I was once like you, but I dont like to be told that I should only listen to one side of an argument, so I go and research, speak to others and make an informed decision. Perhaps because I like things to be a little understated? Woong. Good work, Caroline! Who will be reading the words? (Also idk if this is the right subreddit to ask, but I figured theres more chances that us enbies already have words for our own apearance than binary folk might). It is also rather amusing to note that MS Olson is using a device that transmits inordinate amounts of complex information thousands and thousands of miles across the world, often via antennas and satellites, to convey to others that she doesnt trust science (the same science that built that device and shows climate change). clothing is complimented rather often, but appreciating something that a person cannot change as easily seems to mean more. Otherwise, I dont like it, because all I got from my guy friends when I told them I wanted to look more boyish was, Dont change your body! Coercion and bribery have been deployed over decades. we cannot live in fear of hurting someones delicate feelings because of a word. These so-called sensitivity gurus also scrubbed legendary author Roald Dahls childrens books to avoid offending snowflake liberals. Handsome often implies stateliness or pleasing proportion and symmetry: a handsome man. Whats your point? Gender Identity may or may not correspond with their birth assigned sex. I would use it on both men and women, but Im curious as to whether Im in the norm there. Well done! As a nurse, and editor of a health newsletter and several articles regarding health and wellness, I delve deep into medical research and know that it is IMPOSSIBLE for one to change their gender. The rate of ice loss from the Antarctic has tripled in the last decade and virtually all glaciers are retreating globally. There are only TWO genders male and female. My body is, as far as I can tell, always recognized as female; i.e. I tend to use: If you havent done so already, please subscribe to my blog. Gorgeous implies femininity to me, and it bothers me only because Im used to being perceived as an attractive girl rather than handsome boy. (But it can describe anything, recall.) manhandle: to move (a heavy object) by hand with great effort; handle (someone) roughly by dragging or pushing. Brunhilde (German origin) meaning "dark or noble"; a name associated with Brunhilde Pomsel, a secretary related to the World War 2. as long as no one looks at me and says ugh! then im set. If someone called me gorgeous Id be confused! I do appreciate you for allowing everyone to have a say, whether or not they agree. Ive never gotten sired. Jamess response was what I expected but everyday Im coming across more and more people who are waking up to the real world. Yet, he just fulfilled Bible Prophecy that in the latter days there will be fools who say there is no God.. Any thoughts from the good people on here? I believe it conveys respect and goodwill, and I suppose its Quaker overtones ground it in a currently well-regarded tradition. Partner Ive heard the term life partner used ( usually by older, cisgender, long-term gay couples) as well, but that distinction seems a bit antiquated now that more states have legalized same-sex marriage. WebGender neutral terms for attraction? Personally, as far as appearance goes, I rather enjoy dashing. Lol! You missed one that annoys me. For instance, words like dominant, self-reliant and analyse are perceived as more masculine, while words like serves, dependable, collaborate and consider are considered female-trait words. However, it turns out I have a subscription to Paramount Plus and guess what? Im adding this and changing the date so that it stays near the top of all comments. James, I worked in politics for 12 years and also did investigations on people in high places, after retiring from nursing, so I know EXACTLY what is going on and who is behind it. Before I close the comments, Ill leave this. Keep an eye on our sister project, the Genderplayful Marketplace. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. I will NOT be intimidated or forced to go along with the disturbing, unfounded, radical notion that there are more than two genders. For the first time in recorded history, the Northwest Passage through the Arctic is no longer frozen. 900+ Gender-Neutral Terms: A Word List for Writers, KathySteinemann.com: Free Resources for Writers and Poets, https://wattsupwiththat.com/2022/10/01/un-official-at-wef-we-own-the-science-we-think-that-the-world-should-know-it-so-we-partnered-with-google-to-ensure-only-un-climate-results-appear%EF%BF%BC/, https://archive.org/details/behind-the-green-mask-u.-n.-agenda-21. Like, theres a limited list of people who can call me sexy, but gorgeous is just fine. I'm looking for a way to say someone is androgynous and attractive. 3. Thanks for your input. For more information, please see our Origin: Yoruba, Thai, Hebrew. And that was 30 years ago! And these days I say what is the different between a conspiracy theorist and main-stream media answer six months to a year! I use it to describe people whose inner goodness is so apparent that it shines through in their appearances. Just like a steady flowing stream, the name River has been a popular name in English speaking countries for decades. Already figured youre a Christian but even by religious standards youre not very smart. Soon means gentle and blessed, and when combined, bok means one with a gentle soul.. Good point. He fortified his claims with photos of a polar bear on a small iceberg and used a computer model of warming temperatures at the North Pole. Your comment is 100% correct. Stand your ground and give your readers what they want. The only thing I hate are infantizing things like cute, baby and pretty. Anyone with a functioning frontal lobe can see that. Ze, hir, xe, and the singular they are gender-neutral pronouns, used just like you would use any other in a sentence. Im not very comfortable with my body (as it is definitely more obviously female than I have ever wanted to be). All of your remarks tell us more about you than the person or topic you are addressing. Gender-Neutral Replacements for Nouns Section 1: A to H, Gender-Neutral Replacements for Nouns Section 2: I to R, Gender-Neutral Replacements for Nouns Section 3: S to W, Gender-Specific Adjective Alternatives (Many Are Stereotypical), Politically Correct Respectful Replacements for Clichs, Idioms, and Adages (Many Are Stereotypical).
Jela - A gender-neutral name of Swahili origin that means father suffered during birth. Im not woke, but Im respectful of other people and their differences. Im getting so fed up with all this wokeness. 4. Webmy point was that it doesn't matter the gender of the recipient, you can still use beautiful or handsome, not every thing on the earth has to be gender neutral. However, as anyone with relevant experience in the field will know (my wife being one such person and you clearly not), autistics simply need the right tools and support to be every bit as able as you or I (and often much better). Writers should be aware of how their words are interpreted and how they might offend the reading public. I've been using sapphic as a descriptor, but I feel like it might not fit on a day where I feel like a boy and I'm with a girl since it'd be a 'straight relationship' in that time?? Cute especially. It is a great misfortune that Rosa Koire died a few years ago, but her essay on Agenda 21, although old and superseded by Agenda 30, is still most valuable. Compiling her disingenuousness, Ms Olson claimed I was regurgitating the overdone theme of racism when, in fact, I hardly mentioned it, my primary statement being, if woke is being aware of climate change, racism, greed and all the other nastiness going on in the world, then hell yes, Im woke.. And its ongoing! I dont identify as genderqueer. Any changes were not shown to the author. Stine says he was not aware of the changes, never made them himself. Thinking of ways around such possible obstacles, Im thinking that if you want to know how a company is doing, its best to investigate what holdings the directors have far more reliable than believing in the contents of the marketing brochure. Id rather be witty/quick/wise/nerdy than cute/pretty/beautiful/etc. Then you claim I didnt give any evidence. That which is lovely is beautiful but in a warm and endearing way: a lovely smile. Inside, though, gender doesnt seem like a central part of my soul, and I like to embody a mix of traits. Not all of us are brainwashed by the mainstream media that is controlled by the liberal agenda and does the bidding of the Global Elites that are determined to CONTROL us and every aspect of our daily lives. Now that women are able to hold these positions, using gender inclusive terms like firefighter or chair reflects the reality that the person fighting the fire or chairing the board could be a man or a woman, Dr Tatman said. May I suggest you consider using the term respectful language, or something like it? Im cute like a little boy, or cute like a shy boyish girl. will you see references to those who may be confused about their gender Radiant, phenomenal, delightful, extraordinary, genuine, heavenly, incomparable, mesmerizing, precious, ravishing, tantalizing, vibrant, zestful. Thank you for your kind words. They initially arose out of the necessity for more inclusive pronouns as the womens rights movement grew in the 19th century. My source for this is NASA where there are 18 thousand scientists all working on problems related to astronomy, spaceflight and climate change and many directly observing the Earth and seeing the results of human activity. The words author, poet and actor, are MALE words, so its as bad as calling something manmade.
OTOH, I have actually explained my evidence, so, Zarayna. I already have an 11-page website for my nonprofit and a great computer tech to help me get a new website set up as an author. Anyone who thinks otherwise is mentally ill. And the vast majority of the population agree. We agree there are some extremely dangerous people in the WEF that have sinister plans to reduce our worlds population to only 500 million. The mandates behind the recent virus were just the beginninga test. How do they impact the story? River. I like old-fashioned compliments, like: sharp, snazzy, dressed to the nines, dreamy, the bees knees, and the cats pajamas. I feel like a lot of people are missing the point, so let me repeat it: I'M NOT LOOKING FOR "GENDER-NEUTRAL" COMPLIMENTS. This is all rather exciting. Use gender-neutral, inclusive language and balance the use of gender-charged words. Best of luck to you! Finally, I cannot see what is wrong with acknowledging a persons gender, unless they are transexual. Wishing you much success with your beneficent project it sounds wonderful. WebLatinx is used generally as a gender-neutral term for Latin Americans, but it has been especially embraced by members of Latin LGBTQ communities as a word to identify themselves as people of Latin descent possessing a gender identity outside the male/female binary. It shows you respect others opinions and dont resort to shadow-banning or silencing them as some platform do, if someone has a difference of opinion. Thanks for the nice response.
I offer below two items for your consideration. ;D. Im not really sure what terms I prefer, but I can tell you one that grates on me to no end: cute. Also the name of a sorceress-elf in The Witcher. It also depends on how someone perceives me if someone were to say youre such a pretty guy Id take it better than them calling me a handsome girl. overlords take over. While I have few doubts there are those with nefarious purpose (in other words there will always be those who care more about money and power than people), your comments simply tell me youre a conspiracy theorist wingnut. will you find wokeness implied or mentioned. The lists are only a small sample of the thousands of words you might want to replace. The choice is stark but simple accept the view of 8.8 million scientists worldwide almost all of whom accept climate change is real and human-caused or the view of a Facebook persuaded simpleton, an okie from the skogie. So gorgeous would definately be fine by my standards. Christian name is the name your parents gave you, if you are a Christian. The dictionary defines beautiful as pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically and of a very high standard. Yes, I am a Christian and, No, I am not stupid. I think the written word flows better when I use gender-neutral terms, anyway. Elegant, gorgeous, ideal, lovely, stunning, radiant, Unfortunately, such stupidity (more like wilful ignorance) is red rag to a bull. I meant to also remind James in my message earlier that when Al Gore insisted on Global Warming melting the North Pole, that the South Pole was so clogged with new ice that huge ships were caught and staff had to be rescued. On the other side, pretty is a no go and people saying cute when they mean something else is a pet peeve. Trump is a small-minded man with sociopathic tendencies; an orange, piggy-faced, squinty-eyed, bloviating fuckwit who cares not one whit about the little people in his country. My height may have something to do with that (Im ridiculously short, but I have never seen how small and cute are interchangeable). This may be my theatrical side showing through, but i love Fab or Fabulous. Later, they began being used as a way to be more inclusive of a wide spectrum of genders. WebOr take a word for attractive in a gendered language and smash the rendering. Its so ugly. However, since most people dont use dashing, cute or adorable are fine alternatives. cute is the best you could do there? Frequently Asked Questions. Books shouldnt be revised to reflect modern values. I was on a delivery job for papa johns once, customer walks up and I think its a man so I say hello mate you alright as they got closer I realised it was a woman and there was a slight bit of awkwardness because she knows Ive just mistaken her for a man. I would like to thank you for this list. Genderfork is a supportive community for the expression of identities across the gender spectrum. I dont suppose it is, though. (amazing and lovely being my favorites). Gender does matter! Id Ive misjudged you then perhaps an apology is due but Ill wait to see if thats the case. A male dominated society? Does anyone like the term foxy? Gave dates! And I bought a domain name for my brand last year so am ready to follow through. Brangwen (Welsh origin) meaning "dark and pure "; it is one of the names that mean light and dark. Smart people stand up for what is morally and ethically right. On this page you'll find 137 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to beautiful, such as: alluring, appealing, charming, cute, dazzling, and delicate. Blake (Old English origin) meaning "black"; is a unisex name. If you have to ask what my point is, I am afraid you may not be ready to understand the answer. Im a compliment grinch! I believe the need to frighten the public into compliance with a self-destructive agenda was first mooted at the Club of Rome in the 1970s. I like to tell people what they really mean to me. Take This Word Of The Day Quiz! Have a lovely rest of your day. i usually tell people, you look good. or if they look mind blowing, then amazing.. I also like gorgeous, though. The truth is, everybody has their own ideas of what words mean, and when I take that into account, I find it far easier to really appreciate the things people say to me.). I'm NOT looking for ways to call someone attractive without assuming whether they prefer masc or fem language. I mean honestly, you believe theres a man in the sky living in a heaven where all the righteous people are gonna go when they die on the basis of what? I need to go and ponder that now. Non Inclusive language is a pet hate of mine. I belonged to the Section for Women in Public Administration (of the American Society for Public Administration) in the 1980s when we published a booklet called The Right Word. It also offered a number of alternatives for gender-specific language. Or maybe youre referring to Odin? The evidence supporting human caused damage to our climate is persuasive (at least to anyone of rational mind) and includes increased levels of carbon dioxide, methane and deforestation which have led to the following effects: * Temperature: Average temperatures have been rising since records began (late 1800s), approximately one degree with most of that being since the mid-1980s and the highest in the last decade which runs roughly parallel to massively increased, human produced, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. Whats more, there is nowhere in the film where Gore claims the world as we know it will be destroyed in ten years! He ignored the evidence I provided that Climate Change is a hoax, including that 30 years ago, U.S. media reported 30,000 climate and weather experts threatened to sue Al Gores false theory about Global Warming and they exposed his fake photos of a polar bear on a small iceberg as evidence of Global Warming. 2023 Theme Blass by 1000ff, revised by Sarah Dopp | Powered by WordPress | There is no need for us to explain ourselves. Being different is beautiful. Cameron approaches Jay and says, Hey FANTASTIC how are you? No need for the binary dynamic :). Dont you worry about me, dearie. Stunning. All of those strike me as good all-gender compliments. otherwise, i go the smallchild route and say i think youre pretty regardless of what a person seems to be presenting. Joy, I was brought up not long after you, and I agree. When climate experts said Climate Change was ridiculous based on their expertise, the radicals THREATENED THEM with losing their jobs OR funds for research projects. Related: 50 Dark But Beautiful Names for Baby Girls. Apart from these, good is fine, and hip if youre looking a bit artsy/hipster/modern-day beatnik. Virtually all of the compliments I get come when I am wearing my clothes or hair in a particularly feminine way or in a way that makes me look thinner. I get irritated with compliments to the extent that they seem to be rewarding me for bringing my presentation in line with my apparent physical sex (and for being a socially acceptable weight). Just a few weeks ago my four-year-old cousin told me I looked very handsome with my new glasses and another kid called me odd-looking with an awed tone of voice. You admit elsewhere that you are an atheist and woke so youve convinced yourself you know everything, and those of us who are older and wiser and more experienced are stupid. The other day I told someone who was very visibly genderqueer (and equally visibly male-assigned) that they were pretty. James, this is in response to your insult that Im an other conspiracy wingnut. I personally object to being called cute. /grinch. You clearly lack any form of critical thinking ability and frankly how you ever got to be a nurse is beyond me. Some species of crab and fish are penetrating Antarctic waters, threatening established species, because of the warming seas. So no, you really, really cant educate me on the hoax known as Climate Change because it isnt one and your claim on Marxism and race sounds equally stupid. /grumpy.
56. Help? Gender is often categorized as male, female I have to remind myself that the best revenge is happiness which I wish for you! Global warming and its effect on world weather patterns is real, not a hoax. Gorgeous would make me feel too much like an old school super model. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. Regards, Christine. WebList of Gender Neutral Words Given below is a list of commonly used gender-neutral words or terms: 1. Because of public perception, you might wish to replace it with a word such as: Some of the replacements in the following lists would be more suitable for period fiction than modern pieces. Put them together, however, and the phrase implies that girls are innately mean or at least mean more often than boys. I am not sure if i have enough bravery to go as fully to a masculine look as I would want to, though, and that makes me sad. What if a man (or woman) has a fin surgically attached to their back and their teeth filed to sharp points, and calls himself a shark, are normal people expected to refer to him as a shark, just to go along and get along? As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. A friend said to me that politically incorrect is a silly name for it anyway, that it should be something more like socially incorrect so yeah, Im with you in thinking it should get replaced if possible. WebI am very pleased that the Closing the Gender Pay Gap bill passed. It is further disingenuous of Ms Olson to claim that I did not address her claims when I specifically did so.
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