how old was simeon when he saw jesus

The prophet Anna was a widow who never left the temple after her May God give us the kind of spiritual eyesight to see it and lives to live it! Simeon does not domesticate the gospel or the Messiah. Then Simeon announced that the Child was for a sign which shall be spoken against that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed. This also was a quotation from Isaiah (7:14). i was searching for private visions by people who have had additional explanations, suvh as the annunciation. Verses 22-24 tell us what is happening here. The Spirit rested upon Moses, and his face shone like that of an angel. When Simeon saw Jesus he took Him in his arms and praised God. Brown adds, however, that Luke does not leave Mary on the negative note of misunderstanding. SCRIPTURE, proclaims elizabeth asking in wonder, how is it that the MOTHER of my LORD comes to me? i could go on and on. He was a satisfied old man. ANNA. Sign up to receive our email newsletter and never miss an update. The event occurred when Joseph and Mary brought the Child to the Temple to present him to the Lord, according to the law of Moses. On the next day we who were Pauls companions departed and came to Caesarea, and entered the house of Philip the evangelist, who was one of the seven, and stayed with him. When Simeon saw Jesus he took Him in his arms and praised God. See something we missed? Jesus was approximately 40/41 days old at the time His mother, 161162. Several years ago I received a telemarketing call, and I did something I've never done before. It seems that Luke wants to make this scene very personal for Simeon and Anna. They were devout in their worship and righteous in their dealings with their fellow men. This is a stand that is very difficult for me to follow how one gets there, since Mary was told by Gabriel, John (to be the Baptist) at 6 mos responded, Elizabeth told her, again all the torment when she rtnd from Elizabeths, the shepards and the wise men the woman would have had to of had amnesia not to know. She, too, recognizes Jesus as messiah, but she has a very different reaction: At that moment, she came and began to speak about the child to all who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem (Luke 2:38). We have an extra set here at our office. The Holy Spirit revealed to him that he would die before he saw the . The Book of Luke records just two narratives about Jesus ' childhood: His dedication (Luke 2:21- 40) and His time at the temple when He was 12 years old (Luke 2:41-52). Gabriel made it quite clear to Mary who is Jesus: at the manger. Luke wants to show that both of these people have been patiently waiting for the Messiah. Want to learn some-more about his research? Wouldn't it be awesome if that was our view of life when it comes to the gospel? Biblical Archaeology Society, [] Witherington IIIs full essay Mary, Simeon or Anna: Who First Recognized Jesus as Messiah? is accessible online for free. Thus Simeon was driven under the impulse of the Spirit into the Temple, and when he was confronted with the Christ Child, it was necessary to receive him into his arms, not doubting because of the poverty, the humility, or the insignificance of this family. Your statement says she is the only woman in New Testament explicitly described as a prophetess. We know far more of Jesus through the New Testament revelation than Simeon ever could have known from the Old Testament prophecy, but do we embrace him in the arms of faith as the Lords Christ as Simeon did? However, there is one very important thing which we are told about him, and that is that day by day, as he lived and worked, he was waiting for the consolation of Israel (Luke 2:25); that is, he was waiting for and living in the expectation of the coming of the Messiah. In referring to Alfred Plummers Commentary on Luke, (along with your proposal that Lukes women were more positive examples of discipleship) you write, Yes, a messiah has arrived, as Simeon recognizes, but, as the prophetess Anna suggests, a new era, with a new and living voice of prophecy, has at the same time dawned. That is quite a leap as Luke offers only a one-line summation of her input after he quotes Simeon at length. 35 Indeed, a sword will pierce your own soul, too, so that the inner thoughts of many people might be revealed. Simeon made a prophetic and powerful predictive statement about Jesus and the purpose of His life. What a beautiful picture! How old was Jesus when simeon and Anna saw him? The presentations by all, are excellent and non-controversial. What is that point? Simeon is so satisfied in the beauty God's ability to keep His word. . That light was symbolized by the Star of Bethlehem, which shone in the dark night when the Prince of Life came into a world torn by avarice, hatred, and war. The redemptive offerings, the Day of Atonement, the Passover, all spoke to them of the coming Christ. At the Temple, the family is approached by a man named Simeon, who has been told by the Holy Spirit that he will not die until he has seen the messiah. He shall be great, and men will know him for the Son of the most High; the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he shall reign over the house of Jacob eternally; his kingdom shall never have an end., 2. Like Simeon, let us believe the word of the Lord and rejoice in this as our ground of confidence. 13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. The picture presents the contrast of age and of youth, of one nearing the end of the journey of life and one at the beginning. A little Child who was conceived by the Holy Ghost and born of a virgin was to be the means of the deliverance of Gods people. We are told this in verse 25, and it means that his life was honest and upright in the eyes of men. I believe it's more likely he was already getting up there in years and he was beginning to worry. 2:25 Now a man named Simeon was in Jerusalem. Simeon finds them coming into the temple, takes the child in his arms, and offers a beautiful prayer of thanksgiving to God. Simeon takes the Child Jesus in his arms and blesses God in order to present it to the Lord. In what has become known as the Nunc Dimittus, Simeon's poetic blessing to God a few verses later, Simeon recognizes the fulfillment of God's promised salvation as "a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel" (vv 30-32; see Isa 9:1-2; 40:5; 42:6; 49:6; 52:10; etc). Luke portrays the rise of a form of Judaism that would rely on the testimony of women as well as men, and that would empower them once again to fulfill roles like Miriam of old. Therefore, if you could see Simeon in the temple courtyard holding the baby Jesus with his eyes lifted to the vast sky of Jerusalem you would see a satisfied old man! For such a learned scholar he does not read throughly all of Luke. Todos los derechos reservados,

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. In Hebrew Simeon means: hearing or listening. Simeon had long searched the Scriptures and prayed and waited for the coming of the Messiah in fulfillment of prophecy. Rather in 2.51 [his mother treasured all these things ] he stresses her retention of what she has not yet understood and her continuing search to understand.2. If it starts, you get to keep the vehicle." According to Luke 2:2224, [Joseph and Mary] brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord (as it is written in the law of the Lord, Every firstborn male shall be designated as holy to the Lord [quoting Exodus 13:2, 12]) and they offered a sacrifice according to what is stated in the law of the Lord, a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons [based on Leviticus 12:28].. Dr. Witherington has presented seminars for churches, colleges and Biblical meetings in the U.S., England, Estonia, Russia, Europe, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Australia. Because that is what Simon said. Both are quicker than Mary to comprehend who Jesus is This statement seems rather presumptive to me. "For a sign that is opposed." But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could connect with it better. How did he meet the test of life? Luke says of Anna: And there was Anna she was of great age, and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity; And she was a widow fourscore and four years, You give Anna the age of 84however considering girls were approximately 15 when wed, she lived with her husband 7 years and had been a widow 84 years. Simeon, a right living and very devout man of faith, was frequently in the Temple meditating, and in a constant state of anticipation of the most significant foretold event in the Jewish faith the arrival of the Jewish Messiah. Jesus was never the Messiah ! "Really?" Adding to what David said, Two important points, to say the least: 1. Have something to add about this? The Holy Ghost was upon Simeon. This describes a special experience of anointing known to a noble company of Gods people in all ages. May we be as ready to welcome the Lord Jesus when He comes the second time as Simeon was to welcome Him when He came the first time - look up Revelation 22:20! Clearly, Luke is not painting an idealized portrait of Mary or Joseph. She was very old, around 84 years old when she saw Jesus in the temple.Refer also to Luke 2:36-38. He was in all probability an old man, though we are not told this, and no indication is given of his position in life, nor as to whether he was rich or poor. How old was Simeon when he introduced Jesus? He held him and knew that one day this baby would call people to choose between God and themselves. Verse 28 gives us a beautiful picture. Routing number of commercial bank of Ethiopia? Here is the picture of a surrendered life - a life which recognises Jesus as the Lord, which takes the place of a bond-servant under His authority and which is completely submissive to His word. Uffizi/Scala/Art Resource, NY. So Mary and Joseph left Bethlehem, traveled the six miles up to the city of Jerusalem. But the prophetic insight into Gods intentions is a gift which keeps on giving and renewing the people of God. And who better to give it to than a man who would fully appreciate it. Mary, Simeon or Anna by Ben Witherington III originally appeared in Bible Review, Winter 2005. He was sincere and he was known to be, as we say today, above reproach. A similar hope is beating in many hearts today, even while the darkness deepens in political, educational, moral, and spiritual things. Its very well written; I love what youve got May Almighty God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit and Christianity be our guiding lights, our safety nets and our inspiration for loving happiness with Almighty God! So we know from this that Jesus was 7 + 33 = 40 days old at the time of this ceremony. The Holy Spirit led Simeon to the Temple on the day Joseph, Mary and Jesus were there. Jesus, the adolecent, wasnt sining or lying here he was jumping the gun. For the Holy Spirit to rest upon a man is the highest experience God has for him. 13 But according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. Alfred Plummer, in his classic commentary on Luke, suggested that the difference between Anna and Simeon provides a clue to Luke as a salvation historian, a chronicler of the mighty acts of God for his people through the ages. Luke 2:36-38 tells us that Anna, a prophetess, from the tribe of Asher, was an 84 year old widow, when she saw Jesus at the temple. He was waiting for the one who would comfort Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. The women are not only more receptive to the message, they are more willing to act upon it, with Elizabeth realizing that her cousin is carrying the messiah and praising God for this blessing and Anna spreading the good news. . Simon is one Latinised version of the name, the others being Simeon or Symeon. And Marys Magnificent states her understanding of what is happening within her. Godly people are supremely satisfied with a costly gospel. He will bring the revelation to non-Jewish people in order to bring Jews and Gentiles to God. He proclaims its rising, and he asks to be relieved from the post he has occupied so long. Having seen the messiah, Simeon is now prepared to die. Before this baby was born an angel named Gabriel told Mary what to name Him. He has protected his servant Israel, keeping his merciful design in remembrance, according to the promise which he made to our forefathers, Abraham and his posterity for evermore.. It was this little child who creates the means by which people separated by their sins can come back to their God. What distinguishes Simeon is not his position, but his godliness. 22 And when the time came for their purification according to the Law of Moses, they brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord 23 (as it is written in the Law of the Lord, "Every male who first opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord") 24 and to offer a sacrifice according to what is said in the Law of the Lord, "a pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons" (Luke 2:22-24). According to the gospel, Mary and Joseph took the Infant Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem forty days (inclusive) after his birth to complete Marys ritual purification after childbirth, and to perform the redemption of the firstborn son, in obedience to the Torah (Leviticus 12, Exodus 13:1215, etc.). This man was righteous and devout. They had dedicated the baby Jesus according to the law of Moses, and they traveled to Jerusalem each year to celebrate Passover. If you ever want to read something that fills in the blanks an,d plays out like a movie, read MYSTICAL CITY OF GOD by SISTER MARY of AGREEDA. Also read Numbers 8:17 and Numbers 18:14-1, The angel Gabriel spoke to Mary about the birth of Jesus, An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, Angels praised God for the birth of Jesus, Jesus at 40 days old was taken to the Temple, Magi traveled from the East to find Jesus, King Herod the Great plans how to kill Jesus, Timeline for Birth of Jesus The Christmas Story, Background Information Birth of Jesus The Christmas Story. I like the stress on Mary and Joseph as good parents who nevertheless dont get it. There was a lady named Anna that lived in Jerusalem also. Bauxite mining would threaten birds, plants, and clean water. He will either accept him or reject him. Simeon Sees Jesus. When Joseph (far left) and Mary (left of center) bring baby Jesus to the Jerusalem Temple, they are greeted by Simeon, who embraces the baby, and Anna, the New Testaments only prophetess, shown at right with a scroll, in this 1342 tempera painting by Ambrogio Lorenzetti. In Davids time the yearly service of the highpriest priests was divided in 24 houses, each makng the service in the temple in Jerusalem for half a month. They were given a sign a baby swaddled, laying in a manger. If (as some scholars claim) this band of shepherds were those caring for the temple flocks, they would recognize this treatment. Jesus was approximately 40/41 days old at the time His mother, Mary was required to make an offering at the temple (Leviticus 12:). God bless you and your work. Gospel account The episode is described in Luke 2:4152. Raymond E. Brown and Karl P. Donfried, eds., Mary in the New Testament (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1978), pp. Let us know if corrections need to be made. Mary and Joseph search for him frantically for three days. Barbara Simeon Expand search. What would prompt you to say, "Okay, now I'm ready to die!" i have a tremendous teachin about the physiologic process a body experiences, during crucifixion. 19 So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God (Eph 2:19). Simeon, who saw the baby Jesus, was neither an apostle or Anna begins to preach: She came, and began to praise God and to speak about the child to all who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem. Both are quicker than Mary to comprehend who Jesus is. Exploring the History of Jesus Life, examine fundamental questions about Jesus of Nazareth. THE WEDDING AT CANA He then took the six-weeks-old baby in his arms. how old was simeon when he saw jesus. The Eastern Orthodox Church considers Anna and Simeon the God-Receiver as the last prophets of Old Testament and observes their feast on February 3/February 16 as the synaxis (afterfeast) following the Presentation of Christ, which Orthodox tradition calls The Meeting of Our Lord and God and Savior, Jesus Christ. He was waiting for the time when God would help Israel. The Holy Spirit revealed to him that he would die before he saw the Messiah. In this beautiful scene, the aged Simeon takes the Baby Jesus up in his arms and expresses his delight and joy to God in a brief prayer. Simeon had an insight into dispensational truth, as verses 30-32 indicate. He saw the Savior before He died. What a gift that God had given him! Didnt Jesus family try to kidnap him at one point during his ministry. This phrase either means that many will be humbled and spiritually raised up because of him (like the story of the publican in Luke 18:9ff), or it means that Jesus will be a stone over which some will fall and perish while others are spiritual "risen up" by God's power (see Luke 1:51-53). OK, so I have a slightly different interpretation when it comes to Joseph and Mary finding Jesus after hes been missing for three days. Please include the following statement on any distributed copy: by Mark Vroegop. Mary then announced to Elizabeth (and the world): There were many details concerning the incarnation about which he was not at all clear, but of the fact that the Lord would come he was positive. Global Relief Fund | Earthquake Relief Efforts in Turkey and Syria. He had been told by God, as a much younger man, that he would definitely see the Jewish Messiah before he died. Jesus name in Hebrew was Yeshua which translates to English as Joshua. God is testing us everyday and has given us the right to make our own choices. Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said, Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace (Luke 2:28, 29). Look, your father and I have been searching for you in great anxiety. Jesus responds, Did you not know that I must be in my Fathers house? But, Luke reports, they did not understand what he said to them [but] his mother treasured all these things in her heart (Luke 2:4851). Simeon praised God. How old was Jesus when simeon and Anna saw him?Jesus was approximately 40/41 days old at the time His mother, Mary was required to make an offering at the temple (Leviticus 12:). 1. One of the themes of Jesus in the Synoptic tradition seems to be the emphasis that ones own family can become a stumbling block to their walk of faith. See answer (1) Best Answer. we can know when Jesus was born. Wikimedia CommonsThe Greek transliteration of Jesus real name , Isous, and the late Biblical Hebrew version Yeshua. Ipinanganak si Jesus. He was a prophet and teacher. Looking at Jesus inspired him in two ways: the feeling of . That hope motivated the righteous in Simeons day to hold on to the things of God despite the terrible events happening round about them. Mary also tells the Archangel Gabriel she agrees to having the Son of God. Their hearts were right with God. May we be as ready to welcome the Lord Jesus when He comes the second time as Simeon was to welcome Him when He came the first time - look up Revelation 22:20! Treasuring God at one level gave him eyesight to see something at another level. God could have prolonged his life anyway without a word.

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