why did nabisco stop making ideal cookies?

Oh yesHow I remember those cookies "Ideal Cookies" they were the best cookie I have every eatenI wish Nabisco would make them again. I have tried to substitute the Little Debbies, but they are not a match. I miss them. I wrote Nabisco and sent the link to this site. Im 55 now but I can still remember those awesome chocolate covered cookie bars I can still taste them they were the best ever cookie ever made in my opinion my aunt that just past at the age of 95 still remembered those cookies. Please bring back the best cookie everIdeal cookies!! I googled Ideal cookies tonight and am absolutely STUNNED at how many people LOVED these cookies as much as me!!!!! Last time I had these was 4/17/80, my birthday, and I'm still dreaming about them 30 years later bring em back! Whenever I eat a Reeses peanut butter stick, I think of the Ideal Bar and how much better it is. and Cheese Nips. Thank you all! With my father it was always a toss up either the pinwheels or the Ideals, 95% the time it was the Ideals, one of the best of store bought cookies ever. So i made the recipe as per instructions, with only one change: swapping in a cup of rice flour for the cup of potato flour. These cookies made every tastebud in your mouth stand up and take notice!! Please bring them back! After dinner, I couldn't eat much, but I even got to share some more Ideal cookies with my Mom and this is where my life of food-crime began. I am glad to see I am not the only Ideal obsessed kook out there. well I finally found out the name of these cookies that my grandmother always bought for me in the late 60s and 70s. I moved from Cali to Texas in 1980, Texas didn't have anybummer. I miss Lemon Coolers and My Dad Harold Hourihan more! What can we do to have Nabisco make these cookies again? Thanks, Mark. Sporty Hairstyles. Hands down the best cookie ever. If anybody ever hears of a petition please email me. Wassup Nabisco? I was told way back in the 70's also that they quit making them during the warm months.. and then never started making them again one year. They will always pull a box out right before we were leaving. Very rich & creamy: You needed a tall glass of ice cold milk to offset the decadence of this confection. Those fond memories and feeling like a kid again. These fan-favorite s'mores crackers featured a chocolate, marshmallow-flavored filling sandwiched between its classic buttery crackers. http://www.mondelezinternational.com/ ( MondelezInternationaldotcom)has bought out the snack division of Nabisco. Nabisco, if you do bring them back, KEEP THE RECIPE EXACTLY THE SAME!!! Let us unite and show the company. I can't believe the post starts in 2007 and the last one was 4 days ago. Can't believe they're gone for good My sister and I were trying to explain this cookie to my youngest daughter today. To be blunt, they lie to the Trademark Office.. My biggest beef with the 'chocolate peanut butter' type cookies out there today is they are all too sweet! I sure do wish they would bring them back, even if it was just for a trial period. They were FAR BETTER than ANY peanut cookie and/or candy bar available today, INCLUDING the Nutter Butter cookies you make today. Nabisco-PLEASE make them again. bummer. They were absolutely the best! In an even more fundamental fashion, however, the Oreos form leaps across stylistic boundaries.. Still, it is the Oreo that has become the icon.. He figured out that, since Kelloggs admitted it wasnt interested in doing anything with the cookie brand, he legally would be able to cancel the trademark and re-use it. If we get enough attention it will spread like wildfire. Ideal bars were the best store-bought cookies ever made. They were my absolute fav cookie and I can almost taste one! I'm sorry I just read Pollies comment, trust me Reese doesn't come close, I've looked for years for this cookie, and now that I've remembered it's time to hammer Nabisco. I keep telling my grandkids about them and they can't believe me or wontPLEASE BRING THESE WONDERFUL TREATS BACK !! But they did not stay mad long after I offered them another cookie :). I also feel the same way about the old Hershey 'Bar None' candy bar, which only lasted a short timeduring the 1990's. And what about them not being big sellers? Well do you know I went right back up to that shelf and proceded to eat the rest of them. If he were alive he'd want them back, too. I wrote the Nabisco Company a few years ago and they said they stopped making Ideal Bars because they were not selling as good as they wanted. I encourage all you IDEAL fans to reach out to Nabisco too. PLEASE bring them back - it's been like 30 years or more! Great to see all the Love. The assortment packs included several types of cookies and were marketed for families or parties because of the variety they offered. Easily the best chocolate-covered cookie ever. For months, some Canadians have been searching in vain for their beloved Dad's chocolate chip cookies. I am so glad I'm not the only one who misses Ideal cookies. I have been looking for these cookies for years now! I haven't seen them for years! I'm looking for a cookie that my dad and I used to eat when i was little I belive they were Heydays or maydays similar to a 1000 Grand bar with wafer cookie and carmel and rice krispies does anyone remember??????? You would think in the year 2010 they could figure out some solution to the melting problem. We stopped at a store in Winston, Oregon and we found "Little Debbie's" version of the Ideal bar. Melt the Ghirardelli bittersweet chocolate morsels. My parents both worked for Safeway in Va. we loved those peanut butter cookie bars in the orange and brown wrapped rectangular box. I want one now! This site was so fun to find. I HAVE TO HAVE ONE .OUR KIDS NEVER EVEN TASTED ONE IF WE ALL WRITE TO NABISCO ABOUT THEM ,MAYBE THEY WILL CONSIDER MAKING THEM AGAIN .I DONT CARE IF THEY ARE 10 BUCKS A BAG LOL WELL,I DO BUT I WOULD PAY IT FOR IDEAL COOKIE BARS. Nothing compares to the original Ideal Cookie Bars. We would all definitely be willing to spend our hard earned money on a package of those awesome ideal bars! Nothing taste as good as the ideal cookie. When my parents bought the ideal bars, it was a big deal. That has never made sense to me! Agreed. Can ANYONEconvince Nabisco to re-make these cookiesPLEASE, I loved Those Cookies -- Mom used to have to hide them in the 2nd drawer -- they were such a treat -- and I'd love to have them again. As I remember they were not sold in the summer. There are some cookies called Nutter Butter, if you melt some semi-sweet chocolate chips and dip these cookies in the chocolate, it comes fairly close to the Ideal cookie. You won't be sorry!! It's decades later and those of us middle aged and older would enjoy having a cookie that tastes like something other than sugar to snack on. I can even smell them now, I was about 9 then and now I'm 46. I still look at the grocery store shelves to see if they are there. My wife and I were just talking about the magical flavor that these cookies had. Wonderful cookies the kids and I loved them then they disappeared! 2023 Atlas Obscura. I would reach into the long, rectangular box; the bars would be cold to the touch, yet even at first contact my chubby hands would leave tell-tale fingerprints on the cookies I touched. I need one for myself!). Yes, please bring the Ideal Peanut Butter Bars back along with the Hey Deys, the crispy chocolate carmel bar. Please Nabisco bring them back!!!!! Pleeeeeeaaaaasssse, bring these cookies back. :) My sister and I talked about them this weekendsuch good memories! I have been craving them for years. One of them worked in the bakery division. I call Nabisco every year and ask them when they are going to start making Ideal Cookie Bars again. We'd save our allowance to buy them and they didn't last more than a half hour once we got them home. Thought I was the only one who felt this way about Ideal. Long story short, it was a weird name for a cookie. These were and remain my all-time favorite cookie. which are offered at higher prices. Sign up for our newsletter and enter to win the second edition of our book. I would gladly pay $10-15.00 for a box. What's the problem? The most popular cookie ever growing up as a kid. The loss of these cookies was devastating. Yes, we loved the chocolate-peanut butter delights that melted deliciously on our fingers enough to sit through Lawrence Welk! I enjoyed reading everyone's comments - these cookies were the BEST and I can still remember their taste. My Mom and I ate so many packages of these we should be ashamed! I wish I could get through to Kraft/Nabisco! Please bring them back. I was in elementary school and my Mother used to buy these cookies for herself and give us kids two and hide the rest. Let's all call and complain! For the longest time, I refused to believe that Ideal bars (we always called them bars) weren't being made anymore. You would not be sorry.. Anyway, these little growths were easy to bite off, and would lend a fairly pure chocolate experience, one that only hinted of the peanut butter explosion that loomed on the not-so-distant horizon. Then he started pre-bagging them for lunch. Nabisco could reintroduce these cookies with much fanfare and publicity and then watch their profits soar. Funny thing, as it was, the woman I spoke with said that those were her favorite cookies also. Such a wonderful cookie, I sure wish they would bring them back!! THE LITTLE DEBBIE ONES ARENT THAT BAD AT ALL BUT THEY ARE NOT IDEAL.THE ORIGINAL..SO CMON GANG EVERYONE GO TO NABISCO AND WRITE THEM A LETTER,TELL THEM ALL THE PEOPLE ON THIS SITE AND MAYBE THEY WILL MAKE THEM AGAIN , My favorite cookie above all was Ideal. They were the best. Perhaps Nabisco has a deal with Reeses that they will not compeet! I thought I was the only one who really missed these cookies! I found the FB page but there isn't enough activity to turn the heads of Nabisco. My mom would hide ours, too. the real reason is that it was the perfect cookie. If someone else beats you to the punch, it's your loss, and our gain. They were great. If you can believe it (and it's true) I actually went through shock treatment using Ideal bars as a food I should not eat (a loose weight gimmick in the 70's which is still used for smoking). The best part towards the end of them being around, we had to special order them, and then hope to get them before someone else snapped them up. Here's the Kraft customer service number: 877-535-5666 or you can email Nabisco: cis@nabisco.com Take a couple of minutes and make the request. The reason the taste of those cookies is still memorable to so many people is simplethe high salt content of the peanut butter and the quality of the dark chocolate they used was a terrific combination. The folks at Nabisco must just be a bunch of big, dumb, stupidheads to not want to bring them back. Just emailed NabiscoWe NEED to let the world know about the Ideal bar. I could sit and eat a whole box when I was a kid. Its comforting knowing my insanity has friends. My dad used to get at least to boxes of these one for himself and another for the kids. Please, Please start making the Peanut Butter with Dark Chocolate cookies, these are the best cookies, there is no other and will never be any other cookies out there that is as wonderful as these cookies. I can still remember that taste. Nothing made today compares! That cookie holds the best childhood memories ever. And I guess there's ony one real answer. (Two words: Cheez-It.). I am your biggest fan. This TEMPLE OF ANSWER that i met on this was my God of savior please contact them now if you are having same problem email is templeofanswer@hotmail.co.uk phone number is +2348155425481. I would dearly love to give my dad a package of Ideal cookies. To put that into perspective, consider that the overall global cookies market (i.e. I have e-mailed Nabisco begging for them to just bring them back as a seasonal item or a limited time only so me & my sisters could stock them in the freezer but I think if everyone would e-mail them maybe they would listen. Buy the Grandma's peanut butter sandwich creme cookies or Nutter Butter, but Grandmas is better to get the taste. I love these cookies! read petition letter Dear Nabisco, These were my favorite cookies as a child and I also kept them in the fridge!! See answer (1) Best Answer Copy Nabisco says that when enough people request the cookies, they will bring them back. But the cookies design, which was initially sold with an exotic English biscuit twist, was pretty interesting for its era: With an industrial press from a mold, the cookie took on the look of a flower. So many people would buy them just for the memories. The fact my kids never had one is enough reasonwait, not it's not. Some things should never have been changed, and this was one of them! Please bring Ideal cookies back. Nabisco, you've got to back Ideals!! I have been watching for those Ideal Bars for years and did not realize that Nabisco had quit making them. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE! They were a tart, refreshing treat in the hot summer desert heat of Las Vegas. Timmy D PGH WE will prevail. Like some of you my mom would have to hide them. Have missed my favorite cookie for years. These cookies popped into my head the other night, it's unfortunate that they are not made anymore. Quit messing with your customers Nabisco or whoever owns you now in 2019. For one matter, the peanut butter in Twix is way too sweet - and they have milk chocolate instead of a "fudgy" dark chocolate. I want to recreate them with a recipe contest! I would beg my mom when she sent me to the store to let me buy a package of Ideal bars, she would always say yes. If you are determined to continue to refuse to bring these superior products back into production, then at least make the recipes for them available to the people who love them and grew up on them, people like me. !I'm 7 years old and I NEED them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And, for a minute, it felt like a game-changer for Sunshine Biscuits. The cookie took a long time to eat, but it didn't last a long time at the grocery store. Yes Bring Ideal Bars back! Unfortunately the quality from Nabisco was not consistent. I would love for my grandchildren to experience the best taste I have EVER tasted in my lifetime! They were hands down THE BEST cookies EVER made!!!! Those cookies and a COLD glass of milk.makes me tear up just thinking about them. We would just laugh and have THE BEST time. the little Debbie ones don't even come close .Please bring back the ideal. Lots of people WANT these cookies back in production!!! I would really like my daughter Keira, who is a chocolate fanatic, to enjoy the delectable Ideal bar. I have never tried them. Regular stores, specialty stores. I looked forward to autumn when they would reappear at Thriftway supermarket. I made my own sandwich and helped my self to an entire package of Ideals. Please, Nabisco, bring these back. Nabisco, if these wonderful cookies are too expensive to make and sell in a package of cookies, how about packaging them as candy bars? I also searched for them in the past. Oreo boycott (also known as the Nabisco boycott and Mondelez boycott) is a boycott of the Oreo cookie and other Nabisco-manufactured products, including Chips Ahoy! I don't buy cookies or pudding any more, but I would buy Ideal Bars and Spoon Candyso would many baby boomers. They were more like a candy bar than a cookie. If they're not going to sell them any more can't they at least share the recipe??!!!! Unfortunately in todays society, the squeezy wheel gets the oil. E-mail your local news station with this link. It was on the very top shelf. But while Oreo ascended to become something of a cultural touchstone, Hydrox retained its partisans, in part also because the slightly-more-bitter cookie was also kosher. I stated there was only 1 cookie worth remembering and that was IDEAL cookies, It is true, there has never been a better cookie made than those Ideal bars and never will. Bake at 375 degrees F for 10 minutes or until edges are brown. I can see the package and taste those things right now. I always went with my mom to the A & P and I'd beg her to get them every time. Down a pint of ale where the Bishop of Ely's servants slept in 1546. I have the happiest memories of eating alot of these cookies!!!! I talk about them and people have no idea what I am talking about. ITS NOT NOT FAIR!! I'm going to the web site to put in a request. Discontinuing them to develop a more profitable product may have made some punk executive a bonus but in doing so the Nabisco brand was greatly diminished. Every once in a while my brother & I will talk about them. These were definitely the best cookies. I hope it's okay to leave this comment here, I was enjoying these cookies in the 60s. I am quite positive that they would fly off of the shelves as long as they have the same original taste, and are as close to the original product in every way as possible. I would give up every store-bought cookie---sorry Pepperidge Milanos---for one Ideal Bar! They were his favorite. ASAP! Perfect. I'd BEG the president of Nabisco to re-introduce them, if it would do any good! There are no substitutes and I have LOOKED. It's funny; now that I am middle aged and have enough money to buy these at any time they are not available. Roll into small balls and place on ungreased or parchment lined cookie sheets. Had to google it and found this thread. 1993 Kraft General Foods acquires NABISCO ready-to-eat cold cereals from RJR Nabisco. How's that for wishful thinking? The Little Debbie bars don't even compare to Ideal Bars. I contacted Nabisco one time they said they could find no record of them ever making such a cookie. There is no time like the present to re-introduce them to the market. The name, they thought, would be reminiscent of the sunlight that glimmered through its factories, in addition to speaking to a basic purity of product. Come on Nabisco, no one can compare to your recipe. google_color_bg = "E7F0EB"; These cookies were the best - my favorite childhood cookie. I agree with everybody on this page. Surely someone out there has enough influence on some high level executive at Kraft Foods to reintroduce this extraordinary cookie!!! Nadeau was probably pleased, when in 2015, Hydrox made a comeback. I can speak for the rest of our clan and say Nabisco bring back the Ideal Cookie Bars and make the world a sweeter place. I still crave them and will support any effort to making them available again. I love the peanut butter filled pretzels at Trader Joe's, so I may just have to try it. They have a section where you can contact them and request they bring back Ideals. We all should go to the keebler web site and leave our coments there also. The absolute BEST cookie ever produced on this planet in my lifetime. an update: I just received a msg indicating that my note referenced above was not deliverable to "cis@nabisco.com". LET US ALL PROMISE TO CALL NABISCO AND PLEAD FOR THEM TO BRING BACK THIS COOKIE. After 30 years of no Ideal ccokies they musthave been to good for us m ere mortals. We also search for this cookie but now the truth is out we will stop, kind of sad. I look for them everytime I go to the store. I kind of make a substitute with Ritz crackers, peanut butter and melted chocolate chips. Nabisco, please bring back my most favorite cookie of all times. The truth was a bit more complicated, however. We just blogged the question to the Internet and are so surprised to find a support group. It just so happened to be a day when Dad took an Ideal bar headcount. Oreo, which the company described as, two beautifully embossed chocolate-flavored wafers with a rich cream filling survived. If Nabisco R & D folks actually took the time to read these comments, they just might realize they could make a product that would put the "Peanut Butter" cup in the trash forever. Never could another cookie compare!! Ideal cookies were a staple in my house. Nabisco, You MUST bring these Back. I would love to sit down and devour a few of them right now. ideal cookies were the absolute best! My mother would stop me though. I cannot beleive that the powers that be at "Nabisco" are not aware of the number of people that want these cookies back at any cost. With so many of us wanting them back has anyone sent Nabisco this link? Please Nabisco bring back the Ideal cookie, Check this out. I figured like some of the old candy from the 60s is still made regionall that these cookies would be too. I can't go in to the cookie isle without looking for them. That brand would be Hydrox, the second banana of the cookie aisle, which these days simply cant compete against the marketing juggernaut that is Oreo, even if it did get a bit of a head start. My husband and I lived in the mountains befor they had cable, so we would listen to the stereo and have Ideal cookies and Milk two or three times a week! That is absurd in a world where Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are one of Hershey's #1 sale items. I hated to see that they discontinued them!!!!!!! Oh man, Words Cant Describe how much I loved Ideal Bars.Its great so see how many people besides myself are obsessed with those little crunchy pieces of heaven. Is it that difficult for them to reintroduce an item that was truly loved and enjoyed? PLEASE Nabisco!!!! I was thinking about these cookies today and found all your comments. :}. Seems Nabisco has no choice but to bring them back. I love these cookies. Maybe I will email Keebler and encourage them to check out this site - for sure there's a demand - so how 'bout they provide the supply - :). And that was the keythe slightly salty peanut butter. These were a chocolate covered cookie shaped like a small candybar. I truly miss these cookies, they are by far the BEST cookie I ever had. YOU CANNOT HAVE THIS MANY PEOPLE WANTING THIS COOKIE AND IGNORE THEM. They are the B E S T Cookie and if Nabisco doesn't want to make them anymore, then someone needs to reintroduce them. I hadn't thought about them in years until about a month ago I purchased a bag of the miniature reeses peanut butter cups that now come in milk and dark chocolate. I moved to Texas in the early 70's and couldn't find them anywhere. I don't know why the hoopleheads at Nabisco won't make these incredibly popular bars anymore. Again, thanks for contacting us, and I hope you'll continue to enjoy our products. I have been craving them for years. I remember Ideal Bars as a kid,and really disappointed that they discontinued them.NABISCO WAKE UP, PEOPLE WANT THEM BACK.Little Debbie would be close with their version if they used dark chocolateBut Ideal is no.1 in my opinion. //-->, Loading images, if this message doesn't go away you may need to enable javascript in order to see pictures. How can those gawdawful Nilla wafers survive all these years while the ultimate cookie -- the Ideal Bar -- is retired? My father and I used to eat these all the time in the 70's. I remember these and still desire them! Why Nabisco did away with them, I'll NEVER know!!!!! They were expensive, but worth every penny. I think I saw the Nabisco executives all testifying before congress and each one in turn said "Ideal cookies are not addictive" and they had to pay millions in a settlement. We were just talking about how much we miss them and want them back!! Whoever bought it or felt the need to make a change . Nabisco, are you listening? Bring them back! So what? My dad and I reminisce about them, too. They did make a brief return in 2022, but only as a giveaway. all cookies sold all over the world), which was valued at $30.62 billion in 2018, has been projected to expand at a compounded actual growth rate of 5.3% . Last I saw them was the early 1980s. i can recall Sat. Should they bring this back it would totally destroy the sales for all the other peanut butter cookies out there. My kids love peanut butter and chocolate, I know they would devour these! My mom always kept a package in the house. NABISCO..PLEASE BRING THE IDEAL COOKIES BACK!!!! For the sake of money, some men will destroy goodness. Love them and really wish they would bring them back the SAME as the were! One of my sisters used to buy them and lock them up un her room. Please Nabisco, Ideal or whomever owns the recipebring them back! Kim McMiller Associate Director, Consumer Relations. Hands down the #1 cookie of all time. Those of you from the Philadelphia area may remember that the Ideal Bars were originally made by Acme Markets and were packaged as an Acme product until Nabisco bought the recipe from Acme. See. Nabisco kept the other fruit-flavored Newtons (raspberry, strawberry). won't give an experimental 6-month return of the IDEAL BARS. Does anyone think they will ever bring them back???? Along with that - bring back pudding pops! (Somehow the chocolate in Hershey candies seems watered down; not as good as the old days).

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