which statement about public relations is correct

The company should never try to minimize a serious problem or smooth it over in the hope that no one will notice. The campaign conducted interviews with consumers, giving them an opportunity to air their grievances and publicize energy policy issues. Major political influence is now wielded by fake accounts working to drum up anger and to promote misinformation to sway public opinion. Protecting the integrity and reputation of an organization is important, but putting public interest ahead of the organizations interest is key to gaining consumer trust and loyalty. Mass media platforms may still be needed to reach mass audiences outside of a brands collection of fans and followers, but much goodwill can be generated by maintaining a proactive, positive and professional digital presence. Despite his many years of service in the U.S. Senate, John McCain famously adopted this brand during the 2008 presidential election. Public relations also encompasses the following: Anticipating, analyzing and interpreting public opinion, attitudes and issues that might have an impact, for good or ill, on the operations and plans of the organization. The other people in the cafe are writers and professors and in the media, and the feeling of cohesion and community in that cafe becomes very apparent if someone comes in with a PC. Newspapers across the country cut ties with Adams after he went on a racist rant on his YouTube show. Even now, some public relations professionals face challenges in convincing key executives of their value to the function of the company. More restrained examples of this type of PR include the modern phenomenon of faded celebrities appearing on TV shows, such as Paula Abduls long-running appearances on American Idol. Act promptly to correct erroneous communications for which the member is responsible. A PRSA member declares publicly that a product the client sells is safe, without disclosing evidence to the contrary. C. The city government of New Orleans refused to accept offers of federal assistance. By providing the press with information favorable to the tobacco manufacturers and publicly promoting new filtered cigarettes, the campaign aimed to replace the idea that smoking was undeniably bad with the idea that there was disagreement over the effects of smoking. Building and managing relationships with those who influence an organizations or individuals audiences is critical in public relations. It defines two general strategies or approaches known as above-the-line and below-the-line advertising before examining in detail the advertising funnel, or purchase funnel. A few other basic theories are introduced. Brands, either on their own or with the help of advertising agencies, target audiences in different ways at specific points along the funnel to reach their strategic goals. A brand advocate is someone who is so supportive of a product or service that they publicly encourage others to buy it. It is wide and the top and narrows at the bottom. Want to create or adapt books like this? Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. For more information on the differences between marketing, public relations, and advertising, read the following articles: According to Smith (2013), public relations practitioners can be placed in two groups based on responsibilities: communication managers and communication technicians. To build trust with the public by avoiding or ending situations that put ones personal or professional interests in conflict with societys interests. Internal policies should be changed to minimize a repeat of the crisis situation. What you call love was invented by guys like me to sell nylons. Don Draper, fictional advertising executive from the AMC seriesMad Men. The author of the original study noted that if there is news of a possible shortage, people sometimes buy up that item at grocery stores. We view the Member Code of Ethics as a model for other professions, organizations and professionals. As difficult as it might be to go back and discuss where communication failed, it is essential. limitations. In many ways, marketing (particularly content marketing) bridges the concepts of advertising and public relations because it includes content production similar to advertising and it establishes relationships with consumers, which is the ultimate purpose of PR. Todd Hunt and James Grunig developed a theory of four models of PR. Twitter and Instagram followers and Facebook friends can easily be bought. This term encompasses brands that have created loyalty beyond reason, meaning that consumers feel loyal to a brand in much the same way they would toward friends or family members. The company created stories about celebrity proposals and gifts between lovers that stressed the size of the diamonds given. Now, there is a greater ability than ever to identify and create a need not only for interested members of a mass audience but also for specific individuals in real time based on their online and physical world behavior. Corporations, conveniently, grew large enough to have massive budgets to spend on advertising. Most modern corporations employ the persuasive communication model. However, the communication pattern is still one-way. The state of Louisiana undertook all rescue and clean-up operations in New Orleans. Desire is an even smaller group of people who are real prospects as customers and at the action point, the funnel narrows where the real customers are located. For more information and resources, visit our Ethics Page. We respect all opinions and support the right of free expression. Scientists even speculated on the chances of the station hitting the targetslim to none. Before entering a managerial role, most public relation practitioners begin their career as a communication technician. It is often thought of as deception, but this is not always the case. Then, it discusses the history of advertising. Multicultural Relations/Workplace Diversity. Developing an effective PR model was an important war effort during World War IIwhen it was essential to develop theories for how propaganda worked to determine what the Nazis were doing and, if possible, how their propaganda could be stopped. PR campaigns promoted the image of the Saturn family, associating the company with powerful American values and giving Saturn owners a sense of community. Former President Bill Clinton described his political battles in terms of a brand war: [The Republicans] were brilliant at branding. Like other theories related to persuasion in the mass media the behavioral influences it identifies have to contend with other social forces to influence behavior. A member deceives the public by employing people to pose as volunteers to speak at public hearings and participate in grass roots campaigns. Advertising influences brand and product awareness in individuals and in groups. Grunig and Hunt (1984) developed four models of public relations that describe the fields various management and organizational practices. Click here for more information on what you can expect in a public relations career. Advertising professionals will often argue that the best branding helps define and redefine the product over time so that the product only exists in consumers minds as advertising has described it, but marketing gets into the business of deciding what products to make, how to promote them, whom to market them to and when to stop making them. tool. Put simply, above the line (ATL) refers to methods of advertising that target mass audiences on mass media platforms with messages usually designed from a one-to-many point of view. I go to a cafe around the corner to do some thinking and writing, away from the hurly-burly of the office, and everyone in that cafe has a Mac. Often, above the line implies that the ad or ad campaign a series of related ads meant to work in tandem appears onlegacy media platforms. a- The most common publicity-based tool is the news HubSpot, the advertising company that provided the quick history of advertising early on in this chapter alsogets credit for helping to popularizeinbound marketing. Parts of this chapter remixed from Curation and Revision provided by: Boundless.com is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Be in good academic standing. A member changes jobs, takes confidential information, and uses that information in the new position to the detriment of the former employer. Investor relations are also often carried out under this model. Communication technicians write press releases, pitches, feature articles, and other communication materials and assist in event planning. Public relations. However, a company should not speculate; if they dont know the facts, they should say so and promise to get back to the media as soon as possible. They need to make consumers aware of their brands, products and those products features, so they develop creative campaigns to promote them and often pay ad agencies to do the creative work and place the ads in front of mass audiences. Now the doctrine is you respond instantaneously, and where possible with a strong counterattack. To prevent its potential decline in the product lite-cycle, Disney runs a lot of commercials featuring Mickey Mouse showing you the fun times you could have in visiting Disney World again with your family, The commercials run throughout the year, though sometimes the amount of advertising can vary depending upon vacation season, weather and the economy, This example represents select all that apply): Use of a personality symbol Reminder advertising Sales promation Media scheduling based on flighting Madison & Vine. At the same time that the concept of brands was developing, mass-media platforms such as daily newspapers and radio broadcasts grew their audiences and spread their influence geographically. (Recall that framing was defined in Chapter 9.) The history of the public relations field is often misunderstood. The ubiquity of modern advertising means the public is skeptical ofor even ignoresclaims advertisers make about their products. Businesses communicate information to gain desired results. People are, in fact, buying up the bread and milk. Later interviews with country artists and books on country music history have also mentioned this tour. An alliance of tobacco manufacturers hired the PR group Hill & Knowlton to develop a campaign to deal with this problem. A. Receivers almost immediately become senders in a network. If Nike introduces a new Air Jordan, the branding is easily handled. Furthermore, the goal is to disseminate communication based on the two- way symmetrical model presented by Grunig and Hunt (1984). Journalists often have the opposite interest because reporting on conflict is interesting. No matter the public relations vehicle, there must be a common buyer that all parties want toreach. Brands may advertise during certain TV shows or publications to reach a particular type of media consumer. Just as PR campaigns build brands, PR crises can damage them. b- The most common publicity-based tool is the press Interactive PR allows companies and organizations to disseminate information without relying solely on mainstream publications and to communicate directly with the public, customers, and prospects. C. Advertising is not useful for persuading an audience. An audiences attitudes and beliefs about a company can greatly influence its success. Stimulating an interest in a person, product, or organization by means of focused happenings as well as other activities designed to encourage interacting with publics and listening to them. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. PR is also the process of managing your organization's brand and communications especially in times of crisis. So, what did people do? Advertising is a communication tool used by marketers in order to get customers to act. These models serve as guidelines to create programs, strategies, and tactics. It originates from the public rath Show tab overview It is free. For example, during the 1980s, the Marlboro Country Music Tour took famous country stars to major coliseums throughout the country and featured talent contests that brought local bands up on stage, increasing the audience even further. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. It is also possible to set up a communication system that can be activated in almost any emergency situation. Once safety has been restored, the company needs to face the public and face the facts. As this chapter progresses, it defines the core concept of advertising and its relationship to public relations in more depth. The goal of the public information model is to release information to a constituency. Rather, the tone, style and method of dissemination of BTL advertising are more personal. A member shall: Safeguard the confidences and privacy rights of present, former, and prospective clients and employees. They stockpiled rice. Such marketing is usually optimized for search engines, which is to say the posts are written to attract search engine attention as well as outside links, which also alerts search engines that this content is valuable. Core Principle Client trust requires appropriate protection of confidential and private information. The first step of many PR campaigns is the initial research phase. In 1992, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency adopted the new term and changed the classification of biosolids to a fertilizer from a hazardous waste. The fishing and tourism industries of Louisiana, Mississippi and parts of Texas, ravaged by hurricanes just years before, were being threatened again. A media reaction plan should include a company media representative as part of the crisis management team. It can take the form of blog posts or entire blogs. Then, they might take an interest in a particular product as they learn more about its features. The third-person effect is also a major issue in race relations and partisan politics. B) Advertising and public relations both give people and corporations direct control over the message. Historically, PR depended on other media platforms such as TV, newspapers and magazines to promote its content. Behavioral phenomena, particularly changes in behavior, are driven by many variables, as we have discussed several times; however, if you want to begin to look at an advertising campaign, film or news documentary to examine its effects, this is the model to start with. In light of the improved public health conditions in San . The purpose is to squeeze as many people through the funnel as you can and to be able to identify the level of interest in a given market subset. They may come in the form of messages from Twitter bots,botnets,collections of fake social media profiles run by software or blogs, or email spam. At these times, PR and journalism can be at odds, but truth and transparency are still advisable to the PR professional. P. T. Barnum was an early American practitioner of this kind of PR. Creating a sense of mystery around a brand generates an aura that bypasses the usual cynical take on commercial icons. The scenarios outlined in the Code provision are actual examples of misconduct. The most common use of product placement is in films where characters use branded products. Just as importantly, these efforts at least partially restored the stature that the brand lost due to health concerns (Saffir, 2000). Under the traditional publicity model, PR professionals seek to create media coverage for a client, product, or event. The most common . Such research can be used to generate mutual understanding or influence and persuade publics. Cheney, who had been criticized in the past for being secretive, did not make a statement about the accident for three days. Employing a combination of activities, designed to sell a product, service, or idea, including advertising, collateral materials, publicity, promotions, direct mail, trade shows, and special events. What is one manner in which new technologies have affected public relations practice? Question 1 1 pts Which is an accurate statement about public relations? New technologies have lengthened the news cycle, meaning that once something becomes news, it stays in the news for a very long time. That worry and not the original message may influence our behavior. An example of earned media is when Apple released a new iPhone, and news organizations provided coverage of the lines that wrapped around city blocks as people waited for the latest gadget. One of the more infamous examples of their campaign was a heavily reported account by a Kuwaiti girl testifying that Iraqi troops had dumped babies out of incubators in Kuwaiti hospitals. Disclose promptly any existing or potential conflict of interest to affected clients or organizations. For example, if a charity commissions a public relations agency to create anadvertisingcampaign that raises money toward finding the cure for a disease, the charity and the people with the disease are stakeholders, but the audience is anyone who might be willing to donate money. b- The most common publicity-based tool is the press conference. Stories of travels to exotic locations to research and develop cosmetics were completely fabricated, as was the companys reputation for charitable contributions. Favorable reviews of the shows generated positive press for Marlboro. Public relations emphasizes cultivating relationships between an organization or individual and key publics for the purpose of managing the clients image. The positive PR campaign presented Toyotas as cars with a high standard of excellence, backed by a company striving to meet customers needs. But, the PRSA Board of Directors retains the right to bar from membership or expel from the Society any individual who has been or is sanctioned by a government agency or convicted in a court of law of an action that fails to comply with the Code. Brand managers that once focused on the product now find themselves in the role of community leaders, responsible for the well-being of a cultural image (Atkin, 2004). And yet we do know that advertising works at least to influence behavior. The gap between old PR methods and new ones became evident in 2006, when thenVice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot a friend during a hunting trip. There was a time when many companies did not see the value of public relations, unless a crisis happened. The model is particularly popular in advertising and consumer marketing, fields that are specifically interested in increasing an organizations profits. In other words, it is known as the first modern ad agency. Working with mass media (television, web sites, newspapers, magazines, and the like) by seeking publicity or responding to their interests in the organization. Despite the cynical outlook of many Americans regarding commercial claims, the notion that Apple is a symbol of individualism has been adopted with very little irony. c. He thought a relationship with China might drive a wedge between the Soviet Union and China. a. Read and think before you share. Each of us sets an example for each other as well as other professionals by our pursuit of excellence with powerful standards of performance, professionalism and ethical conduct. For example, an ad agency that does not typically manage multimillion-dollar television ad buys might still put together hundreds of thousands of dollars in targeted social media ads. A fundamental technique of public relations is identifying the target audience and tailoring messages to appeal to them. PR can focus on the company and the corporate narrative, the story of how the company came to exist and how it represents certain values and ideals at least in theory. The Blackspot logo is a simple round dot that looks like it has been scribbled with white paint, as if a typical logo had been covered over. Media, society, and culture will always influence you to some degree, but they are also yours to try to control. For many industries and product categories, there are influential bloggers and analysts writing about products and the industry. Which statement about staff and line agencies is TRUE? PR often measures its worth in earned mediathe amount of free air time on TV or space in major newspapers and magazines that is earned by getting other mass media channels to tell your products stories without having to pay for ad space. Keep informed and educated about practices in the profession to ensure ethical conduct. We are accountable for our actions. BPs marketing firm developed a PR campaign that, at least on the surface, emulated the forward-looking two-way symmetric PR model. Many nonprofit groups that are run by boards and have public service mandates use this model to ensure continued public support. The correct option is A. Here is how the third-person effect works with regard to advertising: You might think upon seeing a clever advertisement, Sure, that ad probably got someone else to buy the product, but it doesnt influence me. their public relations material. Essentially, the company inherited a PR machine that had been built around Jordan and that continued to function until his retirement (Roberts, 2003).

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