-Sex Deer Hunt) shall be open beginning the first Saturday in October and continuing through November 11, except if rescheduled by the Commanding Officer with Department concurrence between the season opener and December 31. The decision of the department shall be final. Shall open on the first Thursday following the opening of period nine and continue for 4 consecutive days. 2. 0 . (10) All party members shall be awarded tags according to the choices selected by the party leader. Maryland is one of the states where deer baiting is legal. Area: The tag shall be valid in the area described in subsection 364(a)(1)(A). No more than one dog per hunter may be used in the area where the general deer season is open. (20) A-22 (San Diego Archery Either-Sex Deer Hunt). Trap Pads. The season in Zone C-4 shall open on the third Saturday in September and extend for 16 consecutive days. The following definitions shall apply: (1) A softnose or expanding projectile is a bullet designed to increase from its original diameter, commonly referred to as "mushrooming", and retain a significant part of its original weight upon impact with, or when passing through the tissues of an animal. As per the law, any feed or bait placed 100 yards away from a hunter is presumed not to be a lure. If the head is removed and not retained, evidence of sex in the form or udder or vulva must remain naturally attached. (e) Department Administered General Methods Apprentice Elk Hunts: (1) Marble Mountains General Methods Roosevelt Elk Apprentice Hunt: (A) Area: The tag shall be valid in the area described in subsection 364(a)(3)(A). (1) Northern California: In the counties of Del Norte, Humboldt, Plumas, Shasta, Siskiyou, Tehama and Trinity; and those portions of Lassen and Modoc counties west of the following line: Beginning at Highway 395 and the Sierra-Lassen county line; north on Highway 395 to the junction of Highway 36; west on Highway 36 to the junction of Highway 139; north on Highway 139 to Highway 299; north on Highway 299 to County Road 87; west on County Road 87 to Lookout-Hackamore Road; north on Lookout-Hackamore Road to Highway 139; north on Highway 139 to the Modoc-Siskiyou county line; north on the Modoc-Siskiyou county line to the Oregon border. Deer baiting laws in WV go as far as to prohibit the use of ATV for baiting deer. The latter season is from September 15 to December 31. 4. (3) Marble Mountains General Methods Roosevelt Elk Hunt. (1) When the motor of such motorboat, airboat, or sailboat has been shut off and/or the sails furled and its progress therefrom has ceased, and it is drifting, beached, moored, resting at anchor, or is being propelled by paddle, oar or pole. Can I bait deer on my own property in Tennessee? (a) Prohibitions on the Use of dogs. When used by the landowner or tenant of private property to drive or herd game mammals for the purpose of preventing damage to private property. (8) Zone 8 South Bristol Mountains: That portion of San Bernardino County beginning at the junction of Kelbaker Road and the National Trails Highway; west on the National Trails Highway to the intersection with Interstate Highway 40; east on Interstate Highway 40 to the junction with Kelbaker Road; south on Kelbaker Road to the point of beginning. It's also worth noting, that it is illegal to place bait in a manner that will cause hunting on an adjacent property to be prohibited. The physician shall designate if the disability is permanent or temporary. (33) J-11 (San Bernardino Apprentice Either-Sex Deer Hunt). (A) Area: As described in subsection 360(a)(1)(A)1. through 2. (d) No arrows or crossbow bolt with an explosive head or with any substance which would tranquilize or poison any animal may be used. 2. (4) Independence General Methods Tule Elk Hunt: (A) Area: In that portion of Inyo County beginning at the junction of Highway 395 and Aberdeen Station Road; east on Aberdeen Station Road to its terminus at the southern boundary of Section 5, Township 11S, Range 35E; east along the southern boundary of sections 5, 4, 3, and 2, Township 11S, Range 35E to the Papoose Flat Road at Papoose Flat; south and east on Papoose Flat Road to Mazourka Canyon Road; south and then west on Mazourka Canyon Road to Highway 395; north along Highway 395 to the point of beginning. (24) MA-1 (San Luis Obispo Muzzleloading Rifle/Archery Either-Sex Deer Hunt). (b) Exemption from Permit. Hunters for this area will be selected by public drawing. (a) To Whom Issued. La Panza Tule Elk Season shall open on the first Saturday in October and extend for 65 consecutive days. Fifty percent (50%) of the hunt tag quota shall be awarded through a Preference Point drawing. (A) Area: In those portions of Lassen and Shasta counties within a line beginning at the junction of Highways 89 and 44 at Old Station; north on Highway 89 to the intersection with the Pit River at Lake Britton; east and south on the Pit River to Horse Creek; southeast on Horse Creek to the Burlington Northern Railroad; southwest on the Burlington Northern Railroad to the Little Valley Road (Lassen County 404); south on the Little Valley Road to U.S. Forest Service Designated Through Route 22; south and east on U.S. Forest Service Designated Through Route 22 to Lassen County 519 near Gooch Mountain; east on Lassen County 519 to Cleghorn Road (Lassen County 521) near Coulthurst Flat; east on Cleghorn Road to Highway 139; south on Highway 139 to its crossing of Willow Creek in the Willow Creek Valley; south (downstream) on Willow Creek to its crossing of Conservation Center Road (Lassen County A-27); west on Conservation Center Road to Highway 36; northwest on Highway 36 to the intersection with Highway 44; north and west on Highway 44 to the point of beginning.

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