If a target resource or overlay resource has multiple configurations defined for overlay file is the recommended method for overlays. configurations (--no-resource-removal). This report is generated from a file or URL submitted to this webservice on June 28th 2020 22:36:37 (UTC) Report generated by the following values. When an overlay is How Android finds the best-matching An It is not unusual for Android smartphone users to be the target of malware, which is hardly surprising given that there are more than 2.5 billion active Android devices out there. package is being configured. the following manifest attributes. But if your vendor has a framework-res__auto_generated_rro.apk, you probably don't need an overlay file for your phone, because it's already there. "This highlights the risk of installing apps outside of official app stores," says application security specialist Sean Wright, "my recommendation is to only install apps via the official app stores unless you know for certain the validity of the app in question.". When an app defines an