The academic sense drawn from OPs would have suggested this from research indicating actual study and analysis not just slinging nonsense. The Fate of the Romanovs is both encyclopaedic and compelling. The guards at Ekaterinberg were lower class, but a few, including the leader, were also fanatic Bolsheviks. The White armies, which supported the tsar, were approaching; the prisoners could already hear the boom of the big guns. More research was needed, they claimed. When the firing commenced, the bullets flew wildly, some ricocheting off the Romanov children because they had sewn diamonds into their underclothes to keep the family valuables safe, ensuring they could pay their way in the event that they did escape. That isnt research. It's fairly common to use rape as a way to torture and humiliate prisoners. He never, as far as I know, mentioned it to anyone else, but perhaps he wished to protect the honour of his former pupil. OMG R23 -- you mean movies aren't always the actual truth???? Please click here to get full access and no ads for $1.99 or less per month. WebAnd a gang of sadistic Roman soldiers ripped a Mans clothes off and whipped Him while He was stark naked, then they forcibly dressed Him in a humiliating costume, beat Him up again, ripped the costume off, and threw His own clothes back on Him. At about 1 a.m. on July 17, 1918, in a fortified mansion in the town of Ekaterinburg, in the Ural Mountains, the Romanovsex-tsar Nicholas II, ex-tsarina Alexandra, their five children, and their four remaining servants, including the loyal family doctor, Eugene Botkinwere awoken by their Bolshevik captors and told they must dress and gather their belongings for a swift nocturnal departure. Seuss' 'How the Grinch stole Christmas!' And Alex was a VERY sloppy pass around bottom--such a bleeder! WebOlga Romanova Facts. At first, during the spring of 1917, the ex-imperial family was allowed to live in relative comfort at a favorite residence, the Alexander Palace at Tsarskoe Selo, not far from Petrograd. He knows how to wear clothes but he's nicer nude. After returning to Yekaterinburg to discuss the problem, it was decided to retrieve the bodies and rebury them in a deeper copper mine to the west. They gathered in the cellar of the mansion, standing together almost as if they were posing for a family portrait. And 75 years later, documents which have been locked inside the most secret archives of the British state are chilling in their account of the murders: "She kept running about and hid herself behind a pillow, on her body were 32 wounds. Gibbes, locked away in his cabin, listened helplessly, as he later told his son George, as the drunken guards harassed the Grand Duchesses. Their Season five, episode six of .css-gegin5{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:inherit;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:#9a0500;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}.css-gegin5:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}The Crown, Ipatiev House, focuses on the relationship between the British royal family and the Romanovs. site without all this bureaucratic nonsense, His son, Alexander III, unleashed a wave of repression. Knowing human beings and how we have not evolved as much as we liked to think, I would guess there was some sexual abuse. They were met by 25 accomplices, also drunk, who had arrived on horseback bearing lamps and expressed disappointment that the Romanovs were already dead as they had hoped to have the pleasure of lynching them. no deposit bonus codes for account holders Webdoom iptv activation code free 2022 mlive car accident ann arbor hillsboro air show 2022 dates. Since then there have been conflicting reports from government and church officials on when, or if, the entire Romanov family will be reburied and reunited, even if only in death. WebAlexei Romanov, 13, suffered an attack of bleeding as a result of the haemophiliathat beset the family at this time and only joined his parents three weeks later, along with his sisters Romanovs were very close and tight, especially when they were sent away from Petrograd. WebThe Rurikids and even early Romanovs did marry Russian women. The last tsar of the Russian Empire, Nicholas II, was killed by the Bolsheviks in 1918 along with his wife and five children. Unlike the French, the Russians retained a strong reverence for their royal family. The new book picks up one year after the original, and like the first, teaches a valuable lesson about the true spirit of the holiday. Their stay there was bearable but depressing. I recently completed a history of the Romanov dynasty, and I am often asked if I censored anything from the gruesome and sexually explicit materials I discovered in the archives of the family's three-century rule. [quote]I am going to guess that those guards were more protective of those girls rather than lusting after them. Yet the scholarly evidence, primarily Massie, does not show any physical rape. He died of liver disease, aged 49, in 1894, and was succeeded by his son, Nicholas. Yet the family adapted. The gossip/fake news of the day assumed Rasputin (and it was not fake news that he was a horse-cocked fucker of anything with a vagina) was screwing the Empress and the dumpy confidante of the Empress, Anna Vyrubova. The revolutions might not have happened if the attempt at a constitutional monarchy that occurred after the 1905 violence had not been hindered by Nicholas' reactionary uncles and also his wife. you think it was their poverty? The historical evidence is there -- traces of it, known to specialists. Goloshchekin travelled to Moscow to obtain the order for the assassination and is thought to have secured it from Vladimir Lenin himself, although no paper trail exists to confirm the fact, no doubt deliberate on the part of the Bolshevik leader. On the night of the execution the children had pulled on this secretly bejeweled underwear, which was reinforced with the hardest material in existence. The Empress aged faster than a steam train, and -- fun fact -- ended up wearing merkins, which were discovered amongst her belongings after the massacre. WebThe girls, meanwhile, were sexually molested on the train. Originally published at on July 12, 2018. She brought to the relationship paranoia, mystical fanaticism, and a vindictive and steely will. Up till the moment the family were told they were to be shot, they were reasonably happy. [quote]I was OBSESSED with Nicholas and Alexandra as a young 12-year-old gayling. That is your mind, OP. George was adopted by Sidney Gibbes (who has been presumed to be gay, and who later become a priest and lapsed into eccentricity), when he was 16. The answer is yes, but only one once. A century later, the Romanov ghosts are still not at peace. Always in fear of being perved on/raped/assaulted/killed. Hamou, who has an impressive record in the courts, is a character worthy of DL recognition: she and Alexander Palace boys created many websites where they would slag off each other. Simon Sebag Montefiore is a historian whose latest book is The Romanovs, 1613-1918. The country's great "tsars" were Stalin and Peter the Great, the disastrous ones Mikhail Gorbachev and Nicholas II. Each was meant to fire at a different family member, but many of them secretly wished to avoid shooting the girls, so they all aimed at the loathed Nicholas and Alexandra, killing them almost instantly. R51 Youre right, Alix aged fast, she is only 42 in the picture. Their heads were probably shaved so their lesions could be treated. Rumour and deceit are mixed together in the reports, along with vividly accurate accounts piecing together the grisly events of 16 and 17 July 1918. He ruled Moscow, and he thought the lower classes were drunkard deplorables whose poverty was their own fault. To this end, King and his co-author, Penny Wilson, include material once deemed improper. The claims were wielded against the "Dream On" singer in a Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]. Perhaps, according to one poster, we should cite everything. The church had canonized the family in 2000, which meant that any physical remains were now holy relics. But the fate of the Romanovs was brutal beyond reason. Her Dad, my grandfather, shaved his head in solidarity. In 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the graves were reopened and the identities of the interred confirmed by DNA testing. You must be at least 18 years old to create an account, Must be at least 6 characters, include an upper and lower case character and a number, I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from Evening Standard. Mrs. Most Kremlin observers agree that the final decision regarding the remains of the Romanovs will be Putin's. WebThe imperial highnesses, the Romanovs, one of the most resplendent families in the world, had been shot, stabbed and bludgeoned to death in a cellar on July 17, 1918. The crisis of World War I placed the fragile regime under intolerable stress. it would be the imperial russia's doom. It most likely accounts for his placidity at the time of the abdication and prior. In February 1917, Nicholas II lost control of protests in St. Petersburg (which had been renamed Petrograd during the war to sound less German) and was soon forced to abdicate, replaced by a republic under a provisional government. It is highly unlikely that they ever envisaged their own murders. for your pointless bitchery needs. Thus, the would not have approved of sexual contact with the lascivious decadent upper classes. Although Rasputin was a fake in most ways, what's interesting is that he did actually help Alexis. It was essential, the church maintained, that it have a role in making sure the bodies were correctly identified. The violence lasted a horrifying 20 minutes, with one of the killers later recalling that the scene was as slippery as the surface of an ice rink, according to historian Simon Sebag Montefiore. The personal inadequacies of Nicholas and Alexandra led them both to seek support and advice from Grigori Rasputin, a holy man whose notorious sexual promiscuity, hard drinking, and corrupt and inept political machinations in their name further isolated the couple from the government and people of Russia. The most legendary claimant to being a survivor was a woman who appeared in 1920 saying she was Anastasia, the youngest of the daughters. Sign up for exclusive newsletters, comment on stories, enter competitions and attend events. I wouldnt take those films too seriously because they take artistic freedoms here and there. Among the remains they found a finger. There wasnt a trial, and the only ones who died quickly were Nicholas II and his wife. He was also a religious fanatic. By the beginning of July 1918 it was clear that Ekaterinburg was going to fall to the Whites. King and Wilson do not go into the possible escape and survival of Anastasia. All of the immediate Romanov family members And almost everybody is willing to embrace the tsars as part of Russia's magnificent past. A trusted Bolshevik factotum was dispatched to bring the Romanovs westward, and in April 1918 they endured a terrifying trip by train and carriage. And, as he has told his entourage, unlike Gorbachev and the last Romanov tsar, "I'll never abdicate.". It was an effective approach that, ironically, could have been taken from any number of Romanov tsars' playbooks.
In their final weeks the mother and sisters shunned Maria as there was evidence she had improper relations with one of the guards. Yet around the time of Charles II, Russia was moving towad the brutal autocracy of Peter the Great and was actually beginning, yes beginning, a policy of serfdom. It was overall a "slop" job. I've read that too, r46. The eldest daughter, Olga, became depressed, but the playful and spirited younger girls, especially the beautiful Maria and the mischievous Anastasia, began to interact with the guards. 1. Like the shootings, the secret disposal of the victims remains was also badly bungled. Tom Baker (Doctor Who) makes a good, creepy Rasputin.
Iirc that is from a primary source. But King and Wilson do successfully lay to rest the myth which maintains the family went stoically to their deaths like martyrs. WebThe best evidence we have comes from an investigation conducted by the White authorities in Omsk, who interviewed survivors of the royal family's entourage as well as people Otherwise, you'll just have to find some other site I know some of you won't believe it but there ARE other things in life besides sex. Hello and thank you for being a DL contributor. rasputin may have been dodgy in many ways but the royal family absolutely should have listened to him and they DIDN'T. I think they were. That is hardly an execution. The description of the massacre in horrific, I cannot imagine the terror they went through. They had money enough. There are no evidence of such crimes. Their internet war went on for the best part of a decade. Alexei Romanov, 13, suffered an attack of bleeding as a result of the haemophilia that beset the family at this time and only joined his parents three weeks later, along with his sisters Olga, Tatiana and Anastasia, who were sexually assaulted by their guards in transit. Lenin claimed the Revolution needed no historians well, now that phrase slaps him in the face, as the Putin fascist theocracy has canonized the family, not as martyrs, but as "Passion-bearers," kind of like Confessors, who adhered to their Christian faith before they died. Paging Mrs. Ramsey. Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? "It is very difficult to tell because it is so very swollen. Not even the most advanced medical science of the day could save the kid or get her pregnant at her age, there was just no saving the situation. He spent three days and three nights, sleeplessly driving back and forth to the woods, collecting sulfuric acid and gasoline to destroy the bodies, which he finally decided to bury in separate places to confuse anyone who might find them. By clicking Sign up you confirm that your data has been entered correctly and you have read and agree to our Terms of use, Cookie policy and Privacy notice. Lenin famously said that "revolutions are meaningless without firing squads," and he was soon considering, along with lieutenant Yakov Sverdlov, whether to place Nicholas on public trialto be followed by his executionor just kill the entire family. The Bolsheviks could not afford to have the Romanovs fall into the hands of the Whites, lest they became symbols around which anti-communists could rally or provide foreign governments with an alternative head of state to recognise. Also murdered R33 Im not Russian nor support its politics in any way. She certainly didn't deserve Nicholas, who was wet dream material as a young man. There were horrible pictures of Rasputin and the Empress and inscriptions boasting of outrage, and the shrieks that were heard at night tend to confirm this. R17 Empress, much hated by Russians because of her friendship to Rasputin, German origins and her shyness which made her nervous and silent with society and when meeting with people. The young leader regarded the fall of the USSR as "the greatest catastrophe of the 20th century," and as soon as he took office he started centralizing power, reining in foreign influences and promoting a combination of nationalism, Orthodox faith, and aggressive foreign policy.
She was killed along with others in the family around the same time the royal family was murdered. She had great deal of health problems both physical and mental but she wasnt a happy person. All of this made Lenin even more anxious. Then begins a flurry of requests and reports across half the world to establish the truth of the allegations. Ultimately, though, his well-intentioned but weak personalitywhich also comprised duplicity, obstinacy, and delusioncontributed to the disasters that befell the dynasty and Russia. What you describe is the frau misuse of reserach which is little more than flipping randomly through websites.
Girl Problems. Yes, they were raped by the Bolsheviks and you can find the black and white, silent footage on pornhub. The mayhem lasted 20 agonizing minutes. By agreeing to the church's conditions, Putin was appeasing an important ally. our privacy/terms or if you just want to see the damn There was a time when men did have some common decency and respect. I didn't think about them being raped (what 12-year-old would think about that) and their brother was a hemophiliac. There has always been a significant portion of the population who are evil, crooks, murderers, rapists, you name it.
So, no one's going to say anything about the disgusting creep @ R47, who is tempted to rape anyone who is good looking and fit? Get involved in exciting, inspiring conversations with other readers. The Empress was an absolute tin-plated cow from go to whoa.
(For the latter, scientists were able to use blood caked on a tunic the tsar was wearing when he was assassinated.). Having gathered the royals in the basement, Commandant Yakov Yurovsky, charged with organising the execution, read aloud the death sentence from the Ural Executive Committee to the assembled royals and their loyal domestics, still rubbing the sleep from their eyes. "I am dumbfounded as to why she was such a terrible consort. [quote]Ive seen speculation on DL that Nicholas was raped.
Yes, that could be true about Maria. Ermakov, in his stupor, had only brought one shovel, so Yurovsky dismissed the work crew, retaining only five to help with the burial in an abandoned mineshaft. Like I said, she didn't really have any better options than faith healers, and by all accounts Rasputin was a very good faith healer. However, there have been rumors and I am going to guess that those guards were more protective of those girls rather than lusting after them. The younger two: Maria and Anastasia suffered more than their older sisters.
Also, the Romanovs didn't only marry German women, Danish women were quite popular as well. "We do not know whose finger it was. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. R25 Alixs grand mother Queen Victoria had her doubts, too. Skorokhodov smuggled a birthday cake into the compound and presented it to Maria on 26 June when she turned 19, but was subsequently removed from duty when his superior, Filipp Goloshchekin, learned of their relationship and tightened security. They are nasty, evil fuckers. Next week marks the 100th anniversary of the execution of the Russian royal family by their Bolshevik captors, one of the most shocking events in 20th century history. R15 Once guards got to know the family they began to feel sorry for them. They believed they would get to rape all of the women before they slaughtered them. The teenage Alexei suffered an attack of bleeding and had to be left behind; he came to Ekaterinburg three weeks later with three of his sisters. It means the only source to understand what she was thinking was gone. Yes of course historical films aren't 100% accurate, but in this case the events are pretty well-documented and closely follow the historical accounts. That whole crowd (much like the BRF that spawned her) wanted nothing to do with the general public unless it absolutely had to. They brought this horrible untrustworthy corrupt man into the inner royal circles and made him a public figure, out of love for their son. The Romanovs received limited rations and were watched by hostile young guards. To me, she just looks bored, And they do not explain why, later in the day, Olga managed to fret over a Bolshevik guard who had fallen from a ladder and hurt his foot. It's questions like this that make professional historians despise history buffs. In 1871 Emperor Alexander had bled to death after a terrorist bomb was thrown at him in St Petersburg. I will not stand for laughter of the queens of Canaan, Babylon, Troy! Anything more horrible than the last week of the family cannot be imagined.". According to a Foreign Office spokesman many of the British files on the murder of the Romanov family were classified as "top secret" until this release. If youre doing actual research, you would know that facts drive your conclusion - not the other way around. WebFirstly, the Romanov family were murdered, not executed. There has never been such a time, r66.
I dont think they were the barbarians some of you are painting them as. Some are hand-written letters between King George, Nicholas's cousin, and the then foreign secretary, AJ Balfour. In return Mr Ivanov handed over original documents captured by Soviet forces from the Germans at the end of the Second World War. When the King did learn of the full gruesome details in July 1919 his aide, Lord Stamfordham, wrote to the Foreign Office, describing the King's horror and conveying the King's desire that such details should be kept from the press. Aspirin induces blood thinning and bleeding, the last thing you'd prescribe for a hemophiliac. Thats all. His eyes are stunning. [quote]Didn't they butt rape the little son? The situation of mass rape after WWII was a different situation, other than that the perpetrators were lower class Russians (ground down by both Stalin's and Hitler's tyranny, far worse than that of the last Czar). unfortunately, the nasty little creep felix made sure rasputin died before he could talk some sense into the pliable, weak nikolai.
Just about every detail of the plan was ill conceived and would be grotesquely bungled in practice. They contained hundreds of documents from the British archives on the death of the last Tsar and his family at the hands of the Bolsheviks. Alexandra was fucked, because she'd failed in her duty to produce a healthy heir and carry on the dynasty, and by they time the realized what the situation was, nothing could be done. WebThe Russian Imperial Romanov family (Nicholas II of Russia, his wife Alexandra Feodorovna, and their five children: Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and Alexei) were shot and bayoneted to death by Bolshevik revolutionaries under Yakov Yurovsky on the orders of the Ural Regional Soviet in Yekaterinburg on the night of 1617 July 1918. R15, thats what it means to be a woman, isnt it? One thing is certain: Putin's view of Russian history, fueled by his regular reading of historical biographies, is organized by success and achievement, not ideology. Why wasn't seeking to make Grand Duchess Olga heir apparent an option by attempting to overturn what Emperor Paul had put in place forbidfing women to serve as rulers of Russia? [quote]Empress, much hated by Russians because of her friendship to Rasputin. Massie and other authors have speculated that Rasputin's ability to transfix Alexis and calm him down, may have allowed the mind to allow his body to relax and the blood loss to lessen. Eventually the bodies were piled into a truck, which soon broke down.
R12, The ignorant conclusion drawn by r15, presumably a male, would seem to refute your assumptions about "frau misuse of research," no? Or had someone escaped? Alix has to be one of the most interesting person in the history of royals because she made so poor choices. R24 My reply was to R23 who mentioned 1971 film. They relate largely to the fate of British prisoners of war held by the Germans. The members of the inexperienced death squad, brandishing an assortment of firearms, were themselves hit in the melee. Raping the civilians is seen as a demoralization and humiliation attack. There was a hint of romance between Maria and one of the guards but Alix ended it. The Empress died instantly, but the girls were wearing corsets into which jewels had been sewn as a mean of hiding them in case they were moved again, and jewels caused the bullets to ricochet round the room. But eventually the family was reunited in the gloomy, walled mansion of a merchant named Ipatiev in the center of the city, whose leaders were the most fanatical of Bolsheviks. When they began to examine her she began to scream wildly and they dispatched her with bayonets and butt ends of their rifles.". During that time, the family adapted to their circumstances: Nicholas reading and the boisterous grand duchesses Maria and Anastasia befriending their guards to stave off boredom, the former becoming romantically involved with one, Ivan Skorokhodov, and conspiring with him on how the Romanovs might escape. The authors' tendency to report rumours and counter-rumours along with the facts sometimes muddies already dirty water. They also didnt have the benefit/or access to hot showers or bathing hygiene whenever they wanted once they were prisoners. The burial ceremony for the remains of Tsar Nicholas ll and his family at St. Peter and Paul cathedral in St. Petersburg. Please click here to register for free. And do NOT laugh at me, ever.
Nicholas was indeed handsome and beautiful. WebRomanovs (Russia, July 1918): The treatment of the royal family, now held captive at Ipatiev House in Ekaterinburg, became increasingly harsh. Lenin responded with unbridled terror. The 1998 reburial of the Romanovs was a solemn state event meant to showcase the Russian nation's reconciliation with its past. It is entirely plausible to suggest it was left where it was specifically as ransom for their extraction from captivity. [quote]I wouldnt take those films too seriously because they take artistic freedoms here and there. Alexandra was well-meaning and her intentions were always, to her, moral, but her sheltered Victorian upbringing did not prepare her for the sophisticated politics of the Russian court. Its the kind of story they might have all agreed to in order to protect them. A 300-year-old imperial dynasty, one marked by periods of glorious achievement as well as staggering hubris and ineptitude, was swiftly brought to an end. She hardly ever smiled in public which made people think she hated them. Even though both sets of remains were identified by teams of top international scientists, who compared recovered DNA to samples from living Romanov relatives, members of the Russian Orthodox Church questioned the validity of the findings. I had measles in kindergarten and my head wasnt shaved but I wasnt a young woman with long hair and my understanding is measles is worse for adults/teens than very young children. The Romanov dynasty was linked by blood with many European royal families, including those of Britain and Germany. It was lying there in the ashes as were the false teeth.". Nicky swimming in Finland from a private family album. I read that the drunken peasants who were drafted in to help dispose of the bodies became very angry when the soldiers arrived with a cart full of corpses. So yeah, this was part of Nicholas and Alexandra's genius for doing the wrong thing for the right reason. you know what made the regular folk support the revolution? Testimonies are presented from two members of the Union of Professional Housemaids who saw all four grand duchesses the day before they died. Alexei, too sick to stand, was sat in a chair. They contain voluminous encrypted correspondence between the Foreign Office and its representatives in the field from 1918 to 1920. They were ASKING for it, the little whorinas--especially that trollop Anastasia! Some features on this site require a subscription. WebFirstly, the Romanov family were murdered, not executed. Their leader, Peter Ermakov, was drunk at the time and only managed to hit Maria in the thigh as she tried to run for the doors. But while the Romanovs' political reign was over, the story of the line's last ruler and his family was most certainly not. 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