who are the modern day descendants of esau

I enjoyed this peace. You are a Christian, so all you talk about is love. The millenial reign is 1000 years of slavery for the children of those who enslaved us! Notice, there is a condition for being accepted. Edom, ancient land that bordered ancient Israel in what is now the Southwest Bank, between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. So you had better listen to the truth and stop trying to find an excuse not to hear it. Undeniable Bible Evidence! The phrase, That person looks down on me! Thats the haughty eye and its full of pride. 2 Baruch 50 tells us that the Gentiles who did not know or oppress our people will be spared by the Messiah upon his return. The leaders of the other two members of the G7 who are of Edom (USA and Canada) are merely descendants of the United Kingdom, France and other European countries. Edom. I am saying this to help you so you are not cut off in the end. John 4:22 Salvation is not mans choice it is Gods decision; and that decision was made in eternity past. Your salvation is not primary Mr Gentile, it is incidental. You are implying that I am twisting the truth, but I appeal to you to look more into what you believe is true about Isaiah 56. Esau despised and willingly sold his birthright. Researchers . Rabbi Dayan paraphrased Rabbi Moshe Charlap, a leader in the religious Zionist movement of the first half of the 20th century. Isaiah 14:1-2 tells us exactly what it means to join to Israel. 2 Chronicles 25:14. The nation of Amalek is long gone, but they live on as the internal enemies that we each battle on a . How do you check if a string matches a regex in Java? If not, how can you be grafted into a tree that you reject? This was the absolute best clear water Maya cut from the cloth of Yahawah breakdowns summarized, in a nut-shell, scripture interpreted correctly by the Wisdom of the Holy Spirt, how Beautiful She IS..This was awesome bumping into this.YahsharEl will have redemption under Mashiac, the son of Yosef and Mary, of Judah, Amein! Isaiah 14:1 This mountainous region, situated in modern . ?\\\\u200e) descended from the 12 sons of the patriarch Jacob (later called Israel) and his two wives, Leah and Rahel, and two concubines, Silpah and Bilhah. Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. There are several books that are mentioned in the bible, and not made available in the 66 book compilation of the Hebrew scriptures. That is your doctrine ? Firstly Esau the white man was the son of black Israelite parents, he had a black twin brother and he married two black Canaanite women and also the daughter of Ishmael. . Esau's descendants already had Kings before Isreal had their first King, Saul. However, it is through the Edomite descendants of Europe in which the prophecies of the bible are being played out. In Matthew 1:16 and Luke 3:3134 of the New Testament, Jesus is described as a member of the tribe of Judah by lineage. Praise ye YAHUAH. Moab, Kingdom, Ancient Palestine. Thus saith YAHUAH of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that Aluah is with you. Required fields are marked *. Job 9:24 is talking about wicked people ANYWHERE regardless of colour. In Ezekiel 16:4850, God compares Jerusalem to Sodom, saying Sodom thy sister hath not done, she nor her daughters, as thou hast done, thou and thy daughters. He explains that the sin of Sodom was that thy sister, Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did. Then Yahusha answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. Believe in His words, get to know Him by reading your bible, and talk to Him about everything. Peter Raubal, Heiner Hochegger, and Alexander, Louis and Brian Stuart-Houston are all vastly . How do I put a border around an image in HTML? More proof they were Israelites? I cannot deal with an entire chapter in a comment. How do you add dependency from one project to another in gradle? So if he shall not be able to hide, how can he be hidden from the very elect whom it is not possible to deceive (Mat 24:24)? you or the scriptures? One lies from a spiritual angle and the other lies on the physical. There is also another dead giveaway as to who the modern day descendants of the Edomites are. The land known as Canaan was in the area of the southern Levant that now includes Israel, the west, Bank and Gaza, Jordan and the southern parts of Syria and Lebanon. to the Levant (an area that includes modern-day Israel, the Gaza Strip, Lebanon, and Syria). This is a result of two main schools of thought that have emerged. You cannot join yourself to YAHUAH and separate yourself from his people! 1Sa 21:7 Now a certain man of the servants of Saul was there that day, DETAINED BEFORE YAHUAH; and his name was Doeg, an Edomite, the chiefest of the herdmen that belonged to Saul. It's impossible to determine or more accurately, categorize, modern-day descendants of Esau. Hence we merely speak the truth, as we are called to do. What Does Revelation 13:10 Mean? Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee. Esau will be plain to see and the things he does will reveal who he is, even though he mixed in with other nations and will not be seen for how he originally looked or found where he originally lived, he will not be able to hide! God (aka Gad or Gud or Gudt) is the idol Fortune, the god of luck. I stopped at verse 3 because it matches line upon line (Isa 28:9-13). Is this something new? You need to come out of that drunken stupor and wake up. No, they were Israelites. Isaiah 40:17 Edom did mingle his seed not only with the Canaanites but the Ishmaelites as well in addition to the ones that you have specified. Thus even the topography and geography of Spain reveal that it could well be a country populated by the modern day descendants of ancient Esau! Jesus Christ is a false Messiah. Esau was born of Isaac and Rebekah, Genesis 25:21 The Nation Russia Symbol is the bear, What happens in the end times Edom OT:123 the elder twin-brother of Jacob; hence the region (Idumaea) Edom, Edomites, Idumea. According to the Hebrew Bible, God commands Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac as a Victim. The term Amorites is used in the Bible to refer to certain highland mountaineers who inhabited the land of Canaan described in Genesis 10:16 as descendants of Canaan son of Ham. Esau had five sons: The descendants of Jacob are the Israelites, whose children are called Jews today. Magdiel and Iram as the leaders of the Edomites. When you know who the Edomites are, their religions immediately show up as false. Edom is portrayed as an aggressive and bloodthirsty people who are opposed to Israel at every step. 9 And from that time they could no more lift up their heads, and their kingdom became one with the children of Chittim. Abednego, Nehemiah, Ezra and other righteous Israelites. In some sources, Edom is perceived as Israel's brother; in many others, the animosity toward Edom is tremendous. Esau was cheated out of his birth right by his brother Jacob who disguised himself as his brother. Some of Esau's descendants became the Idumaeans who remained in the area of Petra and Mount Seir (Gen 32:3) in the land of Edom, southeast of the Dead Sea. The word of truth and also Satans deception are both very deep, and so those who take a simplistic approach as will easily be deceived. Keep going! Who worships their enemy? Actually, it would not be inaccurate to say that a large part of the Muslim world has the blood of Esau flowing through their veins. No. The descendants of Ishmael and Esauthe modern Arabsshare a common ancestor: The biblical patriarch Abraham. Think about it. Esau would have had to be fully WHITE and Jacob would have had to be fully BLACK for that to happen and for them to spawn each individual race. But I thought white people being from Europe and thus were descended from Japheth the progenitor of many European and Asian peoples. Shalam. Obadiah 1:18. After Isaac is tied to an altar, a messenger of God stops Abraham before the sacrifice ends, saying, Now I know you fear God. Abraham looks up and sees a ram and sacrifices it in place of Isaac. God said His people would be sold into lands and forget who they are. Oba 1:9 And thy mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, to the end that every one of the mount of Esau may be cut off by slaughter. According to the biblical account, he was the second-born of Isaacs children, the elder being Jacobs fraternal twin brother, Esau. He was said to be born on the 25th of December, to the virgin Mayence. Edomites created the confederacy called the United Nations (see photo below). The whole house of Israel was divided into the house of Judah (neither Jews) and the house of Israel had been dispersed in 722 BCE and had become Gentiles. In 1-Chronicles 1:52 we have an expression, "the chiefs of Edom.". With that in mind, what is the modern-day land of Edom?. Hence, a nation that is as swift as the eagle that was prophesied to take us into captivity must be Edom! Period! If hes wrong, what specifically are you referring to? Your email address will not be published. Romans 11:18 Taken from Ancient Knowledge (Facebook page) https://www.facebook.com/ancientknowledge2020/posts/240018147810916. The Canaanites were people who lived in the land of Canaan, an area which according to ancient texts may have included parts of modern-day Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. Genesis (NKJV) 27: 38 And Esau said to his father, Have you only one blessing, my father? These are those who have eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to understand (Mat 13:10-16). Any more questions you may ask and I will answer if I can. But who are the eunuchs? Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Just as the Bible lays it out, we lay it out. Samaria, also called Sebaste, modern Sabasiyah, ancient town in central Palestine. You may want to watch our video: Who Is Jesus Christ if you desire truth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pb4YDj_8drk. There is teaching out that the House of Esau were the ancestors of the modern day Palestinians and that prophecy teaches these people are to be totally destroyed by Israel according to a judgment prophesied in the O.T. The Arabs are not the nation of people who are ruling the earth! Jasher 90:8 And the children of Chittim ruled over Edom, and Edom became under the hand of the children of Chittim and became one kingdom from that day. Using a genealogy of Genesis that connects Esau's descendants with Edom and Amalek, the villainous enemy of the Children of Israel during the time of the Exodus, and later with Haman of the Book . In fact, if you love a lie, you cannot enter the kingdom: And if you continue to reject the truth, he will make you believe a lie: see 2 Thess 2:7-12, Psalm 81:11-12. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. I dont remember ever reading this, but there it was Devariym 23. How is Edom related to Israel? Interesting Proof! The people who dominate any world organization directing the affairs of the world MUST be Edomites according to the hierarchy given in Psalm 83. After the account of the Tower of Babel, Genesis includes a detailed genealogy of the descendants of Noah's son Shem. Modern Day Descendants of Jacob and Esau. Oba 1:1 The vision of Obadiah. Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, Iraqis, and Saudi are from Shem, some are under Ishmael (Ismail= Arabs) and some are pre-Ishmael but still under Shem, not Japheth. Im a white young man and folks have told me that because Im a white person a supposed Edomite and of another nation that The Most High thinks Im nothing, that He hates my guts and I have no hope of salvation/being spared/eternal life in His service and presence. Gentiles cannot therefore be separate from Israel and start their own religions and expect to be saved! Man wanted to be like God (notice the pride) more than he wanted to be with God. Psa 83:1 A Song or Psalm of Asaph. You really do need to study the word. Who are the modern day descendants of Esau? Seir is Edom (cp. But he answered her not a word (because she was a Gentile). He did not cheat Esau out of his birthright. Can anybody elaborate on EliYahu Yasharals claim that 2 Baruch 50 says Gentiles who did not know or oppress the Israelites will be spared? Conclusive Evidence! We here at Just a Word are not racist, neither do we believe all Edomites are doomed (see Amos 9:11-12). WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO FIND OUT WHO ARE THE EDOMITES TODAY? Hence, to know who are the descendants of Esau today, all you have to do is look on the countries where there have traditionally held the title of Dukes. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Gen 25:31 And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright. In a later story, Jacob finally overtakes his older twin, when he tricks their elderly, blind father Isaac into blessing him with Esau's blessing (27:29). The problem is, it is filled with only opinions: no scripture. So it was then, so shall it be when our oppressors volunteer to go into captivity (Rev 13:10). Prophecy has to be fulfilled. ); for he hath visited and redeemed his people (HE REDEEMED HIS PEOPLE ISRAEL THROUGH MESSIAH), That is why you have to hold on to Israels covenants. The problem is, if you brush the lies aside and continue to walk in a lie, this is the outcome: Rev_21:27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, OR MAKETH A LIE: but they which are written in the Lambs book of life. On the contrary, scripture tells us that Esau is bare and will NOT be able to hide! Guess who will find the truth? Jacob's descendants become known as the Israelites, while Esau's descendants are termed "Edomites" Although Esau is the older of the two, God's redemptive activity follows Jacob's line . ((They)) are Esau Today. For Esau is the end of the world (this age), and Jacob is the beginning of it that followeth. What I find is that people stereotype any passage written about whites as being Esau as being egotistical and racist. Their traditional territory is transjordan between Babylon and the gulf of Aqaba. So your the Gentile salvation is incidental and dependent on the salvation of Israel. If you have not yet figured out who are the Edomites today, let me give you another big clue from Jeremiah 49:10. Strangers refer to an alien, a resident foreigner. White usually marry white, with less consideration for ethnicity. Esau, also called Edom, in the Old Testament (Genesis 25:1934; 27; 28:69; 32:321; 33:116; 36), son of Isaac and Rebekah, elder twin brother of Jacob, and in Hebrew tradition the ancestor of the Edomites. Lam 4:20 The breath of our nostrils, the anointed of YAHUAH, was taken in their pits, of whom we said, Under his shadow we shall live among the heathen. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". He who burdens others backs with trivial things like lineage & doctrine & thus tries to shut the gates of heaven on them, denying them a salvation which is free thru the BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST, shuts those same gates on themselves. Reading the bible and realizing that one is a descendant of Esau is not a pleasant feeling. Psa 83:7 Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre; He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. One takes control overtly; the other covertly. But from that day forward the children of Esau hated the sons of Jacob, and the hatred and enmity were very strong between them all the days, unto this day. Abraham was the progenitor of Israelites, Ishmaelites, Midianites, Edomites, and other Arabians ( Gen 17:20; 25:1-3, 24-27; Gen 35:11 ). Thus saith YAHUAH Aluah concerning Edom; We have heard a rumour from YAHUAH, and an ambassador is sent among the heathen, Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle. Sorry Henry, but please watch this video. The seat of Satan (Christianity led by the Vatican) and the synagogue of Satan (those who say they are Jews and are not) both seek to replace Jacob. Being grafted in does not make you Israel. Which nation was that? This discussion is a trillion dollar, no price-less discussion and ultimate keys to Salvation for the world to Innerstand! Simple. We have repented, so why are we going through it? Fascism (and Nazism . Indeed, the country called Morocco in north Africa even applied for membership to the European Union! . Who Are The Hosts For Good Morning America? It is sad that the stain of the false religion Christianity is still under the delusion of blindness where the Most High winked at our ignorance. No English translation of the bible until around 1530 you are talking 1000 after the African manuscripts of the bible. Also, the seals of the kjv were not unvealed unto the end. Wake up sister, you are in a false, idolatrous religion following God and you do not know the Most High YAHUAH TSABAOTH, the creator of the heavens and the earth and the Aluahym of Israel (who is not the idol called God). They are located in the modern day map of Syria. But what about seeking truth? Sure, the false Messiah Jesus Christ died for everyone, but the true Messiah Yahusha HaMashiach died for the sins of Israel: Act 5:30-31 The Aluah of our fathers raised up Yahusha, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree. You yanked Revelation out to say dont add to or take away from the word. There is a severe judgment hanging over Edom, and most Edomites do not know what is awaiting them! By spending your own time thinking about such enthocentricity you harm yourself. Curses (generational) CAN be broken and renounced through repentance and seeking forgiveness. which would mean white people too. Got it? You cannot utterly separate yourself from YAHUAHS people, living your comfortable life, while they are in wants and being persecuted: Isa 56:3 Neither let the son of the stranger, that hath joined himself to YAHUAH, speak, saying, YAHUAH hath utterly separated me from his people: neither let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree. The job of leadership is to keep Gods laws and to wake His people up. And the children of Chittim are the Romim who dwell in the valley of Canopia by theriver Tibreu. Please tell me you are joking ? I want to serve. We must not confuse sociological/earthly circumstance with quality of heart of the individual. Im going to pray for you. Jesus died for EVERYONE! Moab ( /mo?b /) is the name of an ancient kingdom now located in the modern state of Jordan. Isa 61:5 And strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, and the sons of the alien shall be your plowmen and your vinedressers. Its northern border was the Yarkon River with the Mediterranean Sea to the west, the Kingdom of Judah to the east, and Wadi El-Arish to the south. So basically , the entire world population needs to bow down and serve black people ? Here are the gods they gave us in Christianity: All of these are pagan gods. Jacobs greatest enemy is the air of nation, Not the white race. Generally. These include: As you can see, 4 members of the G7 are there (France, Germany, Italy and the UK). What about you? Is Taco Bell healthier than other fast food? They are not the apple of YAHUAHS eyes. There you go with the replacement theology that typifies Esau. Although no name of an Edomite deity is given in the Bible . JESUS is the name that demons recognize & tremble to. Christianity led by the Roman Catholics is the seat of Satan. But, why is it important that we know who are the modern-day descendants of the Edomites today? Rom 9:5 Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Messiah came, who is over all, YAHUAH blessed for ever. Where is Canaan today? This is from the curses of the law: the same curses that prophesied us in slavery via slave ships (Deut 28:68): Deu_28:49 YAHUAH shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand; Any nation that had us in slavery must be Edom. In direct response to the claim that Whites control the world, I have to agree. Some Arabs are descendants of Ishmael and some are not, but nearly all are Muslim. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour. Following the dream, God changed Jacob's name to Israel and promised that his descendants would be known as the 12 tribes of Israel. But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.. Isa 14:1-2 For YAHUAH will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and set them in their own land: and THE STRANGERS SHALL BE JOINED WITH THEM, AND THEY SHALL CLEAVE (cling to) THE HOUSE OF JACOB. In the USA, they will tell you of how they are German-Italian Americans or Dutch mixed with English, etc. On the other hand, Gen. xiv. That they were of obscure origin is . If you genuinely want to serve, then you have to do your research. What does it mean by I have uncovered his secret places?. Although Sarah was past the age of childbearing, God promised Abraham and Sarah that they would have a son, and Isaac was born. But what specifically are you talking about as related to your statement, you are wrong. ? However, to qualify to be spared, you do not only have to be a believer, you have to actually cleave to the children of Israel in their persecution. These are primarily the modern day Europeans, south western Asians and North Africans. It begins with the word Also, which of course, means in addition: Isa 56:6 ALSO the sons of THE STRANGER, that join themselves to YAHUAH, to serve him, and to love the name of YAHUAH, to be his servants, every one that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my covenant; My eyes have too many logs Im working to remove to consider the splinter that may/may not be in your eye, so lets all re-reflect and repent for our wrongdoings and potential obfuscations of His full truth. 1Pe 1:1 Peter, an apostle of Yahusha HaMashiach, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, GALATIA (Galatians), Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. And, behold, a woman of Canaan (Gentile) came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Master, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil. This should open up your mind immensely as to the importance of the truth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utdqFYm-OGA. We will not be able to easily see who are the true Edomites, because he will be hiding behind in several (secret) places. Ammonite, any member of an ancient Semitic people whose capital was Rabbath Ammon in Palestine. The Arabs do not scrape up everything in the world and leave others with nothing. What an eloquently written comment? Tweet. The word Edom in Hebrew means "red.". A. It's a complicated issue, and religious as well as racial. Esau is a hunter while Jacob is a tent-dweller, and one day, when Esau returns from a hunt, Jacob convinces his exhausted brother to sell him his birthright for a pot of stew. Jasher 10:16. The present day descendants of the Idumeans are Jews, who are indistinguishable from any other present day Jews. It simply perpetuates it under a self-righteous pretense. The descendants of one of Isaac sons (Jacob) comprised the 12 tribes of Jews . Esau's offspring split into various groups, each one led by a chieftain. The Descendants of Esau. Rev 22:15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. What do the synagogue of Satan and the seat of Satan have in common? They are often associated with Edom, living in the same area as Edom. jQuery(function() {setTimeout(function(){ jQuery("#lbg_audio11_html5_shoutcast_1").audio11_html5({ radio_stream:"https://radio.jawradio.net/mp3radio", optional_shoutcast_sid:"", playerWidth:748, width100Proc:false, sticky:false, centerPlayer:true, grabArtistPhoto:true, autoPlay:true, borderWidth:1, borderColor:"#bfbfbf", bgColor:"#ffffff", bgColorOpacity:0, barsColor:"#ffffff", playButtonColor:"#ffffff", playButtonHoverColor:"#d7d7d7", numberOfElementsDisplayed:6, useRadioServerTime:true, optional_images_path:"", mscp_pro_api_url:"", optional_history_path:"", historyLeftPadding:25, historyRightPadding:25, historyTopPadding:30, historyBottomPadding:30, historyRecordTitleLimit:24, historyRecordAuthorLimit:34, songAuthorLineSeparatorOffColor:"#bfbfbf", historyRecordTimeOffColor:"#000000", historyRecordSongOffColor:"#000000", historyRecordAuthorOffColor:"#575757", songAuthorLineSeparatorOnColor:"transparent", historyRecordTimeOnColor:"#FFFFFF", historyRecordSongOnColor:"#FFFFFF", historyRecordAuthorOnColor:"#FFFFFF", historyRecordBackgroundOnColor:"#dd0060", pathToAjaxFiles:"https://justaword.org/wp-content/plugins/lbg-audio11-html5-shoutcast_history/audio11_html5_radio_history/", nowPlayingInterval:35, noImageAvailable:"https://justaword.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/justaword-radio-new-april-30-2020-2-scaled.jpg" });}, 1000); }); Lets face it. They are waiting for antichrist to rule the whole world. How do I copy data from one Excel workbook to another workbook using macro? Esaus brethren will also have his seed spoiled! What about judgment? Humble yourselves and stop thinking the Messiah came for you. It will also help to confirm who the children of Israel are because of the perpetual hatred that Esau has for Israel (Obadiah 1:10-14). After roaming the wilderness for some time, Ishmael and his mother settled in the desert of Paran, where he became an expert archer. Gods way of putting people right shows up in the acts of faith, confirming what Scripture has said all along: The person in right standing before God by trusting him really lives.. But for the Gentiles to have access to salvation, they must cleave (cling to/join to) the children of Yasharal, because salvation is of us (John4:22). two cities in the Bible that were destroyed by God as punishment for the sexual behaviour of the people who lived there. Amos 2: 6 Because they sold the righteous for silver, and the poor for a pair of shoesThats the work of Israel. However, I believe the Gentiles who did not oppress our people will be spared captivity. Most Syrians and the Kurdish people of Iraq are descended from Esau. Published October 10, 2017. 28There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. https://justaword.org/what-does-revelation-13-10-mean/ as if you do not voluntarily join yourself to his people, then you are not grafted in. We are all One.

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