The car manufacturer BMW was founded in 1913 by Karl Rapp as “Rapp Motorenwerke GmbH”. Langjährige Erfahrung These include HQ Asset Management, which specializes in quantitative asset management, the global alternative investment specialist HQ Capital and the multi-family office HQ Trust. You don't want to miss a free high-quality single family office list. Only one sister, Gabriele, carries the family name, and none are active in the day-to-day business of the family office, said Becker. Erfahren Sie hier, wie Sie aufgestellt sind. Wir analysieren Ihre Vermögensanlagen, Verpflichtungen und Liquiditätsbedürfnisse, entwickeln für Sie eine geeignete Vermögensstruktur und unterstützen Sie interessenkonfliktfrei bei der Umsetzung. Zürich . Only one sister, Gabriele, carries the family name, and none are active in the day-to-day business of the family office, said Becker. Was HQ Trust seit vielen Jahren auszeichnet. Stefan inherited a majority of BMW’s share holdings after the death of his father. Fax +49 6172 402 859, Zweigstelle Düsseldorf Am Pilgerrain 17 Since then, the returns have averaged 7.6 percent. TFO The Family Office AG Zurich . Seit dem Jahr 2013 steht HQ Trust auch institutionellen Anlegern, insbesondere Altersversorgungseinrichtungen wie berufsständischen Versorgungswerken, Zusatzversorgungskassen und Pensionskassen, beratend zur Seite. HQ Trust invests in private equity, real estate and capital markets. For over a generation, the Harald Quandt family office pursues a very successful investment strategy by superior wealth management and investing in alternative assets. Mit unseren Handlungsempfehlungen können Sie auf alle Chancen und Risiken rechtzeitig und angemessen reagieren. “Sad truth” Their uncle, Herbert Quandt, died in 1982. The company's line of business includes providing management services on a contract or fee basis. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Fritz oversees the family office of Germany’s richest woman, Susanne Klatten, who owns a sizable chunk of BMW. He is also an instructor in the Master's degree program in “Corporate Succession, Inheritance and Assets” at the University of Munster. Ob Ihr Vermögen über Jahre entstanden ist oder aus einem einmaligen Liquiditätszufluss stammt: Wir entwickeln gemeinsam mit Ihnen die passende Anlagestrategie, um Ihr Vermögen zu erhalten und zu vermehren. His son Günther built the foundations of what is today Varta, one of Europe's biggest battery makers, and made the family… The gigolo, the German heiress, and a £6m revenge for her Nazi legacy BMW billionairess Susanne Klatten is the alleged victim of an elaborate sting involving sex films taken at a luxury hotel. Zürich . Only one sister, Gabriele, carries the family name, and none are active in the day-to-day business of the family office, said Becker. Through the first world war, the company further grew in other sectors. Genève . Family Office Relations & Privacy Harald Quandt Holding GmbH (Harald Quandt Holding) is a Family Office located in Bad Homburg vor der Höhe Germany, Europe. Only one sister, Gabriele, carries the family name, and none are active in the day-to-day business of the family office, said Becker. Diese Bedürfnisse werden zunehmend komplexer und erfordern ein immer breiteres Angebot, um individuelle Lösungen anbieten zu können. Exclusive access to Family Capital's databases on single-family offices, private investment offices, and principal investment groups Exclusive access to family/private investment office deal information. Harald Quandt Family Office GmbH Harald Quandt Holding GmbH was founded in 1974. Herbert Quandt was Stefan’s father and the second son of Gunther Quandt. Dabei arbeiten wir, wie alle Finanzdienstleister der Harald Quandt-Gruppe, strikt bankenunabhängig. Deutschland, Tel. The Harald Quandt Group (HQ Group) unites the independent financial service providers of the Harald Quandt family (HQ). The empire began with Emil Quandt, who founded a textile mill in 1881. New York had the highest population of Quandt … 1 billion […] Stefan Quandt’s investment company focues (besides BMW) on digital security, renewable and smart grid and credit rating companies. HQ Capital was formed in 2015 by combining independent alternative investment managers Auda, Real Estate Capital Partners and Equita. Sven became the manager of the BMW rally team. Johanna Quandt (1926-2015) was the wife and long-time widow of German industrialist, Herbert Quandt. Müller-Möhl Group Single Family Office, Carolina Müller-Möhl Family. Müller-Möhl Group Single Family Office, Carolina Müller-Möhl Family. The classic loyal lieutenant, Fritz has worked for Klatten’s family office since 1989. In 2002, she founded UnternehmerTUM GmbH, an entrepreneurship center for tech start-ups in the higher education sector.. With over 30 years of experience, HQ Capital is a global pioneer in the alternative investments industry. A number of family businesses from around the world have gone against the trend of slowed growth, by posting rises in revenues. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Geschäftsführer +49 6172 402 853 It was founded by family members in 1981 to manage the family wealth. Peter Preller, LL.M. Today it has four financial service companies managing the money of Harald Quandt’s ancestors as well as third party money. Stonehage (Zürich) AG Multi-Family Office, 12 offices worldwide. HQ Trust, the multi family office of the Harald Quandt family, has expanded its management team with the appointment of Reiner Dietz, subject to regulatory approval. Diese Seite verwendet Cookies, um die Nutzerfreundlichkeit zu verbessern oder das Nutzerverhalten zu analysieren. In 1922, the name changed to “Bayerische Motorenwerke” (BMW). Since 2012, together with the Nantesbuch Foundation, Susanne Klatten has been pursuing the goal to broaden and sharpen the … HQ Equita is the mid-cap buyout firm of HQ Capital. Zürich . This marriage had produced a daughter, Silvia Quandt (born 1937), who stayed with her mother after the divorce. This second marriage produced Sonja (born 1951) (now Sonja Quandt-Wolf), Sabina (born 1953) and Sven [de] (born 1956). Gladys Quandt, age 89, of Woodland, passed away on March 12, 2013, at the Aurora Medical Center in Hartford, surrounded by her family. Their uncle, Herbert Quandt, died in 1982. The Harald Quandt family is the pioneer in family office wealth management and alternative investing in Germany. Individuelles Leistungsspektrum Today, besides many other holdings BMW is the main part of the wealth of the Quandt and Klatten family (Susanne Klatten is the daughter of Herbert Quandt’s third wife Johanna). If you need contact details for this family office please refer to This family office profile is currently being constructed, please check back later this year for more details. She is the mother of Stefan Quandt. This article is part of our detailed report “The single family offices of Europe’s richest families“. Stefan Quandt owns 23.7% of automaker BMW; his sister, Susanne Klatten, the richest woman in Germany, owns 19.2%. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. About The empire began with Emil Quandt, who founded a textile mill in 1881. Erfahren Sie hier, ob Sie in allen Vermögensfragen optimal aufgestellt sind. Für institutionelle Anleger, Pensionskassen und Versorgungswerke sind wir beratend tätig. Based on its early successes, the family founded several … Before you go, let us offer you a free list of Canadian single family offices. The Quandt’s family fortune is estimated around $20 B, earned through carmaker BMW and the chemical company Altana. Like all financial service providers in the Harald Quandt Group, we are strictly independent of banks. Jeder Kunde wird vollumfänglich von mindestens zwei Beratern dauerhaft und über alle Geschäftsbereiche und Anlageklassen hinweg betreut. Unigestion SA - Family Investment Office Independent Fund Manager, Multi-Family Office, Founded in 1971. Seit vielen Jahren stehen unsere Leistungen neben der Familie Harald Quandt auch anderen Anlegern zur Verfügung. European Single Family Office List Independent Wealth Manager and Multi-Family Office, Londinium Family Office Ltd. Lugano . LIQID offers a range of “core” investment strategies developed in partnership with HQ Trust, the multi-family office of the Harald Quandt family – one of the largest and most established in Europe. He focuses on family office structures and integrated asset management concepts including entrepreneurial direct investments in real estate and private equity. These cookies do not store any personal information. The Quandt family name was found in the USA, the UK, and Canada between 1840 and 1920. The Company’s proven investment approach combines entrepreneurism with the goal of generating attractive returns over the long term. You know relevant family offices or you want to check if your family office is listed? What they are investing in, what sectors they like, and where they are investing their money. Mit alternativen Anlagen, wie Private Equity, Hedgefonds, Immobilien, Infrastruktur oder Private Debt, erarbeiten wir mit Ihnen gemeinsam eine Strategie, die Chancen in jeder Marktphase bietet. Single Family Offices of Europe’s HNWIs, Contact Family Office. Northwood Family Office, Canada’s leading family office, founded in 2003 to meet a need for wealth and family management in Canada’s ultra-high net worth community Pitcairn, the preeminent US multi-family office, founded in 1923, Pitcairn operated as a single family office for over 60 years. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. “Sad truth” Their uncle, Herbert Quandt, died in 1982. is a service of Zerbach & Company | Corporate Finance GmbH. For once the seats were empty in the Bud Walton Aren The family is mainly known for the restructuring of car manufacturer BMW. Vermögende müssen sich mit Organisation und Planung, den konkreten Investments, dem Managen von Risiken und Cash Flows sowie Steuerthemen befassen. Persönliche Kompetenz Minimum investment: €50 M. HQ Trust is investing in industrial companies, private equity and hedgefunds. Dessen Ausprägungen finden sich in unserer Produktunabhängigkeit, Interessenkonfliktfreiheit und dem Fokus, stets neutral und im Interesse des Kunden zu agieren, wieder. HQ stands for Harald Quandt. Yearly dividend payouts to the Quandt family are over €1B. Hauptstelle Bad Homburg Die Betreuung von Familienvermögen verstehen wir als Generationenaufgabe. Mit alternativen Anlagen, wie etwa Immobilien (direkt und indirekt), Private Equity, Private Debt, Infrastruktur oder Hedgefonds, erarbeiten wir mit Ihnen gemeinsam eine Strategie, die Chancen in jeder Marktphase bietet. A part of those billions of dollars is managed through the HQ Trust, which also operates as a multi family office. +49 6172 402 850 Jochen Butz . The main holding of the Quandt and Klatten family is the substantial stake in BMW. Lists Featuring This Company . Wir begleiten Sie auch bei der Umsetzung. has served since October 2011 as the senior client consultant at HQ Trust GmbH in Bad Homburg, the multi family office for the Harald Quandt family, offering comprehensive consulting for complex client assets. Unser Kernteam arbeitet seit vielen Jahren zusammen und besitzt weitreichende Erfahrung in sämtlichen Anlageklassen einschließlich alternativer Investments. In 1988, the firm was opened for investments from external investors and thereby turned from a single to a multi family office. He married his first wife, Ursel Münstermann, in 1933 but they divorced in 1940. Infographic: German family businesses. Genève . In 1988, the firm was opened for investments from external investors and thereby turned from a single to a multi family office. A pandemic hasn’t stopped many of the planet’s wealthiest dynasties from adding to their fortunes. The Company’s proven investment approach combines entrepreneurism with the goal of generating attractive returns over the long term. While initially it only managed wealth of a Family, today a Family Office’s role has evolved to include other services such as succession planning, tax management, philanthropy, researching for new business diversification etc. Based: Bad Homburg, Germany Website: Ownership: Stefan Quandt – the Quandt family are among Germany’s richest, they own a controlling stake in BMW; inherited, family business FO Type… People; The World’s Top 750 Family Businesses; Premium; THE FAMILY CAPITAL 700; Family Office Real Estate; Login; Subscribe; Search for: X. With over 30 years of experience, HQ Capital is a global pioneer in the alternative investments industry. Institutionelle Anleger . Terms and Conditions Phone Number +49 6172 402 850. Only one sister, Gabriele, carries the family name, and none are active in the day-to-day business of the family office, said Becker. Unsere außergewöhnlich breite und tiefe Angebotspalette wird ausschließlich nach den Bedürfnissen und Wünschen unserer Kunden individuell zusammengestellt. His fortune was divided between six children from three different marriages. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The Quandt family fortune began when Herbert Quandt turned BMW from a … Weitere Information und Hinweise entnehmen Sie bitte unserer Datenschutzerklärung. Zürich . Über Generationen geschaffene Werte zu verwalten und zu entwickeln, ist keine leichte Aufgabe. Frau Quandt's daily routine is made more agreeable by the fact that her daughter Susanne, 37, and son Stefan, 33, work in the same building and the family … Based on its early successes, the family founded several financial services companies between 1988 and 1992. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Harald Quandt Family Office GmbH, Bad Homburg v.d.H., Germany Expertise More than 15 years experience in international tax and legal advice with a special focus on ultra high-net-worth individuals, multi-national wealthy families and their family offices. Their uncle, Herbert Quandt, died in 1982. Their uncle, Herbert Quandt, died in 1982. Visitors to HQ Trust in Bad Homburg are quickly introduced to the most famous family member, Harald Quandt. Genève . Expertise. Sind Sie in allen Vermögensfragen optimal aufgestellt? Johanna Quandt's House (deceased) (Google Maps). It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. He sits on many of the boards of firms the family office has invested in and is … Helg Sgarbi, a Swiss national, has been jailed for six years after he admitted blackmailing Klatten (pictured). It was founded by family members in 1981 to manage the family wealth. Among these is German carmaker BMW, controlled by the Quandt family. The most Quandt families were found in the USA in 1920. Mainly known is the HQ Trust, which is a multi family office owned by the Harald Quandt Holding. Their uncle, Herbert Quandt, died in 1982. Fax +49 211 311 979 50. Single Family Offices – North America , Single Family Offices – Asia-Pacific , Single Family Offices – sorted by Investment Focus, The single family offices of Europe’s richest families, List of largest Single Family Offices Germany | Investment Details, Contact, 3 Questions To Ignite XL Ventures: Investment Leader In Wellness, 3 Questions To 100X.VC: The Supportive Scaling Fund For Emerging Startups, 3 Questions To Mustard Seed MAZE: The European Impact VC Investor, 3 Questions To MaC Ventures: The Outperforming Seed-Stage VC. Since its inception in 1992, the company has acquired a total of ca. It continues the Harald Quandt family’s tradition of acquiring entrepreneurial equity interests in small and mid-sized enterprises. Mainly known is the HQ Trust, which is a multi family office owned by the Harald Quandt Holding. Gemeinsam mit Ihnen entwickeln wir die optimale Strategie – mit langfristigen Kapitalmarkt- und Verpflichtungsszenarien zur strategischen Ausrichtung auf beiden Seiten der Bilanz (Asset-Liability-Management/ALM). Since its inception in 1992, the company has acquired a total of ca. However you may visit Cookie Settings to provide a controlled consent. It continues the Harald Quandt family’s tradition of acquiring entrepreneurial equity interests in small and mid-sized enterprises. © 2020 HQ Trust GmbH. He is a lecturer for leading the family business at EBS Business School in Germany. After the engagement of the Quandt family the company grew and got profitable again. In 1988, the firm was opened for investments from external investors and thereby turned from a single to a multi family office. HQ Trust. Get over 220,000 high net-worth attorney leads with email and phone numbers Unsere Leistungen aus den Themenbereichen Family Office, Vermögensverwaltung, Anlagestrategieberatung und -umsetzung sowie alternative Investments können Sie individuell zusammenstellen. Harald Quandt Family Office GmbH, Bad Homburg v.d.H., Germany. Request Profile Update; Download Data Family Office Jobs HQ Capital was formed in 2015 by combining independent alternative investment managers Auda, Real Estate Capital Partners and Equita. Only one sister, Gabriele, carries the family name, and none are active in the day-to-day business of the family office, said Becker. Privacy Policy & Imprint. 40221 Düsseldorf Ronda Stryker – Family, Family Tree Stefan Quandt is an engineer, businessman, industrialist and philanthropist of German origin. Criteria of investments. Your email address will not be published. Unsere Kunden haben über einen sicheren digitalen Zugang jederzeit Einblick in ihre Vermögenslage sowie in alle Verträge und andere wichtige Dokumente. In 2018, revenues were at €97.5B. Deutschland, Tel. The Quandt family office has expanded significantly over recent years. Susanne Klatten, an heiress to the BMW-owning Quandt family's fortune, has been spared humiliation in a German court after the man who seduced her confessed to extortion. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Silvia is now an artist who lives in Munich. Simply sign up for our free monthly family office newsletter and receive the Canadian list. This led to the family announcing that it would fund a research project to examine in detail the activities of … For over a generation, the Harald Quandt family office pursues a very successful investment strategy by superior wealth management and investing in alternative assets. European Multi Family Office List Das Multi Family Office der Familie Harald Quandt: für Privat- und institutionelle Kunden . The Harald Quandt family is the pioneer in family office wealth management and alternative investing in Germany. The heirs of Günther Quandt – Herbert and Harald – managed and increased the family’s wealth after the death of Günther in 1954. Dabei arbeiten wir mit Ihnen partnerschaftlich zusammen und bieten Ihnen Transparenz bei allen Entscheidungen. HQ Equita is one of the most experienced providers in German speaking regions. Stefan Quandt owns 23.7% of automaker BMW; his sister, Susanne Klatten, the richest woman in Germany, owns 19.2%. Today, the company is globally known for its upper-class cars. Independent Wealth Manager and Multi-Family Office, Londinium Family Office Ltd. Lugano . 1 billion […] The Harald Quandt family became an early pioneer in family office wealth management and alternative investing in Germany after its single family office was founded in 1982 by Harald Quandt’s daughters. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Das „Q“ in unserem Logo steht nicht nur für Quandt. müller milch management ag Zürich . Stonehage (Zürich) AG Multi-Family Office, 12 offices worldwide. Stefan Quandt : Category: Family Office : Profile. The Reimann-Dubbers family office, Reimann Investors, is investing in stock markets and startups like Klarna. Susanne Klatten and Stefan Quandt own 46.8% of the shares. Dietz will be responsible for institutional clients. His son Günther built the foundations of what is today Varta, one of Europe's biggest battery makers, and made the family… If you have information you would like to contribute towards this family office profile please let us know. Günther Quandt, born in 1881, inherited many cloth factories from his father. The Quandt’s family fortune is estimated around $20 B, earned through carmaker BMW and the chemical company Altana. Ten years later, in 1950, he married his second wife, the jeweller Lieselotte Blobelt, but they divorced in 1959. They manage their wealth through the Harald Quandt Holding GmbH, a Bad Homburg, Germany-based family investment company and trust named after their father. The founders of have been active in the small and medium-sized M&A business for more than 10 years and have excellent market knowledge concerning private equity investors, family offices, industry holdings, but also venture capitalists and business angels. Other family members, like their children Susanne Klatten or Stefan Quandt, declined to make any statement. Our core team has been working together for many years and has extensive experience in all asset classes including alternative investments. Northwood Family Office, Canada’s leading family office, founded in 2003 to meet a need for wealth and family management in Canada’s ultra-high net worth community; Pitcairn, the preeminent US multi-family office, founded in 1923, Pitcairn operated as a single family office for over 60 years. Hier kommen die selben Prinzipien und Werte zum Tragen, die auch für traditionelle, familiengeführte Unternehmen gelten. For many years our services have been available to other investors in addition to the Harald Quandt family. Gladys was born on August 11, 1923 in Woodland, the daughter of Albert & Adela (Backhaus) Fischer. Stonehage SA Multi-Family Office, 12 offices worldwide. What is the problem you are solving? Their uncle, Herbert Quandt, died in 1982. HQ Equita is the mid-cap buyout firm of HQ Capital. Twitter. Harald Quandt Holding GmbH (Harald Quandt Holding) is a Family Office located in Bad Homburg vor der Höhe Germany, Europe. Die Betreuung von Familienvermögen verstehen wir als Generationenaufgabe. Dr. Fritz Becker, the chief executive officer of the family entities, said the siblings realized average annual returns above 7 percent from its founding in 1981 through 1996. Harald Quandt Holding: Family Office in Germany, Europe. → Get in touch with us. Wir kümmern uns um das Vermögen von Privatpersonen, Familien und Stiftungen. Testimonials In addition, LIQID provides investors with access to a range of “satellite” investment opportunities in areas such as private equity. +49 211 311 979 0 The company invests in companies with revenues between €0.3-2.5B, mainly in industry, services, renewables, optics, medtech and diagnostics companies. But, besides that, there are also different family office investment vehicles of the Quandt family. Exklusiver Marktzugang Hey, wait! Genève . Your email address will not be published. Susanne Klatten is an entrepreneur and member of the supervisory boards of ALTANA AG, BMW AG, SGL Carbon SE and UnternehmerTUM GmbH.. Das Multi Family Office der Familie Harald Quandt: für Privat- und institutionelle Kunden, Individuelle und persönliche Gesamtvermögenssteuerung, Altersversorgungs- und Kapitalmarktexpertise für institutionelle Kunden, Unser Angebot richtet sich ganz nach Ihren Vorstellungen, Das Multi Family Office - mit vielen Perspektiven. Private equity investments are done through external funds as well as through direct investments. Dazu zählen etwa Investitionsplanung, Risikobudgetierung, Controlling oder die Managerauswahl. German Single Family Office List Furthermore, SKion also invests smaller amounts in water technology companies. Andererseits zeichnet uns unsere stetige Aufmerksamkeit für die vielfältigen Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden aus. Only one sister, Gabriele, carries the family name, and none are active in the day-to-day business of the family office, said Becker. has served since October 2011 as the senior client consultant at HQ Trust GmbH in Bad Homburg, the multi family office for the Harald Quandt family, offering comprehensive consulting for complex client assets. Quandt Parents – Herbert Quandt & Johanna Quandt. “Sad truth” Their uncle, Herbert Quandt, died in 1982. In the beginning, the company mainly built airplanes and motorcycles. Kaistraße 8 The Quandt’s are one of the most famous families in Germany’s industry. Aktuell hält die AQTON SE Beteiligungen in den Bereichen Automobilindustrie, Digitale Sicherheit & Identitätsschutz, Photovoltaik & Smart Grid sowie Rating. The Harald Quandt Group (HQ Group) unites the independent financial service providers of the Harald Quandt family (HQ). Share | Quandt . Unser Anlageansatz zeichnet sich durch breite Diversifikation über alle Anlageklassen, inklusive alternativer Investments aus – und das bereits seit den 1980er-Jahren.
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