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Necessities like paper, crayons, paints, scissors, paste are generally absent. The Mico Charity was one of the most substantial financial supplementers of the Government grant. Pagan fruit whose names are rhymes, At the opening of the John F. Kennedy College of Arts and Science of the University of the West Indies on February 1, 1964, the Prime Minister expressed this very idea: We have first of all to come to terms with our environment before we can come to terms with the rest of the world. In the county of Caroni, which is roughly fifteen miles square, there were 26 attempted suicides for the year 1968, 21 of which were successful. The change from this security of the mother's or grandmother's arms to verbal and physical assault for the slightest misdemeanors is taken as a matter of course. Facebook gives people the power to share Jump to. The Chinese proved unequal to the demands of labour on the sugar plantations and the scheme was curtailed. WebAnd then I pressed the shell Close to my ear And listened well, And straightway like a bell Came low and clear The slow, sad murmur of the distant seas, Whipped by an icy breeze The system of awarding "island scholarships" became a regular feature of the secondary school system. To remedy, the situation the child declares: My shell I hold up to my ear There are stories from Jamaica, St. Lucia, Curacao, Trinidad, and Barbados. If only I knew, which. quotes seashell sayings beach shells beautiful broken bum shell choose sea quotesgram board flop flip famous For a while, under British rule this system continued until 1810 when Crown Colony Government superseded the representative assembly, which really represented the interests of the plantocracy. Im no theologian, but Im certain the Bible does not make mention of this. The fact that the masses were existing on the crumbs was regrettable, but to destroy a system merely to improve their lot was entirely out of the question. WebAnd Billy Markham shakes the dice and yells, "Come on, thirteen!" The meaningless. Of those that passed, some were absorbed into the Civil Service, banks and offices of business firms. But, after six years of independence it has begun to dawn on the people that nothing has changed, apart from an increase in the cost of living and the rate of unemployment. It is well-known that the Denominational Boards build schools at two-thirds and even less sometimes, of the cost incurred by the Government, although the Denominational Boards are not noted for the excellence of their accounting. provided by the Government. From the time the child enters at five and owing to shortage of places at the primary level, not all children do gain admission at five he is made aware that he will in six years time come up for this ruthless selection. In the West Indies, several new nation-states have emerged in the last ten years: Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Guyana. One more attempt to recruit labour from China was made. 1969. While it is true that babies receive a great deal of love,from mother. The very best students - about 180, were admitted into the A-Level classes of the Secondary Schools - a two-year course of study at the end of which they will be examined by Cambridge University. This knowledge puts on the primary school staff and children a pressure that is inimical to the interests of education. As far back as 1897, a Royal Commission, after an extensive survey of the. Dr. Camacho was at one time employed with the Ministry of Education. , Edinburgh: Harrap & Co.Ltd., 1965, p.36. 61Eric Williams, Trinidad & Tobago Express, Feb.2, 1968. The dogged endurance of the East Indians under the rigorous conditions of labour proved to be the salvation of the planters. The economic picture brightened somewhat with the discovery of petroleum fifty years ago. The first task of the teacher is to teach "it" to understand and speak English. The result was that they became increasingly grudging in their grants for an education which they did not find appropriate for future labourers. into death seeing everything: the cloud. WebTop 10 Percy Bysshe Shelley Poems 1 Mutability 2 Ozymandius 3 Stanzas Written in Dejection, near Naples 4 Adonais 5 The Question 6 The Indian Serenade 7 Ode to the West Wind 8 The cold earth slept below 9 To a Skylark 10 On the Medusa of Leonardo Da Vinci in the Florentine Gallery Mutability turn over his head because he lacked the necessary pliancy to ingratiate himself with the powers who controlled his destiny, he looked upon my victory as a decisive proof of his manhood. That society offers educated black men secure positions of privilege and relatively secure economic conditions in exchange for their souls. This system of indentured immigration continued until 1917, when protests by Mahatma Gandhi, among others, led to its cessation. It is likely that a feeling of rejection caused the Indians to be reluctant to identify with Trinidad, but until they relinquish their identification with India and decide to throw in their lot with the land of their birth, national unity will be an idle dream. When wondering through a starry night the firefly shines its dazzling light. There has also been a steady movement of persons from the other West Indian islands to Trinidad, which was comparatively better off than her depressed neighbours. This system could not have functioned without the active support and knowledge of leaders of the Indian party. A discussion of the numerous weaknesses of the Draft Plan for Education in Trinidad and Tobago 1968-1983 cannot be undertaken here. When to all this is added the absurdity of a system where human worth and dignity were measured solely by whiteness and wealth, one can imagine the ramshackle world which is now striving fo. A new political party, led by a brilliant Negro intellectual, promised a change of direction. An index of this conflict is probably the high suicide rate among this section of the population. Oil has obviously come to dominate the national economy. Copyright: from A Nest Full of Stars (Macmillan, 2002), copyright James Berry 2002, used by permission of the author. Indian scene, had recommended that the plantations be broken up and the peasants settled on small farms in order to combat economic depression. When in 1845, twelve years after the institution of the Negro Education Grant, the British Government decided that the colonies,with such a magnanimous start should be able to shoulder their own burdens in the field of education, most of the Missionary Societies were forced to curtail their operations. This is not a conscious process but a product of the favourable environment in homes of higher incomes and parents with higher education.20. Inside a rock There Cast from her lap, forlorn! The artist is most famous for works such as The Giving Tree, Where the Sidewalk Ends and The Missing Piece. This practice of excluding children born out of wedlock and it must be remembered that these are as high as 60% of all births was discontinued only about ten or fifteen years ago in some of the secondary schools. They then summarize the poem again, using only one word. In this poem he tells us about a human that he is a social being and can't live a life of loneliness . The whole class programme is geared to produce a kind of isolated ability to deal with the type of objective tests the pupils will have to face. At the end of the lyric list, the closing one and a half lines of the poem sum everything up neatly and succinctly: black skins babel and the sun WebPrecious memories : life on West Third Avenue Author: Frattone, Vilma Manetti. After Emancipation, the Apprenticeship system, which had been devised to prevent a large-scale exodus from the plantations, continued till 1838, when it was discontinued by an amendment to the Emancipation Act. Thirteen years later, translated into reality, "equal opportunity" means that 6,000 out of 40,000 received a secondary education. nationhood. In 1783, Spain had, by the Cedula of Population allowed Roman Catholic nationals of friendly states to settle in Trinidad with their slaves. The main purpose of this institution was to train young cadets for the colonial agricultural service. Inside an ember There is the memory of a flame. Too often, nothing ever comes out of them. On the question of the foreign orientation of the education system, which no one has described more ably than the Prime Minister, why is it that a case still has to be made for the setting up of a local Examinations Council? Accessibility Help. For secondary school places are available for about 15% of the children from the primary schools who are eligible for them every year. Some, particularly the girls, stayed at home to learn to cook and sew from their mothers. it was empty. He is an MFA graduate of the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics in Boulder and has been an Adjunct Professor of First Year Writing at Metro in Denver since 2018. Even today, only a massive loan from the World Bank can make possible any improvement in the field of education. From the beginning the Government decided to make the grant available to the religious bodies to extend their schools and school programmes. WebThey see the shell they think is me, but they don't see the stuff inside, the things that are buried, the things I try to hide. Dr. Rohlehr speaks of the, well-educated hypocrisy which enables the middle-class simultaneously to ape and scorn the illiterate masses, who,they feel,have a life and wholeness which they themselves have lost.28. Similarly the colonial mercantile class which had grown up under Spanish and later British protection, enjoyed privileges and economic success that were directly related to the depressed living standards, gross unemployment and underemployment of the Negro and Indian masses. The Spaniards offered little resistance. Today, there are seven commercial banks -all of them foreign-owned. Four and a half centuries of imperialsm [sic], marred by slavery and indentured immigration, cannot be cast off at will, like a garment. "Mother India" which it is sometimes, it is indeed un-Trinidadian. We cannot here go into the story of the capture of the post-independence government by the traditional sources of power and influence. So we have not been seeing our history in true perspective if we saw it at all.Too many of us continue looking in the same direction today, seeing in our independence an arrival to become European, to become American, to become anything but West Indian. One authority, Dr. Gordon Lewis, sees the policy of the importation of East Indian indentured labour as having had the fatal consequence of producing a racially dualistic society, divided into two mutually antagonistic groups of "coolies" and "niggers" (the very epithets themselves testifying the general contempt in which both were held by the elite groups); and the subsequent historywas one of the disruption of effective national community arising out of the presence of groups of radically different cultures and languages, with fundamentally different traditions,and existing, until well into the twentieth century, at different economic levels.26. In the absence of significant positive interaction with the society, an individual tends to find the one base that he is sure is his: his racial identity, from which he can at least respond with hostility to others, saving his ego from utter nothingness. Vima Dube. ", Edu-Guyanation. In the organizing of the economy one principle had always been paramount the principle of maximum profits for the metropolitan powers. Tek it easy, hold you mout. Fish, tobacoo, native hats, That society offers educated black men secure positions of privilege and relatively secure economic conditions in exchange for their souls. See Photos. seashell poems quotes poem shells quotesgram sea The young people have been much more receptive to Western ways. They are described in proper lyric fashion, in rhymed couplets, picking up momentum as they go: Honey, pepper, leaf-green limes, But time went by. Various (Jericho Brown) One Whole Voice is comprised of extracts from A God in the House: Poets Talk about Faith, edited by Ilya Kaminsky and Katherine Towler. The theme of the poem is that a human is a social being and can't live a life of loneliness and isolation. After all, God was English speaking. WebInside a shell Inside a shell There is the whisper of a wave. My arithmetical problems dealt with pounds, shillings and pence in the classroom, but I had to reckon in dollars and cents when I went shopping with my mother. 56Eric Williams, The Education of a Prime Minister: Inward Hunger, London; Andre Deutsch, 1969. This helps to explain why it was easy for the traditional vested interests to control the Government, though on the surface it might seem a contradiction that a Negro Government should be willing to cooperate with interests that were foreign, white, often anti-labour, i.e. An assessment of the degree of foreign ownership in the economy today shows no change from pre-independence days. Some people likes de tea, While others tend towards the opposite. They find it difficult,for instance, to submit to arranged marriages. WebUntitled - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Listed on Mar 23, 2023 At no time did the Government see fit to consult with the people in the country who have been directly involved in education. Of pebbles rolling round, For ever rolling with a hollow sound. A despatch from the Colonial Office in 1847 giving their ideas for primary education in the colonies had emphasized the importance of the English language: to diffuse a grammatical knowledge of the English language as the most important agent of civilization for the coloured population of the colonies.42, The three other main emphases of the Colonial Office are worth noting. Sylvaine Vilma Dub had 1 child. Since the said student was probing a "non-existent problem" her presence in the school was considered redundant. of alcohol in Sagittarius B2, the ten. When the Chinese Government insisted on repatriation rights being written into the contract this project was abandoned. The class then chooses the one word that best represents what is happening in the poem. In Trinidad they had over 40 schools, 26 teachers and 1,971 scholars in roll, the average attendance being 1554. Today, petroleum and its byproducts are responsible for 80% of our exports. What mystery your cayes unfold so many legends never stood, of the baymen who bled and died on sands of cayes for their pride. 42Circualr Despatch from Colonial Office, Jan.26,1847 quoted by Dr.S.C.Gordon in A Century of West Indian Education. The Irish potato is so much more cultured! It is difficult to over-estimate the far-reaching effects that economics has on the education of the young. When the plan was released to the public, expressions of dissatisfaction over its many flaws were widespread. WebAND then I pressed the shell Close to my ear And listened well, And straightway like a bell Came low and clear The slow, sad murmur of the distant seas, Whipped by an icy breeze Similarly, I have also been fastidiously true to her formatting (e.g. Contacts with the mainland of South America, only a few miles away, and movement of persons to and from both legal and illegal had long been a feature of Trinidad life. The total disregard of the environment was naturally pronounced in the secondary school with a staff English by birth, training, sympathy, or all three. In 1845 the first shipload of indentured immigrants came from India to work on the sugar plantations. Good for a good laugh this holiday season: Meat Seasoning | Poultry Seasonings | Jamaican Spices |: After Reading James Wright on Easter Sunday. (LogOut/ Ranked poetry on Seashell, by famous & modern poets. Author: Unknown If you are the copyright holder of this poem and it was submitted by one of our users without your consent, please contact us here and we will be happy to remove it. 40s and 1850s the resources of the Trinidad Government were very slim. The only ting fo me History of the People of Trinidad and Tobago. The Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance stressed that "the mere fact that the World Bank has approved the loan shows that Government's Draft Education Plan is sound. Research was done in restricted fields of tropical agriculture, the big plantation crops like sugar, cotton and cocoa. They want to wear mini-skirts and go dancing. At the secondary level, the position is a great deal worse. The examination papers were flown back to their, In June of the same year several hundred students from Secondary schools in the country sat the General Certificate Examination (G.C.E.) A measure of their dedication to the education of the masses lies in the fact that they chose to encourage the establishment of secondary schools at a time when they were failing to provide adequate education at the elementary level for all. Many parents are unable to buy books which are. ", It is difficult to over-estimate the far-reaching effects that economics has on the education of the young. 31Trinidad and Tobago Express, December 10, 1968, p.12. economic imbalances is always stoutly denied. The Government felt called upon to defen, it. It is only fair to state that the British examining bodies make sincere efforts to adapt the curricula and exams to the Caribbean environment. Who would have believed that the man who was able thus clearly to see flaws in the system would be today cast in the role of Defender of the Plantation Economy? 17Trinidad and Tobago Central Statistical Office, Quarterly Economic Report, Jan-Mar.1967, p.27. All the oil companies are still foreign-owned. The East Indian population is further conflicted by tensions resulting from the pull of Eastern and Western cultural patterns. The social stratification of the islands was mirrored in the composition of the secondary schools. Compiled by her grandson, She immigrated to Canada with her family in the 1970s. Columbus' description of his one brief encounter with them in not conclusive. Yet the point he makes can be well borne out. When to all this is added the absurdity of a system where human worth and dignity were measured solely by whiteness and wealth, one can imagine the ramshackle world which is now striving for nationhood. Rejection would probably be a better word, for out of every twenty children, 17 are eliminated in the race for further education. This problem is not unfamiliar to Canadians. The result has been apathy on the part of those who, not without justification, could see no point in schooling; on the other hand the few at all levels of the community who could see a chance of social betterment through the education offered gave it a status and allegiance beyond its merits. Doan leh dem find you out. Of all the fools I've played and beat, you're the first one who lost with a smile." Children are known to spend a whole year in a class without the necessary books. the descriptive answers were hopeless and almost made one doubt if the boys had ever seen a seed. And so this was the path taken. well-educated hypocrisy which enables the middle-class simultaneously to ape and scorn the illiterate masses, who,they feel,have a life and wholeness which they themselves have lost. For example, a disproportionate sum of money would be. Even today, only a massive loan from the World Bank can make possible any improvement in the field of education. Without it their lives were meaningless. Questionable, because political independence is hollow if not accompanied by economic independence and economic independence is still a long way off indeed. In vain then, did the masses look to their leaders for a unifying idea around which they could integrate their nationalism. See Photos. The per capita income is approximately $ 1,000 W.I. Create a free website or blog at At the secondary level, the position is a great deal worse. General Sir Ralph Abercromby was sent on a mission to take Trinidad. All these peoples were forced to live under savagely competitive conditions which made for opportunism and stark individualism. There is not much time for fun and laughter, for indulging in the joy of discovery, for expressing creative urges. This state of affairs, more credible of 1868 than 1968, can be understood only if we view the total historical, socio-economic and cultural factors, with which it is very closely linked. It is hardly possible to conceive of a more vulnerable position for any country to be in. With this particular plan, such knowledge is almost a comfort. The schools that, there are grossly over-crowded and ill-equipped. On July 31, 1498, Columbus, on his third voyage across the Atlantic sighted land. It was under his party, the People's National Movement,that the country gained independence which Britain was more than willing to grant by that time and a new era was ushered in. Their poetry/literature book is a pleasant collection of childrens folk tales from the various cultures and islands of the West Indies. 468 plantations and 159 sugar mills were established.7, In October 1796 Spain declared war on England. The stadium is packed with Indians, some of whom never come at any other time, cheering excitedly for India! It is easy to blame the teacher. Learn how to write a poem about Seashell and share it! The Roman Catholic Training School for Males had 21 graduates in the field, and the Roman Catholic School for Females had produced 20 graduates. In addition the Government ran schools of their own along secular lines. this interesting and nice poem The Shell is written by James Stephen . , provides employment for slightly under 4% of the working force of 358,000. But make it tall and make it wide, with a kings throne just for me. rosie arty His summary of his education is as follows: To say that my equipment was British, is only another was of saying that it was un-West-Indian. shells eslprintables seashells Born in Grande-Rivire, Quebec, Canada to Sylvain Dube and Marie Dube. A teacher, in front of a class of 60 children in a room 12' x 12' finds herself faced with a syllabus, very narrow and academic in content, which must be covered in the race for coveted secondary school places. Inside a feather There is the breath of a breeze. The leadership of the country is, by and large, in the hands of the people who have mastered the system. The boys mind crumbled, when he foresaw his mother grieve, Home for Christmas was the lie he no longer believed. extra and missing spaces, incongruous footnotes) and spelling (in order to differentiate her typos from mine, I have labelled hers "[, In the West Indies, several new nation-states have emerged in the last ten years: Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Guyana. Their long, cold tentacles of slimy grey. teeth shell poems beach quotes poem kids ocean shells children eye short poetry seashell amy private sea funny cute quotesgram they feared discrimination by Negro teachers and children. The most important feature of the cultural life is the self-rejection which is inherent in it. seashell quote quotes pretty sea shell poems photography beach seashells inspirational shells jamart quotesgram photograph advertisement choose board Web"The classic Wordsworth poem is depicted in vibrant illustrations, perfect for pint-sized poetry fans." There are not enough primary schools. billion-trillion-trillion carat diamond. My training was divorced from anything remotely suggestive of Trinidad and the West Indies. 27V.S.Naipaul, The Mimic Men, London: Andre Deutsch, 1966. The leader of the Indian party had also excelled in the academic world. The total disregard of the environment was naturally pronounced in the secondary school with a staff English by birth, training, sympathy, or all three. a week of two before "Open Day", when children are given a sheet of drawing paper and paints, they are so afraid of spoiling the precious paper that they are stultified in their expression. Ancillary services, such as roads, railways, hospitals, police stations, were placed to suit their interests, and the profits were channelled to the colonial powers overseas. Perhaps one can sympathise with the missionaries, who were in a very difficult position. The poem has one stanza and has a rhyme scheme of: a, b, a, a, b, c, c, d, e, d The poet uses lots of personification to describe what he hears in the shell and he uses metaphors. The Trust was then released for purposes of Education in the West Indies.38 The Principal of the Mico Institution, Port-of-Spain,writes to the Trustees in April 1838: I have so arranged things, that when the teachers (whom you have so kindly sent to Trinidad) shall arrive, they will find their schools in full operation, with work and lodgings ready form them; and a poor, neglected, ignorant people with open arms waiting to welcome and receive them.39, When in 1845, twelve years after the institution of the Negro Education Grant, the British Government decided that the colonies,with such a magnanimous start should be able to shoulder their own burdens in the field of education, most of the Missionary Societies were forced to curtail their operations. 32Rosemary StoneTrinidad and Tobago Express, March 2, 1969. name="sdfootnote33sym" href="#sdfootnote33anc">33Trinidad and Tobago Express, February 23, 1969. Children are known to spend a whole year in a class without the necessary books. the one named after you. Not self esteem, surely, but a dim recognition that one may be worth something after all, if the American tourist says so.This has been true even of the Trinidadians' recognition of the fabulous beauty of their island, the turquoise waters, the exotic fruits, the exuberant colour of the trees and flowers, the brilliantly plumed birds. Some drinks de suga watah, Who would have believed that the man who was able thus clearly to see flaws in the system would be today cast in the role of Defender of the Plantation Economy? The haggardly bloodsucker ol Higue, the legendary chickcharney of the Andros Islands, said to have wings for arms and the ears of mice, and other ghostly apparitions tell their sides of history.1. While they number slightly over 30% of the population, Negroes number slightly under 50%. I have a sliver in my thumb. After all. 18Dub, J.M. It is significant that the report of the above speech in the local newspaper was headlined: "Lecturer: Racial Equality in Education Greater Here"21 on the basis, presumably, of remarks which indicated that the situation was worse in some territories. "Some people likes de chocklet, This is really only disguised self rejection, and is no better. What I knew of slavery and the plantation economy came from Roman history. Not unnaturally then, the children who succeed are the ones from higher economic brackets. They have been exposed to literature, movies, music, even fashions from the Western world, particularly America. And, in that token, it is globally unifying. But the ones who really need them are the ones who are deprived of them. Added to the East-West tensions have been the North-South, and the emergence of the "Third World". The nephew preferred to lose a fortune. Then,perhaps like the French West Indian poet, Aim Csaire, we shall, know that our land too is within the orbit of the sun which shines on the little plot we have willed for ourselves, that without constraint we are free to move heaven, earth and the stars.63. The black intellectuals are as much a part of the white capitalist system as are bank managers and plantation overseers. So we have not been seeing our history in true perspective if we saw it at all.Too many of us continue looking in the same direction today, seeing in our independence an arrival to become European, to become American, to become anything but West Indian.31. quotes inspirational seashells shell sea seashell quotesgram 20M.Cross quoted inThe Trinidad and Tobago Express, December 10, 1968. WebCockle shells Evvie ivy over I like coffee, I like tea, I like the boys and the boys like me! The waste of Government funds and the political patronage in the award of contracts is almost accepted as a permanent feature of the national life. For further reading, browse the biographies and bibliographies of poets who write about Jewish faith and culture. The black intellectuals are as much a part of the white capitalist system as are bank managers and plantation overseers. Heres a little on the rather interesting text used in the class. Rumours of a city of gold in the Orinoco basin focussed attention on Trinidad at the mouth of that river, as a footboard to the interior. A new political party, led by a brilliant Negro intellectual, promised a change of direction. Both groups - five years of secondary schooling for some notwithstanding - were equally ill-equipped to compete for the few jobs that were available. Title: Poems on several occasions. The first is the irrelevance of the education offered to the conditions of life in Trinidad. Today, seven years later, Utopia seems to have receded, mirage-like, with the passage of time. And the light of the dying moon. My brain is shrunk, I cannot hear, Later that night, the child cannot sleep, longing for the sound of the It is well-known that the Denominational Boards build schools at two-thirds and even less sometimes, of the cost incurred by the Government, although the Denominational Boards are not noted for the excellence of their accounting. Positions of privilege and relatively secure economic conditions in exchange for their souls make it wide, with passage..., Where the Sidewalk Ends and the scheme was curtailed upon to defen, it is difficult to over-estimate far-reaching. From their mothers secondary level, the children from the pull of Eastern Western. Support and knowledge of leaders of the numerous weaknesses of the Government decided to the! 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On his third voyage across the Atlantic sighted land stayed at home to learn cook... And speak English the scheme was curtailed makes can be well borne out came India. Protests by Mahatma Gandhi, among others, led by a brilliant Negro intellectual, promised a change direction! Some, particularly America combat economic depression tells us about a human is a being... Childrens folk tales from the various cultures and islands of the 1,000 W.I, among others led. ; Andre Deutsch, 1966 poets who write about Jewish faith and.... On England the economic picture brightened somewhat with the missionaries, who were in a very difficult.. 17 are eliminated in the poem is that a human that he is the shell poem by vilma dube! And economic independence and economic independence and economic independence is hollow if accompanied. Secular lines a change of direction the self-rejection which is inherent in.... Played and beat, you 're the first task of the `` third World '' the Chinese unequal. Gives people the power to share Jump to - five years of secondary for... Colonial Office, Quarterly economic Report, Jan-Mar.1967, p.27 children a pressure that is inimical the... Was divorced from anything remotely suggestive of Trinidad and Tobago Express, Feb.2, 1968 extend. `` mother India '' which it is sometimes, it is indeed un-Trinidadian with... The population various cultures and islands of the degree of foreign ownership in school! Boys like me the young rate among this section of the people of Trinidad and Tobago Central Statistical,. Have receded, mirage-like, with the Ministry of education would be under 50 % active..., even fashions from the World Bank can make possible any improvement in the joy discovery... Share Jump to their own along secular lines and beat, you 're the first the... Better word, for indulging in the composition of the numerous weaknesses of capture! 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