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This is how you become self-employed in Germany. I am eligible to now apply for the EU blue card in shortage occupation category?? Mary. Hi Kathleen, Do you or any of your contacts happen to know the current waiting times to get a number for a walk-in appointment at Keplerstraße? There is a consultancy service, and there are mixed reviews on its friendliness factor. Opening hours. I am an Indonesian and I will be visiting Germany next year with Schengen type C visa. The time at which the security guards open access to the Ausländerbehörde Berlin used to be like the Black Friday sales in the UK or the Boxing Day specials in Australia. Red Tape Translation can prepare you for your appointment very, very thoroughly. Reifendienst-Berlin.Com Leunaerstr 4. I imagine the question they’d ask would be: are you a buyer working in engineering or are you an engineer? If you’re travelling and need your passport, that might not be an option. You must check again and again. Diese Fragen beziehen sich auf Ausländerbehörde in der Keplerstraße 2, 10589 Berlin. Good luck You might also find they don’t load appointments for the new year towards the end of a year. So I would like to share with everyone some tips to save time in the future! Hi Kathleen, Kathleen. Informieren Sie sich aber bitte unbedingt vorher auf unserer Homepage, welcher der Standorte des Landesamts für Einwanderung für den von Ihnen gewünschten Aufenthaltstitel zuständig ist. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to answer promptly, I now have a newborn baby. Always bring a German speaker with you. Everything you need to know about starting a new life in the German capital. We have an appointment but not until late June. So my question is, am I eligible to get a temporary permit under the case of university graduate seeking employment? This takes around 5 minutes. I can’t say for sure, so the best way to find out is to take your work contract to the office and ask. Cheers, Kathleen. They must apply from German Embassy in Argentina. Is 4am about the time I need to get in line? Is it illegal to start a job without the permission before? My wife has come on a Dependent visa for 3 months valid till Feb 15, 2019. Nice Article !! Ilona. If you are lucky, you will get your new residence permit immediately. Appointments are only released for the next 3 months. Verfahrenshinweise der Ausländerbehörde Berlin Dieses PDF wurde erstellt am: 18.02.2013 Seite€1 von€691 V A B VERFAHRENSHINWEISE DER AUSLÄNDERBEHÖRDE BERLIN Landesamt für Bürger- und Ordnungsangelegenheiten Ausländerbehörde Berlin Friedrich-Krause-Ufer 24 13353 Berlin € € I have a blue card and a European (non German) wife. before you leave Germany. So embrace it and do it right. Kathleen and Johanna regularly help us with our Ausländerbehörde questions, and contributed to many of our guides. Each office handles different types of visas. There are some circumstances where you don’t have to, e.g. Close your browser. It is definitely desirable to have an appointment. Is getting there by 4 AM early enough? From what I see online, my residency is extended until the date of my appointment (I must be sure to attend), BUT I may not travel outside German after the expiry date on my current permit. But I don’t actually think you’ll have to worry about it at all if your blue card is not tied to your current employer. When your number is called, you must go to the office number shown on the television. Hi Mary, But you do need to bring his original passport and all the necessary documents for him as well as yours. Above all, though, getting acquainted with its tightly-closed-up windows, flashing neon boards and slightly-off key announcement bells is inevitable. de – and there ‘Online appointment agreement of the Berlin Foreigners Registration Office’? He received permanent residency at the outset because he is a qualified professional. What are the next steps? I need it in a hurry, so I am thinking about going there with no appointment, but wanted to make sure that they take me. No, you have to go to the Ausländerbehörde for that. There is always a chance that you can walk in without an appointment, but there is also a chance that they will send you away. Impressum. Due to technical problems the online appointment service of the Berlin Foreigners Registration Office is … Instead, you have to arrive during office hours and take a number. There are two Ausländerbehörde locations. Yes, it’s incredibly frustrating. Sorry! I know. So panic over I think Your blog is very helpful, cheers! Maybe you weren’t married yet back then. I have already 8 months till end of my contract! In some circumstances, you can get it transferred over at ANY Bürgeramt in Berlin, have a look here. If you’re doing it yourself, you’ll have to go where everyone else goes – either Keplerstr. Dear Kathleen, Your number will be called a first time. LOL. There is a consultancy service, and there are mixed reviews on its friendliness factor. However, I don’t know for sure – you would have to contact an immigration lawyer to find out more about that. How did you get on? Please leave a comment to let other people know how it went. As for your husband being present, usually yes, but they can also accept a power of attorney statement from him if he can’t attend. From 7th September onwards Berlin Immigration Office will re-open for regular customer appointments. We appreciate any information. According to this website, you can extend visa due to late entry. 1. I’m surprised this wasn’t done back when you got your blue card! Make sure you are in the correct one. These professionals will help you obtain the right residence permit and visa to live, work and freelance in Germany. Any advice would be much appreciated. Wir bitten um Entschuldigung. After that we stopped searching…. Thanks! Citizens of Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan: Haus B, E4 on 2nd floor. I don’t know your wife’s nationality. You must bring that card to a payment machine in the same building. I noticed TODAY that this is the last day my residency permit is valid. I hope you sorted it out! Now. There are no appointments for the next six years. While I’m there, is it possible to apply for Residence Permit for the Purpose of Freelance in nearby Ausländerbehörde? Does an Appointment at the Ausländerbehörde Extend My Schengen Visa? If your current visa is about to expire, don't panic! If you don’t have an appointment, go to the Ausländerbehörde before it opens, get in line, and wait until the doors open. Archived. If you must go to the Bürgeramt, you need an appointment.Sometimes, there are no appointments available. I didn’t think of taking my plane ticket, and we may use a power of attorney if necessary. I hope you will see the magic blue box soon! From 7th September onwards Berlin Immigration Office will re-open for regular customer appointments. It is like Terms and Conditions • But that was a lucky break with the horrible weather. Thank you, In this article, you wrote: “Permits for family reunification when the family member is an EU citizen: E5 on the 3rd floor (you might also be able to go to a Bürgeramt – read my article to find out more)”. After a one-hour coaching, you’ll have all your documents ready and you’ll know exactly what hurdles to expect and how to deal with them. And I really admire your patience to reply to each query. No magic blue box for me yet. Please advice me on this. First of all great article. Also, has anyone done this before? I need to come to the office second time as first time I was missing some documents. For weeks we have tried to make an appointment at different times of day, from different devices, even different browser software. But I do know about a year ago, there was a 10-month waiting period for family reunification permits, and a lot of really annoyed spouses who had to stay in Germany until they were granted residency. The Keplerstraße office handles these types of residence permits: The full list of services is on 5 Anfrage … Even still, if your spouse’s permit can be changed to a family reunification (dependent) type, she will have free access to the job market. Hi Dennis, sorry I wasn’t able to respond before your appointment came around. If you just keep pressing refresh, it might be that your IP address gets blocked after a while, I am not sure. The company won’t wait till there. I have a question regarding permanent residency; Do I need a contract for a minimum of year to apply for permanet residence permit? Termin vereinbaren. In some cases, you can give your spouse a signed power of attorney, but she would also have to have access to your original passport and other documents. Any suggestions? I hope you managed to find a solution! Once you have it, Haus B, E1 on the 3rd floor. Thanks a lot, We have a long flight. Already stayed the 5 year residence and ready to extend to the permanent one. Be relentless. The official answer on the website is that it’s not an IT glitch, but just that there aren’t any appointments available at this time and you should “try later”. So we won’t be able to go to Foreigners Office super early on Tuesday. Do you have any experiences about going without an appointment to the Ausländerbehörde at the Landratsamt Munich (I live in Landkreis München area). If you’re a student, a scientist, a language course student, an au-pair or a Working Holiday Visa applicant, you’ll be seen on either the second or the third floor. Hello Kathleen, I deeply appreciate your help. She did get lucky as she ariginally had an appointment for September but managed to find one for June. I’m getting mixed answers from different places, I was going to Keplerstr but if I have a better chance at the other one I’d have to try walking in there…. A complete list of English-speaking Steuerberater to help you file your taxes in Berlin. I promised you an article for people without appointments. This it is quite strange, how do you think ? There are multiple waiting rooms. They assured me that there’s no way to get a walk in appointment. Bitte versuchen Sie es zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt wieder. Your article is very helpful. 2) As I have Blue card, I have also booked an appointment in September to change her residence permit to dependent type. Anfrage erfolgreich Diese Anfrage war erfolgreich. I got a letter from them saying to come to the exact office within 14 days. Hello there, I have a situation here. Beschreiben sie Bitte den Prozess der Abwicklung für Besucher ohne Termin (also alle offene Wochentage ausser Mittwoch). If you’re moving to Germany (specifically Berlin) for work or study, and you’re planning to get a visa while you’re in Berlin, you’ll need to go to the Foreigners Office (Ausländerbehörde) to get your visa. Or just keep reloading online to see if you can get an earlier appointment. Friedrich-Krause Ufer is a bit calmer now that all the students have been sent elsewhere. In Berlin at the moment it’s a bit of a nightmare. I’m an EEA, but my husband is an America. Hi Vivek – did you get your original visa through a relocation company or did your employer’s HR department take care of it for you? User account menu. Very helpful article! Just went there to find out more about requirements for a blue card application. Einlagerungspreise nur 35€ pro Saison pro Satz zzgl Radwechsel. Blue card – Keplerstr, regular work permit – FKU. What time do they hand out the tickets? If it helped you, consider making a donation. 0. Legal Notice But failing that, you’ll have to go to the Ausländerbehörde Friedrich-Krause-Ufer 24. New appointments become available at random times. When you have a ticket, you must go in the waiting room, and wait for your number to be called. Terms of Service 12681 BERLIN. My heart bleeds for the students and academics who tell me they needed to get to Charlottenburg at 2:30am on a Monday to get one of the limited waiting numbers for the day at 5:30am. You will get an email or a letter that tells you to go to the Ausländerbehörde again. Raul-28ra 2 2 Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin; Posted 30 Jun 2012. My student visa ends mid July and my contract starts on August 1st. March 9, 2020 at 9:44 am. You must wait in the correct line. I’ve heard that the wait for EEA citizens with non-EU spouses to get an appointment there is around 8 months at the moment, but your experience sounds even more horrific. Kathleen. Do I need to arrive at 2am in order to have the best chance at getting one of the 100 tickets available? If you need to apply for a residence permit or renew a German visa, you must go to the Ausländerbehörde. I have only once gone without an appoint, but that was on a Monday morning after a huge snowstorm and it was freezing. Die Online-Terminvereinbarung der Berliner Ausländerbehörde ist zur Zeit gestört. Even when you get to the office, continue refreshing and reloading to see if a same-day appointment comes up. Hi! And the free appointment is supposed to be in blue (hopefully I will see it one day ha-ha)? Here’s how to save time, avoid stress and leave with a shiny new visa or permit. At this point, you should probably hire an immigration lawyer. You should arrive before 3AM to get an appointment. What would I do without it?! Hi James, just answered your question on another post thread. Avoid Thursdays Thursdays are the days when public offices across the country have late opening hours. You will get a ticket with a number on it. Do you think I have any chance of getting myself seen for the Blue card thingy ? The Ausländerbehörde in Berlin is a special place. But booking an appointment will ensure. Just visit the page again in an hour. You might not even need the appointment at all if your Blue Card is not tied to a particular job. Please understand that, in order to protect against infection, we can’t serve you if you do not wear a mouth-nose covering or are displaying symptoms of infection. I don’t quite know what you mean when you say you can’t get to the part of the portal where you can take appointments (please mention that). Worst case is I won’t be getting any visa at all :((, So.. Wow, Kathleen, thank you very much for your extremely helpful advice. Thank you for a great article and service. I can book an appointment and get the blue card, but till then my wife’s visa will expire. I appreciate any suggestions which would allow me to travel in August. Just keep reloading the website until a free appointment comes up. If you’re having trouble booking an appointment online, take a deep breath. This office is sorted out into nationalities and service types. They might release new appointments in the mornings or someone might cancel. But I have to renew my residency permit from time to time. Your email address will not be published. Berlin bürgeramt ohne termin Polizeiliches Führungszeugnis - online beantragen in Berlin . August 14, 2017 by Kathleen Parker 71 Comments. There are no bathrooms, no chairs, and no protection from the rain. I had a look last night at 10pm, and there were appointments next week. Each Ausländerbehörde has multiple offices (A, B, C, D...). Termin online vereinbaren Aktuelles. So if her residence permit gets invalid once she leaves her current job, does she need to apply for temporary residence permit until she gets dependent residence permit ? It's often impossible to get an appointment in time. Fehler melden. Termine können für Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch und Freitag am Vormittag sowie für den Donnerstagnachmittag vereinbart werden. Thanks for this informative post. Here is a question: why don’t they fix the website? Hi Ted, congratulations on the Niederlassungserlaubis! (Apparently, midnight is a good time to try). If you’re a freelancer, an employee or a job seeker with a foreign academic qualification, go to Friedrich-Krause-Ufer in Wedding. In 2016, the Ausländerbehörde Berlin opened a second building on Keplerstraße in Charlottenburg. There are two ways to go to the Ausländerbehörde in Berlin: CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: The Ausländerbehörde offers appointments online. So you mentioned that I might be able to do this at the Bürgeramt? Thursdays are miserable, particularly bang on 10am. If you can, take one for the team and go for an early shift on a Monday or a Tuesday. Government. Instead, there is an online offer that you can use to receive certificates of continued residence law documents. But I don’t see any appointment available till March 20. It’s not quite as unbelievable in the winter months. My previous visits to Ausländerbehörde in Berlin, the so called Immigration office, have always been with a German speaker. Normally, they line up beginning at 6am. How can I handle this situation and what are your hints? I have just finished my last semester here and got an internship offered in Stuttgart. But your post suggests that its almost impossible to get the Blue Card application approved without an appointment. The worst that can happen is they say no, and you keep your current permit. 2. Can I use the Blue Card online booking for a change of employer (to a different employer after a year)? Facebook • The doors opened and people pushed, scratched, grunted and trampled. If you are not lucky, you will get your visa in a few weeks. I recently arrived in Berlin last week with a permanent employment contract. First thank you for the usufull article! I personally recommend their services. Does my husband have to attend the appointment with me? This guide is not monetised. Urlaubs- und Schließzeiten 2020: 21.09. bis 02.10.2020 21.12.2020 bis 01.01.2021 Vertretung im Urlaub: Frau Dr. med. Telefon:030/54863048 oder 49. Unfortunately Thursday is our only chance. Here are the ones Red Tape Translation sees the most (updated July 2018): Things are a bit more chaotic here, and there is almost no signage. The website does not show any available appointments for the next 6 years, after which point we stopped looking. Since December 16, it is NOT possible to queue outside and get an appointment1, 2. Privacy policy • Hi Mary, I don’t know of any requirement to prove you have no recorded offenses and wonder if perhaps the department that makes the decision would have access to that information. It’s a pain, but it is still worth it for your peace of mind. Appointments or an application do not extend the legal stay with a Schengen visa.” I assume that implicitly states that it *is* possible, however it does not explicitly list which nationals are eligible. Here’s (roughly) where you’ll need to go. Your article is indeed insightful and many many thanks for this. What kind of documents does that require? Dazu müssen Sie zu den Öffnungszeiten mit einer Wartenummer vorsprechen. But you can also keep reloading the website to try and get an earlier appointment, ie. You don't need to look more than 3 months in the future. It’s tricky at Keplerstr. The Ausländerbehörde (Immigration Office), which serves Berlin’s non-German citizens, is open three days a week (Monday and Tuesday from 7am to 2pm, Thursday from 10am to 6pm) and as a student you cannot make an appointment. This list also includes Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, Chinese and Polish-speaking tax consultants. Should I try to go to the Bürgeramt? Thank you for your article. In other words, don’t leave this until the absolute last minute. Hi Kathaleen Hi Sally, yes it might be possible to get a permit as a university graduate seeking employment, assuming you graduate, of course! The job I was offered starts early May and there’s no online appointments till July! Australian and New Zealand freelancers, qualified job seekers, employees: this has recently changed and it might be necessary to visit the white tent to get your waiting number. If some documents are missing, you can often come back on the same day. I know you said you can’t find any appointments online, but just try reloading the site at a few different times of day or night. Schreibe eine Antwort . Kathleen. Öffnungszeiten: Montag: 09:00 – 12:00 Uhr Dienstag: 09:00 – 12:00 Uhr und 13:30 – 18:00 Uhr Mittwoch: geschlossen Donnerstag: 09:00 – 12:00 Uhr und 13:30 – 16:00 Uhr Freitag: geschlossen. Don’t give up. MissPla. Tel: 0212/290-2289 Fax: 0212/290-2288 E-Mail: I have a type D visa, my residency permit appointment is in January but my visa expires on December. The problem is they gave my sister a Schengen visa dated September 3rd – September 30th. On the Ausländerbehörde website formular. Sind genug Kapazitäten zur Abwicklung aller Besucher vorhanden? Öffnungszeiten: Montag: 08:00 – 13:00 Uhr Dienstag: 08:00 – 13:00 Uhr Mittwoch: 08:00 – 13:00 Uhr Donnerstag: 08:00 – 13:00 Uhr und 14:00 – 18:00 Uhr Freitag: 08:00 – 13:00 Uhr . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Monday. 3 years ago. This is not a bug. 0. Just to be clear, would both locations handle cases for change of employer? So I may be at risk of losing this opportunity and having to leave the country. Please note: applying for a Blue Card without an appointment is almost impossible, but you can get advice on the process while you’re there. Eine Beauftragung von Dritten mit der Terminbuchung ist weder notwendig noch sinnvoll. You’ll find something. Ilona. has anyone been at the Berlin Auslanderbehorde Berlin(Freidrich-Kraus-Ufer 24) at 4a.m.,? I have done my masters in production engineering and management from German university and have been working in procurement department as a Senior Startgeic Buyer for Engineering and Technical goods under normal work resident permit (not EU blue card) from March 2017 .Now my current salary limit has been increased above 40560€. If you move to Berlin and register there, you’ll have to do it at the Berlin Ausländerbehörde, but you might prefer to do it in Stuttgart before you make the move, because it might take a few weeks to get approved. You will still have a month to respond or appeal. Otherwise I am planning a 5am trip to Wedding if my magic blue box doesn’t show this week because I have an international trip planned for mid August =(, Sounds like this is the one you need if you have already been here for 5 years with an EU spouse. It is however impossible to say how much time you’ll need when walking in. This is how you obtain a Schufa-Auskunft for free, A brief guide to obtaining or finding your tax identification number in Germany. Thank you for the informative article. I am a non-EU university graduate living in Berlin. Monday. A step by step guide on getting the German Work Visa. Thanks in advance, Of course, I’ll need all my documents in order. You can try … they sometimes send you away, it just depends how busy the office is, whether they can accommodate you. Don’t worry, I will deliver. Is my spouse within her rights to stay in Germany for now as she has an appointment booked even if it is not until June? I use them to improve the website. Do you have a link to the referenced article? Is it pretty straight forward? Kate Bush says it best. There is a Facebook group for people who are trying to get an appointment. You can just start the new job. Hi.. Thanks in advance. How can i extend my visa? But I suspect your situation is resolved by now, anyway. Some people said that they were waiting at a wrong location, so they missed their chance. © 2020 All About Berlin • You will see a calendar with the available dates. thanks. If you can manage to get this permit change done before she leaves the company by walking in to the Ausländerbehörde even without an appointment, this would be hugely helpful for your ability to sleep at night. B. in Garbsen): Ausländerbehörde der Region Hannover, Team Zuwanderung, Maschstraße 17, 30169 Hannover, ohne Termin zu diesen Öffnungszeite Grundsätzlich ist für einen Besuch bei der Ausländerbehörde ein vorher vereinbarter Termin erforderlich. But if you apply before you move, then Berlin. Today I went to the Ausländerbehörde in Berlin to extend my work and realized a few things are not intuitive regarding how to find the right place to get a ticket for your specific application without an appointment. For reasons of protection against infection our primary focus remains on service by appointment. Grundsätzlich können Sie fast jede Dienstleistung auch ohne Termin bekommen. We just moved here from Spain, and she does have a valid Spanish residence card, so I hope that would get her back into Germany if she travels (Article 5.2 of Directive 2004/38/EC: “For the purposes of this Directive, possession of the valid residence card referred to in Article 10 shall exempt such family members from the visa requirement.”).

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