william coombes kamloops

Select this result to view William E Coombs's phone number, address, and more. Note:After todays show, our program will resume broadcasting on Sunday, January 7, 2018 at the regular time, with a new line up and newinitiativesfor liberty and justice. Leading that opposition are the succeeding generations of the Maquinna clan, the hereditary Ahousaht war-chiefs who must battle not only smallpox-bearing missionaries, gunships and loggers but their own fellow chiefs who seek to accommodateto and accept the white invaders. (2013) at:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY4h3hDjOYMand also:http://www.salem-news.com/articles/march262019/canada-biggest-cover-up-sw.phpandhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYEnChrKOgm7aRDzbo6yfswzCEdMl2P8e, Not Abuse But Mass Murder! And like so many others, the victim, Maisie Shaw, was buried in secret and the truth entombed with her. Especially intelligent or defiant children were targeted for sterilization. To do anything less is to defile their memory and any hope for a society free of the murderous legacy of state and church sponsored Genocide. Seven of our comrades have died from foul play at the hands of the police and others. Be a naughty Canadian and order your copy today! 2. Witness to Williams murder -. The Pulse introduces you to bold ideas & investigative journalism on current events, science, consciousness, solutions & more inviting viewers to inquire how our current paradigms shape our society. Earth has gone through multiple, The Pyramids, The Face & The Case For Intelligent Life on Mars Before Its Massive Climate Change, Set Your Pulse: Take a breath. William Combes, died of lethal injection, St. Paul's Catholic hospital, Vancouver, February 26, 2011; Genocide survivor. Many of these men have also been identified by a former Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) operative as participants in the murderousPiggys Palacetorture and snuff-film ring, including two politicians who now serve in the Canadian Senate: former Vancouver Mayor Larry Campbell and aboriginal puppet leader Patrick Brazeau. A special personal appeal is made in the report to Russian President Vladimir Putin. October 10, 2022. Public opponent of state-funded, drug dealing native politicians in Manitoba. The TRC indemnified the churches and allowed them to whitewash their archives, censored out of its records any names, references to deaths or actions of a criminal nature, and prevented any lawsuits to arise from testimonies. In February 2010, a man named William Arnold Combes made a statement about an incident he recalled while a student at Kamloops. OrderFallen todaythrough this email: thecommonland@gmail.com , or atwww.createspace.com/7263374. Kevins latest book: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b12fPkhmtUM&feature=youtu.be, Tis the Season to be Bad Ass: An Update from Kevin (Dont Tread on Me) Annett, Remember, Grieve, and Change: A Tribute to the Fallen and Those to Come An All Peoples Remembrance Day Program, The Oldest Lie and the Greatest Crime: Ending the Reign of the False Church, https://bbsradio.com/podcast/oldest-lie-and-greatest-crime-october-29-2017, https://bbsradio.com/sites/default/files/audio_dirs/herewestand/Here_We_Stand_2017-10-29.mp3, https://bbsradio.com/podcast/sovereignty-and-re-formation-october-22-2017, Scathing report exposes century-old, ongoing genocide by Canada, Great Britain and the Vatican; Calls for sanctions, arrests and war crimes trials, http://itccs.org/2014/07/24/sheriffs-move-to-arrest-convicted-church-leaders-bergoglio-pachon-and-welby-vatican-crown-plan-counter-attack/. The so-calledMissing Women Inquiry is operating through the very police agencies, including the RCMP, that are responsible for the killing of targeted native women and their families and that have concealed these crimes for many years. (2 Corinthians 6:17)For background listen to last weeks program Sovereignty and Re-Formation at this link:https://bbsradio.com/podcast/sovereignty-and-re-formation-october-22-2017See alsowww.murderbydecree.comandwww.itccs.org. William was the sole survivor of a group of three aboriginal boys who claim to have witnessed the abduction of ten children during a royal visit to the Kamloops residential school in mid October, 1964, when both the Queen and Prince Philip were in Canada. Not all of them were! George McLaren, Royal Canadian Legion, Holy shit et mon dieu! Eyewitness of killings and of the abduction of ten aboriginal children by. A publicly supervised forensic examination of these children must occur to determine how they died and at whose hands. William Combes, died of lethal injection, St. Pauls Catholic hospital, Vancouver, February 26, 2011; Genocide survivor. 11. In partnership with the three churches responsible for the residential schools genocide and with the active compliance of the world media, the United Nations and every level of judicial and political power in Canada, the TRC buried the truth and the evidence of that genocide with remarkable ease and success. Why and how have they done so? These tests included denying children food and vitamins and monitoring their physical degeneration; inserting experimental birth control devices into girls as young as seven; involuntary drug testing in conjunction with Pfizer, Eli Lilly, Bayer and other pharmaceutical companies; pain threshold studies in which children were burned, eviscerated, electrocuted, starved to death, immersed in ice water for prolonged periods, and subjected to chemical and biological warfare agents; mind control programs using electric shocks, prolonged sensory deprivation and hypnotic barbiturates; experimental sterilization methods including tubal ligations, surgical castration, prolonged genital exposure to X-rays and indiscriminate drug testing; and dozens of other tortures all of which are Crimes against Humanity under the law. Eyewitness to killings and rapes at Anglican Alert Bay residential school. Some of Kevin's books can be ordered here: Kevin's award-winning documentary filmUnrepentantcan be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swGEK8duSiU&t=932s . We pay for war with our taxes, we benefit from war materially, and we even draw our pension and retirement funds from the profits of the arms industry as does every major church and religion on the planet, starting with the Vatican Incorporated. Not surprisingly, the TRC produced the absurdly low figure of only 3200 residential school deaths spanning more than a century. In WWII, Mr . Chief Louis Daniels, died suddenly of unknown causes in Victoria General Hospital, May 16, 2010 . In October, 1964 when I was 12 years old, I was an inmate at the Kamloops school and we were visited . IHRAAM sponsored the Tribunal and its Director Dr. Yussuf Kly and field worker Rudy James were in attendance there along with fifteen aboriginal observers, from June 12-14, 1998 in Vancouver. She wasnt breathing. (1) This plan was set in motion and maintained by the Crown of England and its Privy Council Office and the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada, along with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the judiciary and private corporations. Here are the titles in question and how to order them (all cheaply priced at $20 or less): This Canadian plan consisted of a state and church funded program of systemic inter-generational genocide based initially within the so-called Indian residential school system, modeled on a Jesuit program and established with state approval and by Order in Council on July 1, 1920. With this in hand, media outlets will have to evolve. In September 1964 when I was 12 years old, I was an inmate at the Kamloops school and we were visited by the Queen of England and Prince Phillip. The government of Canada, its churches, and their sponsors in London and Rome have been tried and convicted of the Indian residential school genocide in common law court proceedings held during 2012 and 2013. This Cabinet Directive was never revoked, and has caused the death of at least seven native activists who have been assassinated by RCMP operatives since 1998, including members of the ITCCS network. It concerns the covered-up, unindicted and therefore unpunished official Canadian genocide and crimes against humanity against the aboriginal people of Canada. Life. And that battle is far from over. Sylvester Green was sent to a . We Rememberthe Murdered Children, and those responsible: December is the month when we especially commemorate two victims of Genocide in Canada: our brother Johnny Bingo Dawson, a leader of the Vancouver-based movement to expose residential school crimes who died from a targeted killing and savage police beating on December 9, 2009; and 14 year old Maisie Shaw, kicked to her death by United Church clergyman Alfred Caldwell on Christmas Eve, 1946 at the Alberni Indian residential school. Christian churches have led the genocidal slaughter of untold millions of people and continue to traffic, rape and murder children with impunity, armed with your tax money. As a state-led campaign, this culmination of the Canadian genocide has judicial sanction, as is evident in not only the refusal of anyCrowncourt to prosecute any person or agency for genocidal acts, but by the active victimization by the same courts of anyone who exposes these crimes. And having found that endurance they become more than victims amidst the usual woe called history. Breathe slowly into the area for 60 seconds. Canada and these powers are rogue bodies whose actions threaten not only the innocent but the sovereignty and peace of all nations. 5. Statement of William Arnold Combes. A master plan bythe Vatican and the Crown of England, acting through the government and churches of Canada,to exterminate domestic indigenous nations has been in operation since November 25,1910. We are especially directing this call to President Vladimir Putin, his government and the people of Russia, and all countries outside the western bloc. 5. William was a witness to the abduction of ten children by "Queen Elizabeth" Windsor on October 10, 1964 at the catholic Kamloops Indian residential school. Kamloops school Principals managed this aboriginal slave trade and personally profited from it, with the knowledge and collusion of Indian Agents and their bosses in Ottawa. The recent history of this campaign is found atwww.itccs.org. Co-founder of FRD. The National Defense Research Board in Ottawa and the National Defense Medical Center in Toronto conducted experiments on generations of children at the Kamloops school, often with fatal results. Annett has been circulating the story of the Kamloops Kidnapping for many years \u0026 has earned immense villification. Like the TRC, the Missing Women Inquiry operates through hand-picked government loyalists who lack any judicial power or mandate to bring charges against the guilty or conduct any genuine investigation. Lt. Robert Annett, age 19, who died in action on April 29, 1944 after giving his life jacket to a drowning fellow seaman from the HMCS Athabaskan: Greater Love has no man than to give his life for another. I have rarely been so moved by a book.Unrelentingreviewer Elizabeth Richeson, Order your copies now through the create space links above or through hiddenfromhistory1@gmail.com or 386-323-5774 (USA). William Coombs, 54, attended two British Columbia schools from 1958 to 1967, including Kamloops Indian Residential School and Mission Indian Residential School. William died suddenly in hospital shortly before he was to go public about the abduction and permanent disappearance of the ten children. Similar crimes against the aboriginal people of the United States exist. 6. 41 and following in. Seven of our comrades have died from foul play at the hands of the police and others. Kevin andAndrew describe the ongoing campaign to spiritually and politically disestablish the criminally convicted Churches of Rome, England and Canada. Order your copy today atwww.createspace.com/6988697orcontactitccsoffice@gmail.com List price: $10, Commemorate Maisie Shaw Remembrance Day this Christmas by shutting down the churchesthat killed her and 60,000 other children!The Scene of the Crime and the Killer: Alberni Indian Residential Schooland its Principal, United Church minister Alfred Caldwell (1946), A Special Appeal from the ITCCS and Radio Free Kanata. He died a couple of months later after going public with his experience in Kamloops. Body disposal at the Kamloops school involved either incineration or interment in secret graves that were located as far away as thirty kilometers from the school. (12) That is, the vast majority of missing aboriginal women are from matrilineal clan led families that traditionally controlled the resources and land bases of the different Indian nations. Where Did The Claim That "97% of Scientists" Believe Climate Change Is A Man-Made, Urgent Problem Come From? But even if we were not so utterly compromised we could not stop any war, because it is always too distant a crime. Kamloops Indian Residential School Survivor On The Queen's Alleged Connection To Missing Children William Coombes was resident at Kamloops Indian residential school in Kamloops, British Columbia, in 1964, when the school was visited by the Queen and Prince Philip. (Note by Gary Kohls:: The sobering information below is from my courageous whistle-blowing friend from Canada, Kevin Annett. Obtainable atamazon.comand atwww.createspace.com/7997500. Scientists Have Been Baffled By Mysterious Questions For Decades, The Recent "UFO" Craze In Mainstream News & How It Detracts From A Very Real, Very Mysterious Phenomenon, The Ethics of AI: Deepfake Porn & ChatGPT, Cochrane Review: Masks Aren't Backed By Science. 23. Despite the phasing out of Indian residential schools after 1972, this genocidal plan intensified at the hands of different branches of the Canadian government and agencies like Catholic-run adoption and foster care agencies. Living Close To Trees Comes With A Number Of Health Benefits, Is climate change happening? Thechiefsof these councils have played a key role in eradicating any lingering indigenous identity or authority and control over traditional lands and resources. The Chretien Directive is described at, IHRAAM is The International Human Rights Association of American Minorities, a non-governmental organization at the United Nations. As early as 1942, Kamloops children were routinely shipped to the Charles Camsell Indian hospital in Edmonton, the Coqualeetza hospital in Abbotsford and the Nanaimo Indian Hospital, all of which were operated by the United Church. The pseudo Inquiry is actually halting genuine efforts to reveal the crimes and who is responsible for them, and is silencing eyewitnesses who dispute theofficialaccounts of the disappearances. Do Not commit a Crime by funding Criminal Churches! These sanctions include denying taxes and any funds to these governments and to the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada; performing citizens arrests against known or suspected child-raping clergy and their accomplices; and peacefully seizing the property and wealth of these churches as convicted transnational criminal organizations. Jul 12, 2021 #16 jock22 said: We are issuing this Memorandum and statement to the governments and people of the world. William Coombes was resident at Kamloops Indian residential school in Kamloops, British Columbia, in 1964, when the school was visited by the Queen and Prince Philip. Mr. Coombes was born November 20, 1921 in Fieldon, Illinois, to the late James and Alta Coombes. See www.murderbydecree.com and www.itccs.org . FRD member. NEW, June 2018. The Kamloops school was also an early location for involuntary sterilization programs, which according to survivors and government sources began as early as 1929 and continued until well into the 1970s. Apart from witnessing and being the victim of multiple forms of abuse, he also remembers Queen Elizabeth paying a visit to his school in 1964. . 7. William was a witness to the abduction of ten children by "Queen Elizabeth" Windsor on October 10, 1964 at the catholic Kamloops Indian residential school. By 2007, once these connections had been firmly proven by our campaign and by the growing testimonies of many aboriginal eyewitnesses, the Conservative government of Stephen Harper relied on the still-operative Chretien Plan to put a final end to these exposures by placing a definitivespin and containmentover the whole issue of past and present Genocide in Canada. Todays program commences a two day period of global prayer and fasting designed to call out and separate people from these corporations, and to launch new Covenanted Congregations free of the legacy of colonialism and genocide. Fallenis the human face of Canadas ongoing genocide, written with heart-felt pathos.The characters present a mystery that is never resolved and yet accentuates whatever humanity remains to us: the capacity for the unlikeliest of people to endure alone against unspeakable odds with nothing on their side save themselves. This is Section II of three. No tax exemptions for child killing Churches! Nothing has been healed or reconciled: Your Guilt Remains! This work should be in every college curriculum.Murder by Decreereviewer Dr. Archibald Sayers, This is the ultimate David and Goliath story of official crime and heroic integrity. (2) That systemkilledmore than half of the children incarcerated within it until it formally ended in 1996, or more than 65,000 children. The criminals have pretended to absolve themselves of their guilt, but under Common Law the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada are convicted criminal organizations who have lost the right to operate. The so-calledNinth Circle, a Catholic sacrificial cult formed in the 17thcentury by the Jesuits and still in operation under the directives of the highest level of the Vatican, functioned in the Canadian residential schools from their inception. 1. Kevin Annett,Ricky Lavallee,Ritual Murder of Children,Ritual Rape and Torture of Children,Roman Catholic Church,Satanic Ritual Torture,Testimonies of Survivors and Eyewitnesses,The International Common Law Court of Justice,Torture,Twelve Mile Club,United Church of Canada,vancouver club,Vatican,William Combes, Issued by the Central Office of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS). 1. Those of us who have revealed and confronted these crimes within Canada have been assaulted, harassed, imprisoned and censored by every level of government, the police and the courts, and have been prevented from operating freely within our own country. William is related to William E Coombs and Willie E Coombs as well as 2 additional people. Liz knew all about William, since he was there the day that she and her creepy hubby Philip absconded with ten never-to-be-seen-again aboriginal children from the Kamloops residential school on October 10, 1964. Combes identified himself as a spirit dancer and member of the. The report also reveals that a continuity of crime continues to exist against Canadian aboriginal women and families through state-sponsored child trafficking and terror designed to secure indigenous lands for resource-hungry American and Chinese corporations. William died suddenly in hospital shortly before he was to go public about the abduction and permanent disappearance of the ten children. For more information contact the ITCCS Central Office atitccsoffice@gmail.comor by leaving a message at 386-323-5774 (USA). I believe william coombes. The CSIS operative, Grant Wakefield, spoke in person to ITCCS Field Secretary Kevin Annett concerning these facts on two occasions, but was subsequently sued by the government into silence and blacklisted in the Canadian media. Rest assured the truth is coming out faster these days. Witness to Williams murder - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfhVnlYt5skAlso discussed here - https://bbsradio.com/sites/default/files/audio_dirs_three/herewestand/Here_We_Stand_2018-06-03.mp3This brief edit is taken from this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBUd3UXt6fIThis is William Coombes. [2011] Rev. Under the law, the concealment of a crime is as indictable as the original crime itself. Linda is related to William Anthony Delauro and Ronald A Coombs as well as 3 additional people. Like for instance, one or all of our seven recently-published books on such matrix-shattering themes as Genocide, home grown war crimes, common law training and how to be a whistle blower and win? In fact, our work has revealed that the present leadership of the Anglican, Roman Catholic and United Church of Canada is either directly implicated in residential school-era crimes or is actively protecting those who are; and that these same predators are still engaged in the systemic rape, trafficking and killing of children. Boycott the United Church of Canada! It's time we raise consciousness around the mechanisms used in media to mislead the public. 13. For example, after the June, 1998 Tribunal had been attacked and neutralized by RCMP operatives, the same agentsunder the direction of RCMP Inspector Peter Montagueperformed a similar destruction of the community effort to identify the growing numbers of missing native women across B.C. We are therefore bringing this truth beyond Canadas borders for the sake of the army of innocents who have died and who will continue to die if justice is not done. If you have information for the Grand Jury and would like to participate, write to. Brown is quoted in the documentary film. I dont know who the doctor was, he was from somewhere else and we never saw him again. In this light, the present secret disinterring by the state-funded Tkemlups Band Council of the remains of children at the former Kamloops residential school is a deliberate destruction of a crime scene and an obstruction of justice. 22. Listen to Kevin and the Voice of the Republic live every Sunday at 6 pm eastern atwww.bbsradio.com/herewestand. . Fallenis a personal recollection and reflection concerning the lives of four men known to the author, all of whom died by probable foul play. The Chretien terror plan authorized the use ofblack opsmethods of illegal monitoring, smears, disruptions and violence against Annett and these targeted groups, including the elimination of individuals who held knowledge or evidence of genocidal acts by Canadian church and state employees. Correspondence between Kamloops Principals, the Catholic church, and the federal government for much of the 20th century indicates a constant concern about maintaining substandard health and dietary conditions in the facility to ensure a consistently high death rate, while publicly blaming the huge mortality on underfunding. Six Martyrs of the campaign to expose and prosecute, Posted by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS). This is a moving story of Group Crime and resistance, of who owns British Columbia and how natives and whites alike are expected to dance to the tune of multinational corporations. The Report can be viewed online atwww.itccs.org. (14)The same Ninth Circle continues to kill with impunity today including on west coast native lands heavily endowed with valuable resources. Former national aboriginal official Matthew Coon Come states Back in residential school days, our elders remember being used as guinea pigs by having vaccines tested on them when they were children without their permission or their familys permission. However, these practices are not a thing of the past. They even put me with a dead kid once. According to a former Kamloops school employee, Its a fair estimate to say that a third to a half of those kids didnt survive their use as lab rats. This was and remains a common practice, since under Canadas apartheid Indian Act, it is a punishable offense for people on reservations to refuse medical or drug treatment. *edit - if you page down to the replies you'll see that we at AN are on the receiving end of similar villification for posting this video*Yet every single horror exposed by his investigations into the Canadian Genocide of Children \u0026 many more besides have been proven true by the Canadian Truth \u0026 Reconciliation Commisions findings of 2015.The TRC was hobbled in advance by refusing any submission from survivors of the IRS who accused anyone directly of murder or child abuse but the Commission was still forced to accept that Canada, the Canadian \u0026 Catholic Churches systems \u0026 the British Crown conspired to genocide the children of Indians so as to \"kill them off\" \u0026 deny them the future rights to their land, some of the richest in terms of natural resoucres on the planet.This is a crime against humanity the truth of which is only now beginning to leak into the popular conciousness.William Coombes died not long after making his accusations against the queen to camera. Accordingly, like a similar Catholic facility at Mission, B.C., and at the Anglican school in Alert Bay and the United Church school in Port Alberni, the average death rate at Kamloops was among the highest of these schools, remaining well above 50% for much of its duration. Born 1956, Canada Nobel Peace Prize Nominee (2013, 2014, 2015) Community minister, human rights consultant and Special Adviser to The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) - Award winning documentary film maker (Unrepentant, 2007) and author* Education: B.A. The Kamloops center was a traditional hotspot of cultic activity involving the ritual torture and murder of children by top officials of the Anglican/Church of England and the Vatican/Roman Catholic Church. Posted onOctober 26, 2017byKevinLISTEN HERE! William Coombes (d. 18 April 1822), of Douai College, Grand-Vicar of the Western District.Young Coombes went to Douai at the age of twelve, was ordained in 1791, and during the French Revolution escaped (October, 1793) from Dourlens to England. According to Indian Affairs minister Neil Parker, The indiscriminate transfer of residential school students to church-run Indian hospitals is responsible for an inordinately high death rate among our wards. Died of blows to the head and chest, February 2, 2012. Criminal charges and arrests must be made, and the childrens remains must be given a proper and traditional burial. Critics are kind of raving about A History of White People in Canada! Grieving parents haven't seen their children since they left for a picnic with the Royal couple on Oct. 10 1964 In addition, the report calls for citizens in Canada and all nations to commence their own community sanctions against these governments and their churches in accordance with the Nuremberg Principle that compels citizens to neither aid or nor cooperate with proven murderous regimes. Harriett Nahanee, died of induced pneumonia in Surrey Remand prison, February 24, 2007; Genocide survivor. (11) Accordingly, the TRC was followed closely by a second cover-up effort by the present Liberal government of Canada known as theNational Missing Women Inquiry. A lot of people don't know about the queen, prince Philip and the missing children of Kamloops in Canada, an orphanage!!!!! Sadly, this collusion by tribal chiefs included helping to conceal the deaths of children and dispose of their remains in secret graves. I see that all the time. Eyewitness Harriett Nahanee on the killing of 14 year old Maisie Shaw by Alfred Caldwell, Christmas Eve 1946, (Died suddenly after her arrest and incarceration, February 2007), False record of Maisie Shaws death (circled): Died in hospital Dec. 26 (2 days after her death on a staircase). This evidence is also available in hardcover asMurder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada: A Counter Report to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, obtainable through amazon.com anditccsoffice@gmail.com. Has died suddenly at the Catholic-run St. . In short, there is no avenue for relief or justice for survivors of this genocide within Canada or in the agencies of the United Nations, which have turned their back on the reality of this ongoing crime by Christian and Corporate Canada. www.createspace.com/6784355(List price: $10). william coombes kamloops. William Coombes, a Canadian aboriginal, was to have served as a sworn witness at the September 2011 session of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State as to crimes of torture, genocide and crimes against humanity committed by Elizabeth of Windsor (Queen Elizabeth II) and her consort Prince Philip in Canada in October 1964 at 4. Morpork Founding Member. Quis nostrud exercitation . Hydro to secure their land. *Source of quotes and statistics:Murder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada A Counter Report to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (2016) See www.murderbydecree.com. From its inception as an Oblate Catholic mission in 1890, the Kamloops residential school was an especially notorious Special Treatment center designed to inflict particularly cruel and severe punishment, experimentation and torture on native children who resisted or ran away more than once. The author came to know them intimately as they shared their stories with him and helped to publicly expose the horrors of the state and church-run residential schools. Thats where I got cut. A copy is appended to this news release. As long as such institutionalized criminality against children is allowed to legally operate, no country can claim to be protecting its own citizenry or its own lawful sovereignty. 11. Kevin Annett sets out the prima facie evidence for Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip's personal involvement in the disappearance of 10 aboriginal children abducted by Survivor Sam Adolph was sterilized in 1959 at the age of fourteen, as he describes: They called us the red tag boys.

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